
  • 网络american drama;American Theater
  1. 第一次听到林-马努艾尔的歌,我立刻想到了《音乐人》(TheMusicMan)开幕曲《石岛》(RockIsland)。那是一首无比杰出的曲子,是美国戏剧史上第一次有人尝试通过言语来做音乐。

    WHEN I FIRST HEARD Lin-Manuel 's songs , I immediately thought of " Rock Island , " " the opening number of " The Music Man . " " It 's one of the most brilliant numbers ever written , and the first time anybody had attempted to make music out of speech in the American theater .

  2. 李名觉还跟舞台设计师鲍里斯·亚伦森(BorisAronson,与阿诺德·亚伦森没有关系)合作过。亚伦森博士说鲍里斯·亚伦森把抽象艺术运动带入了美国戏剧界,提供了一种与梅尔齐纳的诗意现实主义相反的重要方法。

    Mr. Lee also worked with the set designer Boris Aronson ( no relation to Arnold Aronson ), who Dr. Aronson said introduced nonobjective art movements into the American theater , providing an important counterpoint to the poetic realism of Mielziner .

  3. 他不过是一名滥竽充数的美国戏剧研究者。

    He is a poor apology for a researcher of the American drama .

  4. 李名觉还跟舞台设计师鲍里斯·亚伦森(BorisAronson,与阿诺德·亚伦森没有关系)合作过。亚伦森博士说鲍里斯·亚伦森把抽象艺术运动带入了美国戏剧界,提供了“一种与梅尔齐纳的诗意现实主义相反的重要方法”。

    Mr. Lee also worked with the set designer Boris Aronson ( no relation to Arnold Aronson ) , who Dr. Aronson said introduced nonobjective art movements into the American theater , providing " an important counterpoint to the poetic realism of Mielziner . "

  5. 爱德华·阿尔比是美国戏剧史上著名的戏剧作家。

    Edward Albee is an outstanding playwright in American drama circle .

  6. 黄大卫&美国戏剧领域中的华裔文化代表

    David Hwang : Representative of Chinese culture in American drama

  7. 他被广泛誉为美国戏剧之父。

    He is widely acclaimed founder of the American drama .

  8. 我们如何鉴别美国戏剧中的文化和表演元素?

    And how do we identify culture and performance in American theater ?

  9. 田纳西·威廉斯是美国戏剧史上一位杰出而又多产的剧作家。

    Tennessee Williams is a brilliant and prolific playwright in American drama history .

  10. 克恩教授作了一次有关美国戏剧的讲演。

    Professor Kern gave a talk on American drama .

  11. 雾中人&美国戏剧中的逃遁者形象

    People in Fog & The Image of " Escaper " in the American Drama

  12. 著名戏剧《推销员之死》是美国戏剧史上一部里程碑式的作品。

    The Death of a Salesman is one of the most outstanding American drama .

  13. 他的审美观和思想方式已经渗入了美国戏剧的构造中。

    His aesthetic and ideology have seeped into the very fabric of American theater .

  14. 试论尤金·奥尼尔对美国戏剧的贡献

    On Eugene O'Neill 's Contribution to American Dramas

  15. 某些美国戏剧界的用语已被英国吸收进政治词汇。

    Certain Americanisms of the theatrical world have been accepted into the language of British politics .

  16. 美国戏剧作家尤金·奥尼尔和莎士比亚、肖伯纳齐名为英语界三大戏剧家。

    The American playwright Eugene O'Neill is considered one of the greatest playwrights in the English-language theatre .

  17. 《推销员之死》是美国戏剧史上的三大悲剧之一。

    Death of a Salesman is one of the three great tragedies in the American drama history .

  18. 美国戏剧是经济挂帅的,但对莎剧却颇有文化的眼光。

    American drama is economic - oriented but it treats Shakespeare 's plays with a cultural outlook .

  19. 本文试图从舞台灯光角度论述美国戏剧大师田纳西。

    This essay expounds the function and artistic effects of stage lights in Tennessee Williams'The Glass Menagerie .

  20. 凭借剧本中浓郁的抒情风格及与众不同的戏剧主题,他对美国戏剧产生了极其深远的影响。

    With lyrical style and distinctive thematic concern , Williams has exerted a profound effect on American theatre .

  21. 设有希腊戏剧、莎士比亚和伊丽莎白戏剧,美国戏剧,实验戏剧,现代主义戏剧等课程。

    Courses include Greek drama , Shakespeare and Elizabethan theater , American theater , experimental theater and modernism , etc.

  22. 第2章对奥尼尔的生活与写作情况、及其对美国戏剧的贡献作了介绍。

    Chapter 2 tells about Eugene O'Neill 's life and his writing career and his contribution to American drama .

  23. 他的代表作之一《推销员之死》于1949年在纽约首演成功后,震惊了整个美国戏剧界。

    Death of a Salesman , one of his representative plays , got an immediate success after its first performance .

  24. 他一生创作了五十多部作品,为美国戏剧的成熟做出了卓越贡献,被誉为美国戏剧之父。

    He is regarded as the Father of American drama for his great contribution to the maturity of American theatre .

  25. 《玻璃动物园》被认为是美国戏剧创作潮流发掘现实中逝去的希望的原型。

    The play is recognized as the prototype of the American theatrical trend to explore the vanished hopes in the reality .

  26. 另一出成功的戏,是在百老汇演出的《言行失检》,这也让他荣膺美国戏剧托尼奖提名。

    His next highly successful play , Indiscretions , moved to Broadway and his performance there won him a Tony nomination .

  27. 十九世纪的美国戏剧作为一种驳杂的艺术形式,更甚于英国。

    To an even greater extent than that of England , the American drama of the nineteenth century was a bastard art-form .

  28. 他以其刻画有力的心理戏剧著称,成为二战后新型美国戏剧的革新人物。

    He is known for his powerfully written psychological dramas and is recognized as an innovator of the post-World War II new American drama .

  29. 几十年来,亚裔美国戏剧演员在缓慢地向舞台中央靠近,如今他们得到了过去在纽约极少能享受的东西:需求。

    After decades of inching toward center stage , Asian-American theater actors are facing something that they 've rarely enjoyed in New York : demand .

  30. 前者更谓是美国戏剧之父,长期以来文学界对其关注颇多。

    O ' Neill , acclaimed as the father of American drama , has been focused on in the literary world for a long time .