
  • 网络Professional Values;occupational values;Vocational value;work values
  1. 住院制规范化培训对新护士职业价值观的影响

    Effect of Standardized Resident Training Program on Nurses ' Work Values

  2. 不同专业高师生的职业价值观不同。

    The normal university students ' work values were influenced by professions .

  3. 评价者在进行LGD评分时可能会受到职业价值观倾向的影响。

    The Vocational Value of the valuator maybe works on their evaluation of LGD .

  4. 转型期高师生的职业价值观与职业理想

    Occupational value and occupational ideal of normal university students in transition

  5. 专升本院校大学生职业价值观教育研究

    Research on Vocational Values Education of University Students Upgraded from College

  6. 二是树立正确职业价值观是就业形势发展的需要。

    Establish correct Professional Values is the needs of employment develop .

  7. 在校大中专学生目标取向、自我效能感与职业价值观关系的研究

    Relation between Goal-Orientation , Self-Efficacy and Occupational Values in Technical School Students

  8. 其结构构成职业价值观系统。

    It 's structure is a system of Professional Values .

  9. 大学生职业价值观:手段与目的

    The Structure of College Students ′ Work Values : Intentions and Instruments

  10. 师范专业大学生职业价值观调查研究

    Survey Research of Occupational Values of Undergraduates in Normal College

  11. 高职院校职业价值观教育的探索与实践

    On Career Value Education in High Vocational and Technical Colleges

  12. 182名独生子女大学生职业价值观的调查

    A Survey of Occupation Values of 182 Only - Child Girl Students

  13. 大学生职业价值观呈现多元化,均衡分布的特点。

    The vocational values of College students are diversified and distribute evenly .

  14. 职业价值观和创业意识都影响职业行为。

    Both work values and Entrepreneurial consciousness effect work behavior .

  15. 第三,国内外学者对职业价值观研究的现状。

    The progress of Chinese and Foreign scholars study on Professional Values .

  16. 职业价值观视野下的员工招聘与企业文化建设

    Staff Recruitment and Organizational Culture Construction from the Perspective of Vocational Value

  17. 大学生;职业价值观;新变化;教育对策。

    College Students ; professional values ; the new changes ; Educational Countermeasures .

  18. 高职生的职业价值观功利意识浓重,社会责任意识淡薄;

    Some of them are short of the sense of responsibility for society .

  19. 师范大学毕业生职业价值观的调查研究

    The Investigation of Teachers College Graduates ' Career Value

  20. 技术师范学院大学生职业价值观调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Occupational Values of Undergraduates of Technical Teachers ' Colleges

  21. 大学生创业意识与职业价值观及其关系研究

    Study on Entrepreneurial Consciousness , Occupational Values and Their Relationship of College Students

  22. 论金融危机背景下大学生职业价值观的教育引导

    Educational Induction about Vocational Values of College Graduates Under the Financial Crisis Condition

  23. 社会支持与其他职业价值观维度不存在显著性关系。

    Other dimensions of work values were not influenced significantly by social support .

  24. 新形势下医学生职业价值观的偏差与教育初探

    Deviation of Professional Values Among Medical Students and Education in the New Situation

  25. 教师职业价值观的理论与实践研究

    On Theory and Practice in Professional Value of Teachers

  26. 下岗职工职业价值观的调查研究

    Survey and Study on Occupational Values of Laid-off Workers

  27. 湖北省普通高校体育教育专业大学生职业价值观研究

    Research on the Vocational Value of Physical Education Students in Hubei Province Colleges

  28. 护士自尊、个人发展性竞争水平与职业价值观的关系研究

    Study on the relationships between nursing professional values and self-esteem , personal development competitiveness

  29. 当代中国青年职业价值观探析

    Analysis of Professional Values of Modern Chinese Youth

  30. 第三,要适应新形势的要求创新大学生职业价值观教育的形式。

    Thirdly , we should make innovations to the forms of professional value orientation .