
  1. 宗教的心理慰藉说和人力资本理论也为西部民族地区的本土化就业提供了社会心理依据和经济学支持。

    And the Theory of Religious Mental Consolation and Human Capital Theory can also sustain the point of view .

  2. 他暗示,这些建筑与花园或许有一定疗效,但并非是临床作用,而是心理慰藉,而且据测,这种慰藉效果是真实存在的。

    These buildings and gardens might , he suggests , exert some effect not clinically but psychologically , and the placebo effect is measurably real .

  3. 通过北京市老年人调查数据发现,在经济帮助、生活照料、心理慰藉三个方面,女儿都为老年人提供了重要的支持作用。

    By analyzing the data of beijing elderly this paper get the conclusion that there are important supports to elderly by daughter in economical support , daily care and spiritual sense .

  4. 团体项目:研究和经验表明,为了帮助运动员在比赛中发挥最佳水平,他们不仅需要教练和队友的支持,而且也需要来自家庭及亲朋好友的适当的心理慰藉。

    Team sport : research and experience have shown that in order to help athletes perform their best , they need the right psychological environment from their coach , team , family and friends , too .

  5. 在工业文明之后的未来电子信息高科技时代中,这种文学样式给予人类的精神心理上的慰藉和思想上的认识价值不可低估。

    In this electro-information times and Hi-tech times , the literature style of Shen have given and will give people the console in their hearts , and its education value can not be underestimated .

  6. 有人群的地方就必须有法律,法律使人们生活有序;有苦难的地方就需要有宗教,宗教为人们提供一种心理上的慰藉,表达其对尘世的超脱与来世的向往。

    Where there are people , there shall be the law , which makes the lives in good order ; where there is the misery , there shall be the religion , by which people are free from this mortal life , yearn for afterlife and are comforted in soul .