
  • 网络mental content
  1. 心理内容:当代心灵研究的聚集点

    Mental Content : Focus of Contemporary Research of the Mind

  2. 第三部分:心理内容的终极本质与自然化。

    Section 3 : The naturalization and ultimate essence of mental content .

  3. 第一部分:心理内容理论的缘起及其所要解决的主要问题。

    Section 1 : The origin and main problems of mental content theory .

  4. 自然化所针对的心理内容主要是宽内容。

    Naturalization is mainly about wide content .

  5. 第四部分:心理内容理论给马克思主义意识内容问题研究带来的思考。

    Section 4 : Some thoughts the theory of mental content brings to Marxist problem of consciousness content .

  6. 孙子的军事思想博大精深,其中蕴涵着丰富的军事心理内容。

    The military theory of Sunzi has been broad and profound , which contains substantial contents of military psychology .

  7. 那么,什么是内容?什么是心理内容?从不同角度出发的研究者会给出不同的回答。

    So , what is the content ? What is the mental content ? There are different answers form different researchers .

  8. 在他看来,社会无意识就是对大多数社会成员相同的、对某些心理内容的压抑或未觉察状态,其中压抑乃是社会无意识的核心。

    In his view , the social unconsciousness is same for most members of a society , repressing or unperceiving certain mental content .

  9. 教学的个体发生建立在师生确定的心理内容和定向的心理互动与整合之上;

    The ontogenesis of teaching learning is established on the certain psychological content and beamed psychological interaction and conformity of teacher and student ;

  10. 作为自然化的一种主要方案,信息语义学对心理内容进行了新的划分,即将之分为粗内容和细内容。

    As a main form of naturalization , informational semantics gives a new classification of mental content , ie. , coarse-grained content and fine-grained content .

  11. 对心理内容的自然化研究由来已久,在哲学史上自然主义总是和唯物主义一起与各种关于心理内容的唯心主义和二元论进行斗争。

    As far as mental content is concerned , naturalism allying with materialism always struggled against a variety of idealism and dualism in the history of philosophy .

  12. 相关心理内容是通过遗忘和压抑、压制、回避、否认等防御机制以及思维的选择性这些机制进入潜意识的。

    The relevant psychological contents enter unconscious through forgetfulness , defence mechanisms such as repression , suppression , avoidance , and denial , and the selectivity of thought .

  13. 将虚构概念的外延视作零的错误在于把外界的东西与反映外界东西的心理内容混为一谈。

    The reason why the denotation of fictitious concept was regarded as nonexistence is that they confused the external world and the mentality that reflects the external world .

  14. 发现:①学者们的论述反映出的自立特性主要包括模糊性、独立性、主动性、道德性、辩证性、过程性和心理内容丰富性7个。

    The results were that ① in the views of contemporary scholars , the attributes of self-supporting included vagueness , independence , initiative , morality , dialectic nature , process and abundance of psychological contents ;

  15. 两种文字基本字符引申式表意都通过范畴化、转喻和隐喻等基本方式来实现,然而引申方向又存在差异,表现出不同的心理内容。

    The method of extension of both writing systems is realized by the means of categorization , metonymy and metaphor . However , there are some differences in the direction of extension , revealing different psychological content .

  16. 最后,本文强调,只有关注自然科学的最新发展,并借鉴和吸收心理内容理论的积极成果,才能回应挑战、深化当代马克思主义意识内容问题的研究。

    Finally , the author emphasizes that we can reply to the challenges and deepen the research of contemporary Marxist problem of consciousness content if we use the new progress of nature science and the new achievements of mental content theory .

  17. 从教育学和教育心理学角度,分析论证体质(研究)、体质综合评价中存在心理内容和心理指标,而心理内容在体质(调研)中是隐性存在的;

    From the angle of pedagogy and educational psychology , this paper analyzes expounds and verifies that there are psychological contents and norms in physique and comprehensive evaluation of physique , and that the psychological content in physique exists in in-apparent forms .

  18. 第三部分对大学生实物性体育消费过程中审美活动过程的分析,运用理论分析和数据分析相结合的方法,对大学生在此过程中的审美心理内容进行具体分析与总结。

    The third part of the consumption of college students during physical sports activities in the process of aesthetic analysis , theoretical analysis and data analysis using a combination of methods , students in the process of aesthetic psychology of the specific content analysis and summary .

  19. 特警心理训练内容及模式探讨

    On the Content and Mode of the Psychological Training of SWAT

  20. 护理学基础教学中渗透心理舒适内容之我见

    Our opinion of permeating mental comfort in the basic nursing course

  21. 通过上述研究,笔者得出以下几个主要结论:1.关于顾客心理契约内容与结构维度研究的结论。

    The conclusion of customer psychological contract on content and dimensions of structure .

  22. 不同的行政范式下,公务员心理契约内容也必然有所不同。

    Under the different administrative model , the official psychology contract content also inevitably differs .

  23. 研究的主要结论包括:1.中国职工心理资本内容包含4个维度。

    The main conclusions include : 1.The content of Chinese workers psychological capital includes four dimensions .

  24. 对比了个体和群体的心理健康内容的异同点。

    Comparying of the common points and differences between the individual and groups of mental health content .

  25. 中国职工心理资本内容结构及其与态度行为变量关系实证研究

    Empirical Research on Chinese Staff 's Psychological Capital Constructs and It 's Relation with Attitude and Behavior Variables

  26. 本研究认为在完善龙头企业与农户签订的书面合同的同时,还必须深入了解合作双方认为是心领神会的心理契约内容。

    This research suggests the content of for deeply cooperation when perfect the written contract between and farmers .

  27. 系统研究分析了地震灾害心理的内容及结构。

    The paper presents a systematic study of the psychological analysis of the content and structure of the earthquake disaster .

  28. 不同高校师生心理契约内容及其承诺度的研究

    A Study on Psychological Contract between Teachers and Students in Different Colleges and the Degree of Commitment in Psychological Contract

  29. 武术套路运动员的赛前训练不仅是单纯的竞技技术训练,还应包括必要的、系统的心理训练内容。

    The pre-competition training of wushu athletes was not only competitive technical training , but also a systematic mental training .

  30. 组织在持续、快速变化的压力下不得不及时地改变经济关系以及在经济关系下隐藏的心理契约内容。

    Under the constant and movable pressures , organizations have to alter employment relationships and the psychological contract that underlie them .