
  • 网络John Heil, Philsophy of Mind;The philosophy of mind
  1. 当代心灵哲学视阈中的意向性问题研究

    Researches into Intentionality in the Horizon of Contemporary Philosophy of Mind

  2. 随附性:当代西方心灵哲学的新范式

    Supervenience : a New Paradigm in Contemporary Western Philosophy of Mind

  3. 物理主义框架中的心和心的理论&当代心灵哲学本体和理论层次研究述评

    Mind and " Theory of Mind " in the Framework of Physicalism

  4. 心灵哲学视野下的常识人的概念图式

    Commonsense Conceptual Schema of Human in the Light of Philosophy of Mind

  5. 广义心灵哲学论纲

    On the Outline of General Philosophy of Mind

  6. 信念:西方心灵哲学研究的新领域

    A New Research Field of Western Soul Philosophy

  7. 某种形式的心灵哲学成了解决意义问题的必要条件。

    A philosophy of mind becomes the prerequisite for solving the problem of meaning .

  8. 物理主义在当代心灵哲学中的影响体现在不同的方面。

    The influence of physicalism upon contemporary Philosophy of Mind is demonstrated in different respects .

  9. 如果你是对的,那么你的心灵哲学之旅就会是很短暂的。

    If you are right , your excursion into philosophy of mind will be brief .

  10. 丹尼特的意向工具主义思想在当代西方心灵哲学中有着广泛而深刻的影响力。

    Daniel Dennett s intentional instrumentalism has the great effects in contemporary philosophy of mind .

  11. 他心问题是心灵哲学中九大问题之一,它与自我认知一起构成了心灵哲学的认识论的核心内容。

    The problem of other minds is one of nine issues in the philosophy of mind .

  12. 心灵哲学从传统分析哲学的拒斥形而上学到回归哲学本体论研究。

    The philosophy of the mind back from the traditional analytic philosophy rejecting metaphysics to philosophy ontology .

  13. 意识问题,一直以来都是心灵哲学领域聚焦讨论的论题之一。

    The problems of Consciousness has always been one of the focus on the mind & body discussion .

  14. 意识问题是心灵哲学中最重要的研究主题之一。

    Consciousness is one of the most important areas of philosophy , especially in contemporary analytic philosophy of mind .

  15. 有关人类心智阅读的起源一直是发展心理学与心灵哲学的“难问题”。

    The origin of human mind-reading is the " hard problem " of development psychology and philosophy of mind .

  16. 心理学的自主性问题是在心理学哲学与心灵哲学中长期争论的焦点问题之一。

    The problem of psychological autonomy is one of the focusing problem in philosophy of psychology and philosophy of mind .

  17. 近代心灵哲学围绕身心二元论和身心一元论的分歧展开。

    The modern mind philosophy is developed on the difference between mind and body dualism and the mind and body monism .

  18. 心灵哲学是当代西方哲学家关注的重心和热点之一,塞尔称之为第一哲学。常识人的概念图式是普通大众在描述、解释和预言人时所使用的概念框架,它代表着常识的入学观。

    Philosophy of mind is one of the focuses western philosophers concerned , John Searle calls it " the first philosophy " .

  19. 美国当代哲学家塞尔认为语言哲学是心灵哲学的一个分支,并通过语言来解释意向性。

    J.Searle thinks that the philosophy of language is a branch of the philosophy of mind and advocates explaining Intentionality by language .

  20. 丹尼尔·克莱门特·丹尼特是近四十年来心灵哲学和认知科学领域最具影响力的哲学家之一。

    Daniel Clement Dennett is one of the most influential philosophers of philosophy of mind and the cognitive science of the past forty years .

  21. 然而,金在权的功能还原理论对于心灵哲学最为重要的研究对象即意识却是无能为力的。

    However , Kim 's theory of functional reduction is incapable of dealing with consciousness that is the most important subject in philosophy of mind .

  22. 基于当代心灵哲学及神经科学的最新成就,文章用自我意识的概念来分析、论述脑死亡问题。

    Based on the current achievements in philosophy of mind and neuroscience , the author explores the brain death problem by the conception of self-consciousness .

  23. 当前心理理论研究已经成为发展心理学、心灵哲学、认知科学所关注的热门课题。

    At present , the research on theory of mind has become a hot subject for development psychology , philosophy of mind and cognitive science .

  24. 实际上,麦克道威尔在心灵哲学、道德哲学、形而上学等领域的出色表现很大程度上与他的这种理论气质密切相关。

    In fact , the excellent performance of McDowell in the philosophy of mind , moral philosophy , metaphysics is closely related to his theory qualities .

  25. 该文对西方心灵哲学研究的新领域&信念范畴进行了分析。在探讨什么是信念和反思民众心理学的过程中,分析了信念与民众心理学的关系,剖析功能主义、折衷主义等信念理论。

    The category of belief & a new field of western soul philosophy is researched so as to explore the reasonable part and define its position .

  26. 随着历史学派、认知科学和心灵哲学的兴起和蓬勃发展,人们对科学知识的本质的认识有了实质性的改变。

    With the booming of historical school , recognition science and soul philosophic , there are material change of people 's congnition to the hypostatic of science knowledge .

  27. 第二部分从探讨民间心理学涵义、形式、内容、个体发生等阐释理论出发,考察了当代心灵哲学对常识人的概念图式的解读,并对它的人学意蕴及其影响进行了分析。

    In the second part , I examine main interpretive theories of folk psychology , open out meanings of human nature hiding in folk psychology and their influence .

  28. 以自然主义的方式考察人工物的双重属性,可以发现人工物的双重属性问题与心灵哲学的心身问题是同一个问题的不同表达形式。

    When reviewing dual natures of artifact , we found that dual natures of artifact are the same as mind-body problem in mind philosophy , just at different forms .

  29. 摘要随著现代科学技术的发展和现代西方心灵哲学研究成果的引入,马克思主义意识论已成为国内马克思主义哲学研究的一个前沿领域。

    With the development of modern science and technology and modern western philosophy of mind , Marxism consciousness theory has gradually become the foremost field in Marxism philosophy research .

  30. 研究和考察目的论功能主义既有助于我们认识西方心灵哲学的最新走向,对于发展马克思主义意识也有重要意义。

    To research and study teleological functionalism not only enables us to understand the latest trend of Western philosophy of mind but also plays a significant role in developing Marxist consciousness .