
  • 【医】cardiac load
  1. 食管心房调搏心脏负荷试验时QT离散度的变化及临床意义

    Changes and clinical significance of QT dispersion in heart stress test by transesophageal atrial pacing

  2. 食管心脏负荷试验时QT离散度与冠状动脉造影的对比研究

    Contrast Study on QT Dispersion in Cardiac Stress Test by Transesophageal Atrial Pacing and Selective Coronary Artery Angiography

  3. 目的:探讨食道调搏心脏负荷试验对缺血性心脏患者QT离散度(QTd)检测的应用价值。

    Objective : To assess the value of measurement in Q-T dispersion ( Q-Td ) during atrial pace loading test by esophago in patients with ischemia myocardium .

  4. 本研究旨在评价去纤酶对冠状动脉成形术(PTCA)后再狭窄及心脏负荷能力的影响。

    To evaluate the effects of defibrase on restenosis and heart stress capability after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty ( PTCA ) .

  5. 食道调搏心脏负荷试验检测缺血性心肌Q-T离散度的价值

    The Value of Measurement in Q-T Dispersion Using Atrial Pace Loading Test by Esophago in Patients with Ischemia Myocardium

  6. 结果表明:右室dp/dtmax和Vpm对变力性因素最敏感,但也受到心脏负荷变化的明显影响,其余右室指标或不敏感或变异很大。

    The dp / dt max and Vpm were very sensitive to the inotropic factor , but were greatly influenced by the change of the myocardial load .

  7. 结论:左室内血流传播速度与反应心肌纤维化程度的血清PCⅠ、PCⅢ浓度相关良好,不受心脏负荷及年龄的影响,作为评价高血压病人左室舒张功能的指标有临床意义。

    Conclusion : Vp was better correlated with serum concentration of PCI and PC ⅲ and was not affected by cardiac load and age . It may have clinical significance as an index in evaluating left ventricular diastolic function of patients with hypertension .

  8. 目的探讨食管心房调搏心脏负荷试验(简称食管负荷试验)时QT离散度(QTd)的变化及其对冠心病的诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the changes and diagnostic value of QT dispersion ( QTd ) for patients with coronary artery disease during cardiac stress testing ( CST ) by transesophageal atrial pacing ( TEAP ) .

  9. 结论AMI患者须给予严密监护,尽量减少不必要的教学查房、家属探视,晨间护理时避免搬动患者、转换床位,以减少心脏负荷,降低心功能损害。

    Conclusion : Close observation should be given to patients with AMI and much attention should be paid to reduce and avoid unnecessary ward round for teaching , morning nursing care and turning over so as to lighten patient 's heart load and cardiac functional damage .

  10. 脉冲多普勒(PWD)超声测量二尖瓣血流速度可评价左室舒张功能,但易受到心率、呼吸、心脏负荷等影响;

    The Pulse wave Doppler Echocardiography ( PWDE ) assesses mitral inflow velocity can be used to evaluate left ventricular diastolic function , but is easily affected by heart rate ^ reatlu heart load and so on .

  11. 减轻心脏负荷药物对地高辛浓度的影响

    Effects of drugs lightening heart load on the concentration of digoxin

  12. 活动平板心脏负荷试验与冠状动脉造影83例对比分析

    A comparative analysis of 83 patients on exercise electrocardiography and coronary angiography

  13. 一氧化碳对心脏负荷及血液动力学的影响

    Effects of Carbon Monoxide on Heart Load and Hemodynamic Response

  14. 偏瘫病人心脏负荷试验初步观察

    Preliminary investigation of cardiac stress test in hemiplegic patients

  15. 运动平板与食道调搏心脏负荷试验诊断冠心病的临床应用经食道心房调搏术诊治心律失常1159例的分析

    Clinical application of treadmill exercise test and transesophageal atrial pacing in coronary heart disease

  16. 去纤酶对冠状动脉成形术后再狭窄和心脏负荷能力的影响

    Effects of Defibrase on Restenosis and Heart Stress Capability after Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty

  17. 心脏负荷改变对多普勒超声左室舒张功能指标的影响

    Influence of heart load alteration on pulsed Doppler indexes of left ventricular diastolic function

  18. 心脏负荷也会加大。

    The heart will have to pump more .

  19. 不同心脏负荷及心室内压变化对大鼠早期心肌原癌基因表达的影响

    Immediate-early gene responses to different cardiac loads and ventricular pressure in the rat left ventricle

  20. 卡托普利对受体的作用与心室肥厚逆转、平均动脉压下降以及心脏负荷降低等因素有关。

    The effect was correlated with regression of LVH , reduced MBP and decreased cardiac loading .

  21. 心脏负荷试验评价冠状动脉介入治疗疗效的初步临床应用

    Primary Application of Heart Stress Tests in Evaluating the Clinical Effect of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty

  22. 食道调搏心脏负荷试验对冠心病诊断价值的研究

    Diagnositic implication of cardiac loading test by transesophageal atrial pacing in patients with coronary heart disease

  23. 比如,当心脏负荷加重,单个心肌细胞代偿性肥大来增加心输出量。

    For example , when workload increases , compensatory hypertrophic growth of individual cardiomyocytes occurs to increase cardiac output .

  24. 目的:探讨盐酸去甲乌药碱作为心脏负荷试验药物在放射性核素心肌灌注显像检测冠状动脉病变中的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the application of higenamine as a new agent for pharmaceutical stress in detection of coronary artery disease by radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging .

  25. 其中26例治疗前后作超声多普勒检查,显示治疗后心脏负荷明显下降,左室肥厚减轻,舒张功能得以改善。

    In addition , as detected by color Doppler Echocardiography , 26 cases demonstrated reduced cardiac load , alleviated left ventricular hypertrophy and improved diastolic function .

  26. 组1死亡1例。结论瓣膜关闭不全型的风湿性心肌病理损害及心功能下降更为明显,心脏负荷及心肌作功反而增加。

    Conclusion : The pathological damages of rheumatic myocardium and the reduction of their heart functions were more significant in valve insufficiency group , but myocardial work and load increased .

  27. 动脉壁的硬化会增加心脏负荷,是导致高血压的基本原因。盐敏感性高血压病患者静脉盐水负荷后血浆血管紧张素Ⅱ受抑状态与左室重量关系

    Arterial stiffening places an extra load on the heart , and is a primary cause of hypertension . The association between suppression of angiotensin ⅱ after salt loading and left ventricular mass in salt-sensitive hypertensive patients

  28. 长期缺乏睡眠有可能引发心率加快、血压升高等问题,还会增加体内某种引发炎症的化学物质的浓度,从而加重心脏负荷。

    Long-standing sleep deprivation seems to be associated with increased heart rate , an increase in blood pressure and higher levels of certain chemicals linked with inflammation , which may put extra strain on your heart .

  29. [研究背景]心肌肥大是高血压病最常见的并发症之一,它既是高血压病心脏负荷过大引起心肌组织代偿性生长的结果,也是心脏的病理性重构过程。

    [ Background ] Left ventricular hypertrophy ( LVH ) is one of the most common complications of hypertension , which is not only the results of compensated cardiac tissue growth due to heart overload , but also the pathological process of heart remodeling .

  30. 本文的研究方法是:为了动态地反映人的神经系统受环境因素变化的影响,应用了新兴的衡量心脏负荷的心率变异方法和反应神经情绪的脑波测量方法;

    The research method of this dissertation is : new methods are applied not only on human body 's HRV for measuring heart load and nerve function but also on EEGs , for developing reflect the influence on human nerve system caused by environmental change .