
  • 网络Network Audit
  1. 在对既有基于数据挖掘方法的入侵检测技术进行全面分析的基础上,NAIDS从一个新的角度将关联规则和分类技术应用到网络审计记录数据中以检测攻击行为。

    Based on the detailed and comprehensive study on data mining based intrusion detection techniques , NAIDS apply the association rule and classification techniques into detecting intrusion behavior among network audit record from a new perspective .

  2. 试论电子商务时代的网络审计

    On the Network Audit in the Age of Electronic Commerce

  3. 基于IP加密的网络审计系统模型

    Network auditing system based on IP encryption

  4. 网络审计与监控覆盖了OSI(OpenSystemInterconnection)提出的网络管理功能领域中的多个目标,包括性能审计、故障审计、账户审计和安全审计等。

    Network Auditing and Monitoring covers multiple targets of network management field which was defined by Open System Interconnection ( OSI ) .

  5. 为此提供了一种基于IP加密技术的网络审计系统模型,可用于完成上述管理功能,并提供一种分析统计网络性能的有效手段。

    This paper describes a network auditing system based on IP encryption , which can be used to achieve above-mentioned functions , and offer a simple method to analyze the performance of the network .

  6. 接着分析了在网络审计数据离线分析中引入数据挖掘的必要性,并使用Apriori关联规则算法对模拟数据作了挖掘分析。

    After that , the necessity of the introduction of data mining into offline analysis for audit data is discussed , and Apriori , one of the algorithm of association rules , is adopted to the analysis of experimental data .

  7. 第四,为了更好的容错性和支持计算机取证技术,在安胜OS4.0审计系统的基础之上,对网络审计系统进行了一定研究。

    Last , based on the current secure auditing system , the networking auditing system has been studied , in order to support better fault tolerance and computer forensics .

  8. 重要性在网络审计和传统审计中的应用

    The Appliance of Audit Materiality in Network Auditing and Traditional Auditing

  9. 企业网络审计系统的开发与运作

    The Development and Operation of Network Audit System for Enterprises

  10. 浅析网络审计的结构及发展对策

    On the structure and development trend of networked audit

  11. 论网络审计的结构及应用

    Discussion on Structure and Application of Network Auditing

  12. 互联网技术与网络审计的发展

    The Improvement of Internet Technique and Network Audit

  13. 网络审计的风险及其控制的研究

    A Study on the Risk of Network Auditing and the Control of the Risk

  14. 网络审计及其方法的完善

    On networked auditing and technological promotion

  15. 但是,网络审计的出现对审计的重要性提出了全新的挑战。

    But the appearance of network auditing put forward the brand-new challenge to the audit materiality .

  16. 因此,开展计算机网络审计对社会保障基金进行审计监督是刻不容缓的。

    Therefor , putting into computer network audit to the Social Security Fund brooks no delay .

  17. 关于网络审计的思考

    About Thinking of Network Audit

  18. 网络审计由对网络经济的审计、对网络系统的审计、利用网络进行审计三部分构成;

    Network auditing involves auditing for cyber economy , auditing for network system and auditing on network .

  19. 提出了网络审计系统的模型,并对该模型的实现进行了研究。

    After introducing a networking auditing system model , some design and implementation techniques has been discussed .

  20. 浅谈网络审计

    Talking about the Network Audit

  21. 另外,该广播算法不仅可以实现高效的广播,而且可以实现网络审计系统的拓扑结构的构造。

    In addition , the APDG broadcasting algorithm can construct the topology of the distributed content audit system .

  22. 提出了在网络审计中应用重要性水平要考虑的几个问题。

    The author put forward some questions to which we must pay attention in the materiality of network auditing .

  23. 介绍了网络审计的构成,提出了网络审计中存在的问题,并对促进网络审计的发展提出了若干建议。

    It presents the structure of networked audit , indicates the problems , and provides the suggestions that boost its development .

  24. 正由于网络审计与传统审计的区别,使重要性在网络审计中的应用思路发生了相应的变化。

    The difference between network auditing and traditional auditing makes some thinking of audit materiality changes correspondingly in the materiality of network auditing .

  25. 网络审计系统广泛应用于园区网络,实现园区网络内的身份认证、访问控制、日志记录以及流量计费等功能。

    The Network Auditing System usually used to implement the user authentication , access control , log recording and other functions such as flow charge in a large network .

  26. 网络审计的风险有了新的变化,控制环境、审计内容、审计单位、审计方法等都构成网络审计风险的因素。

    Risk of audit has new characters , such as controlling environment , auditing content , auditing measures , and these are the factors of network auditing 's risk .

  27. 在网络审计新技术、新方法中,本文着重研究了采用数据仓库支持网络审计判断;

    In the new technology and new method of network auditing , this dissertation focuses on the study of supporting network auditor 's judge through adoption of data warehouse .

  28. 网络审计是指综合运用网络及其相关技术手段对网络经济及网络系统进行审查的新型审计。

    The network audit is a new auditing pattern and method . When we audit the network economy and network systems we must comprehensive use the network and related techniques .

  29. 其思想是通过将网络审计数据转化为时序数据库,对其进行序列模式挖掘以提炼出用户行为模式,并由此进行异常检测。

    The idea is to transform the net audit data into time series database and mine the sequence pattern to extract the user behavior pattern , and then to use behavior pattern in anomaly detection .

  30. 本文重点对如何控制网络审计风险进行了探索性研究,详细阐述了如何从建立风险管理机制、创新审计技术与方法、提高数据质量、降低检查风险等方面进行风险控制。

    This dissertation emphases study of controlling risk of network auditing and it expatiate in detail how to based risk management mechanism , innovate technology and measure of auditing , improve quantities of data , reduce check risk .