
  • 网络hesiod;Hesiodus
  1. 赫西俄德的史学地位

    The Role of Hesiod in Western Historiography

  2. 古希腊神话语境中的正义思想主要是指《荷马史诗》中以秩序、契约、荣誉为代表的正义思想和赫西俄德的以劳动、安宁、和平为表现形式的正义思想。

    The natural justice in ancient Greek mythical context refers to the justice ideology represented by order , contract and honor in Homer 's Epic , and the one of Hesiod 's in the form of labor , tranquility and peace .

  3. 从赫西俄德《神谱》管窥希腊神话中的近东神话因素

    Some Notes on Near Eastern Mythological Factors in Greek Mythology Based upon the Hesiodic Theogony