
  • 网络Beauty and Love
  1. 它代表着美与爱。

    It represents the beauty and love .

  2. 只有在虚幻世界中,美与爱才能最终实现和谐而完美的统一。

    Only in the illusionary world can beauty and love ultimately achieve perfect harmony and unity .

  3. 此次展览以主题进行安排;除了“美与爱”,还有。

    The exhibition is arranged thematically ; in addition to " Beauty and Love ", there is also .

  4. 写作要探索人类灵魂的美与爱,重新诠释人生。

    Writing is to explore the beauty in human soul and to explore love and goodwill so as to re-annotate the life .

  5. 集世界所有最浪漫的词汇,又怎能描述您的美与爱于万一?

    Even all the most romantic words in this world would not be enough to describe one-millionth of a fraction of your beauty and love !

  6. 进而建立美与爱的新的宗教,试图通过文学经典重造来实现社会重造、民族重造、生命重造。

    He found love and god from living . He established a new religion of beauty and love by trying to recreate the literary classics to achieve national and life reestablishment .

  7. 在死亡与美与爱的关系的整和中,本文认为他的自然之美、人性之爱是对死亡的消解与超越,并形成了美与悲相融合的独特境界。

    Through the relationship of beauty and love and demise , I think that the natual beauty and personality love exceed and clear up the death , corresponding with particular joint of affection and sad .

  8. 《边城》寄托着沈从文“美”与“爱”的美学理想,是他的作品中最能表现人性美的一部。

    Border Town is entrusted with the Shen Congwen ," beauty " and " love " esthetic ideal , is his best performance of works of beauty a human .