
  • 网络Washability
  1. 研究了二氧化钛纳米材料制备外墙乳胶漆的方法。考察了涂料的耐候性、耐碱性、耐水性、耐洗刷性等性能。

    This article has described the preparation of nano TiO2-based exterior wall paint and discussed the properties of weatherability , alkali and water resistance and washability .

  2. 实验表明,偶联剂对粒子的表面结构产生影响并改善其在涂料中的分散情况,添加纳米TiO2粒子使涂料的耐洗刷性、硬度等性能得到较大的提高。

    The titanate coupling agent can influence the surface structure of nano TiO2 particles and improve its dispersing in latex dope .

  3. 改性KGM溶胶透明度、粘度、冻融稳定性及抗菌性明显改善,并且改性KGM膜耐洗刷性比未改性KGM膜明显增强。

    Modified KGM was shown to be superior to the raw Konjac Glucomannan in viscosity , transparency , freeze-thaw stability and fungistasis .

  4. 在此基础上制得了纳米TiO2的乳胶漆,乳胶漆漆膜的耐洗刷性高达10000次、耐粘污性达80%和耐人工老化性高达1500小时,结果显示效果显著。

    In this foundation further preparation of nano-TiO_2 latex paint was carried out . Scrubbing resistance , stain resistance and artificial ageing resistance of latex paint film were then tested and the results indicated obvious effects of modification .

  5. GB/T9266-1988建筑涂料涂层耐洗刷性的测定

    Determination of scrub resistance of film of architectural paints and coatings

  6. 含氟丙烯酸酯类单体改性苯丙共聚物具有较高的粘结强度、表面硬度、耐磨性和耐洗刷性。

    Acrylate containing fluorine monomer modified styrene-acrylic copolymer has high binding strength , surface hardness , wear resistance and wash resistance .

  7. 纳米复合涂料的耐水性、耐碱性和耐洗刷性均达到国家一等品指标。

    Resistance to water , resistance to alkali and resistance to washing of modified TiO_2 composite nano-coatings all reach national first quality standard .

  8. 这类复合涂料成本低,耐洗刷性和存贮稳定性优良,流平性好,有实用价值。

    This kind of composite coating is low in cost , excellent in scrubbing resistance and store stability and good in levelling property , thus it has practical use value .

  9. 性能判定标准:测定乳胶漆的性能指标主要有耐洗刷性、遮盖力、细度和附着力。

    Performance determination standard : The determination latex paint 's performance index mainly has stands washing brushes the nature , the hiding power , degree of fineness and the adhesion .

  10. 研究证明:水玻璃经酸改性后并用于涂料中,能够提高涂料的粘度和涂膜的耐洗刷性。

    The research shows water glass , which is compounded in the coating after being modified by acid , can increase the viscosity of the coating and the scrubbing-resistant property of the film .

  11. 叙述健康型内墙涂料技术要求和环保要求及在制漆中所涉及的原料选择、工艺、透气性与耐洗刷性的关系,并将此标准与欧共体生态标准进行了比较。

    Technical requirements and environmental requirements of healthy interior wall coatings and raw materials selection , manufacturing process , relation between gas permeability and scrub resistance are described . Comparison is made on this standard with EC eco standard .

  12. 当涂料中纳米CaCO3浆体的质量分数为3%~4%时,涂料性能的改善最为明显,其耐洗刷性达75600次。

    When nano-CaCO_3 paste content in the coatings is 3 % ~ 4 % ( by mass ), the improvement appears to be perfectly noticeable , for example , with the scrub resistance reaching up to ( 75 600 ) times .

  13. 结果表明:涂料耐水性、抗老化性、耐沾污性、耐洗刷性等性能均超过相应国家标准。

    The results showed that : water-resistant coating , the ageing resistance , stain-resistant , resistant to scrubbing of the properties are more than the corresponding national standards .

  14. 涂料的低温稳定性、对比率、耐水性、耐碱性、耐沾污性、耐洗刷性和耐候性等性能指标均达到或超过国标优等品水平。

    The stability in low temperature , contrast ratio , water resistance , alkali resistance , pollution resistance , wash resistance and weather resistance reach or exceed the premium grade in Chinese Standard .

  15. 表明加入瓜尔胶的乳胶涂料的耐老化性能、耐洗刷性及储存稳定性均得到改善,并可节约生产成本,值得推广。

    It is showed that the addition of guar gum to coatings can improve the weatherability , wash fastness , and storage stability and it can save production cost and is good for spreading .

  16. 在耐洗刷度的测定实验中,通过JTX-II型建筑涂料耐洗刷仪的测定,得出乳液用量越多,耐洗刷性越好。

    In the abrasion test of measuring the degree by JTX-II-type building coating abrasion instrument measured , obtained emulsion , the more the better scrub resistance .