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  1. 我们边喝边吐槽我前任,聊让我们最终分手的种种原因。

    We proceeded to have a champagne " roast " of my ex and all the ways we were ultimately incompatible .

  2. 我跟Vin小窗口私聊,让他帮我找个借口退出Jay群发邀约出游的信息小组。

    I side-texted Vin to give me an excuse to get out of Jay 's group message to hangout .

  3. 哈哈我现在就想到一个了真的是开心死了我想我们或许应该坐下来很正经地聊聊天让大家都了解你你看怎么样好的太好了

    Haha , I just thought of one , I do have so much fun.But I thought why don 't we sit down and have a serious interview.Let people get to know Taylor.Ok great

  4. 今天我们会聊到是什么让大家觉得火星上会存在着液态水。

    Today , we tell about evidence of liquid water on the planet Mars .

  5. 和闺蜜们在一起逛逛街,或是喝杯咖啡聊聊天,可以让女人的心情好起来。

    ' Spending time with girlfriends and hitting the shops or stopping for a coffee and a chat can lift a woman 's mood .

  6. 另外,我们还要聊一聊人们是怎么让圣诞灯饰变得更加绿色环保的。

    Vicki : Christmas decorations – we 'll be talking to a designer who has created some of London 's street decorations .

  7. 和其他与这个人合作过的人聊一聊,这会让你省了很多麻烦去了解这个人是否真的适合这份工作。

    Talking to other people who have done business with them will save you the trouble of finding out that they aren 't the right fit for you after all .

  8. 和宝贝聊天时候聊了一个不该聊的话题,让她生气了。

    Talking to sweetie , but on a wrong topic annoyed her .