
  • 网络editing process
  1. 为解释这项任务是如何运行的,我首先要介绍CDT编辑过程的核心类:CEditor。

    To explain how this works , I 'll start with the central class of the CDT editing process : the CEditor .

  2. 编辑过程是关键,我得到了一些非常重要的帮助。

    The editing process was everything , and I had some very serious help .

  3. 与HTML样式匹配需要预先进行细致的协调和规划,并在编辑过程中小心谨慎。

    Matching up HTML styles requires extensive up-front coordination and planning , as well as ongoing editorial vigilance .

  4. 设计了LateComer协调机制,扩展了原有的算法,增强了协同编辑过程的连续性。

    The algorithm improves efficiency and continuity of cooperative editing .

  5. 同时谢谢MarleneEllin在编辑过程中的耐心指导和KurtBittner,MichaelHanford在本文初期迭代阶段提供反馈。

    Thanks also to Marlene Ellin for her patient advice during the editorial process and to Kurt Bittner and Michael Hanford for providing feedback on early iterations of this article .

  6. dokuwiki在您的编辑过程中自动保存了一份草稿,您现在可以使用它继续编辑。

    DokuWiki automatically saved a draft during your work which you may now use to continue your editing .

  7. 图形编辑过程冲突消解策略研究

    Research on Collision Check Strategy in Process of Graph Editing

  8. 编辑过程可以处理得跟工作流引擎内部要求的一样。

    The editorial process could proceed as required inside the workflow engine .

  9. 计算机技术在编辑过程中的运用

    The Application of Computer Technology in the Course of Editing

  10. 科技论文编辑过程中的元认知监控

    Metacognition Supervision in the Process of Editing Scientific Papers

  11. 发出请求以中断一个编辑过程。

    Initiates a request to interrupt an edit procedure .

  12. 逻辑思维在科技期刊编辑过程中的应用

    Application of Logic Thought in the Process of Editing the Scientific and Technological Periodical

  13. 编译,顾名思义是一种包括编辑过程和翻译过程的翻译活动。

    Trans-editing is a translational activity which contains both translation process and editing process .

  14. 本论文认为在新闻报道编译的编辑过程中,译者的活动受翻译要求的影响并在翻译要求的指导下进行。

    This thesis finds that editing process is affected and instructed by translation brief ;

  15. 要结束你的编辑过程,从“编辑”菜单中单击“结束编辑”。

    To end your editing session , click Stop Editing from the Editor menu .

  16. 当代学术期刊的编辑过程及编辑活动与学术评价的关系;

    The relations between the processes and activities of contemporary journal editing and academic appraisals ;

  17. 这些方法是用户创建新连接时的编辑过程中使用的。

    These methods are used during editing when the user is creating a new connection .

  18. 论编辑过程中作者与编者的心理互动

    Authors & Editors : Psychological Factor Analysis

  19. 他们应该通过在整个编辑过程中建立核实程序来努力减少差错。

    They should strive to minimize these by establishing fact-checking procedures throughout the editorial process .

  20. 在派生类中被重写时,将启动一个请求来中断编辑过程。

    When overridden in a derived class , initiates a request to interrupt an edit procedure .

  21. 金在重读初稿开始编辑过程之前会把手稿放在一边几个月。

    King puts his manuscripts away for several months before rereading and start the editing process .

  22. 在数字地形图的绘制及编辑过程中,本人发现一些亟待解决的问题。

    During the course of plotting and editing the digital topographic maps , some problems come out .

  23. 计算机技术对矿山自动化的推进作用计算机技术在编辑过程中的运用

    Promotion of Mine Automation by Computer Technology The Application of Computer Technology in the Course of Editing

  24. 无论你从事写作多久,编辑过程始终具有挑战性。

    However long you have been in the business , the editorial process is still a challenging one .

  25. 编辑过程是编辑主体作用于编辑客体所产生的编辑活动流程。

    Preparing an edition of another ′ work is a course during which the editorial subject affects the editorial object .

  26. 在编辑过程中下一步就是一步一步远离贝拉个人的视角,全局得来看整个故事是如何发展的。

    The next step in the editing process was to step away from Bella and see how the story flowed .

  27. 学术期刊的编辑过程是对美的探寻、创造的过程,编辑的审美追求在很大程度上影响着期刊的质量。

    Editing an academic journal is a process of aesthetic pursuit , which holds swing over the quality of a journal .

  28. 同时对系统原有约束求解和特征编辑过程进行了研究,并在原有方法基础之上提出了一套新的求解方法。

    After the research of methods of constraint-solving and feature-editing in old system , a new way of constraint-solving is presented .

  29. 局部拓扑关系处理实现了在编辑过程中实时进行拓扑关系处理,弥补了传统拓扑关系处理的局限性。

    This processing realizes the real time topology processing in editing , which makes up the confine of the traditional topology processing .

  30. 用样式来标记你的页面元件将使编辑过程迅速。你说你想要更多空间在小标题前面吗?

    Tagging your page elements with styles will make editing a snap , you say you want more space before those sub-heads ?