
  • 网络Professionalism;Professional quality
  1. 从一开始,她传递的信息就是职业素质、完美主义和力量&这表现在她令人畏惧的现场表演中,体现在她透过金钱看爱情的歌曲中。

    From the beginning her message has been professionalism , perfectionism , power & ideals exemplified in her fearsome live performances and dramatized in songs that view romance through the lens of finance .

  2. 我谨借此机会,对我们的管理层和职员的献身精神和职业素质表示深深的感谢,他们在这个过渡时期付出了辛苦的努力。

    Let me take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for the dedication and professionalism of our management and staff who , during this period of transition , have worked so hard .

  3. 尤其是随着我国加入WTO,律师行业的竞争加剧,更需要规范管理,以提高律师的职业素质和服务水准。

    Along with the entry of WTO , and the intensified competition in the lawyering , a more normalized management of lawyers is in dire need so as to enhance lawyers ′ professional standards and service levels .

  4. 高师体育教育专业优秀毕业生职业素质追踪调查

    A Follow-up Investigation of PE College Fine Graduates ' Professional Qualities

  5. 浅谈体育教师的行为举止与职业素质

    A Talk about the Behavior and Professional Quality for Physical Teachers

  6. 浅析专业教师对大学生职业素质的培养

    Analysis of Training University Students ' Occupational Quality by Professional Teachers

  7. 网络环境下图书馆员职业素质的探讨

    Probe into the Vocational Quality of Librarians under the Network Environment

  8. 试论高职生综合职业素质培养

    On Training Comprehensive Qualities of Pharmaceutical Students in High Vocational Colleges

  9. 高职学生的职业素质及培养途径

    Occupational Quality of Students of Higher Vocational Education and Training Avenues

  10. 德育对大学生职业素质培养缺失的补益思考

    More Thinking About Moral Education for College Student Occupation Quality Hiatus

  11. 建筑专业大学生职业素质培养的探讨

    On Cultivation of Career Quality of College Students Majoring in Architecture

  12. 独立学院大学生职业素质的调查与思考

    Research and Reflection of Students ' Professional Qualities in Separate Colleges

  13. 论旅游高校学生职业素质的养成

    On Training of Occupational Qualities of College Students Majoring in Tourism

  14. 新时期档案管理者应该增强三大职业素质

    Three occupation diathesis of the new period file clerk should be strengthen

  15. 高职院校职业素质教育实现途径研究

    Research on the Means of Realizing Quality Education in Higher Vocational Institutions

  16. 医学高职高专学生核心职业素质构成的研究与分析

    Study on core vocational qualities of medical students in higher vocational education

  17. 21世纪教师应具备的职业素质和精神

    On Teachers ' Professional Qualities and Spirits in 21st Century

  18. 软件人才职业素质教育模式的探索与实践

    Exploring and Practice on the Career Quality Education Mode of Software Talents

  19. 重塑警察职业素质的价值取向及基本要求

    On Remolding Value Orientation and Basic Request of Police 's Professional Quality

  20. 大爱育人与高职职业素质培养体系构建

    Education with Humanistic Love with Vocational Training System to Build Professional Quality

  21. 浅论新时期高校辅导员的职业素质要求

    On Professional Qualities of University Tutors of Political Science

  22. 中国时装模特职业素质培养分析

    Analysis on vocational quality training of Chinese fashion models

  23. 高职院校培养职业素质的地位和途径

    The position and the channel of developing vocational quality in advanced vocational colleges

  24. 试论21世纪图书馆编目人员的职业素质

    On the Profession Quality of the Library Catalogue Personnel

  25. 新生儿重症监护中心新上岗护士的职业素质培养

    Neonatal Intensive Care Center of the New Posts of Nurses Foster Professional Quality

  26. 从研究性学习课程看教师职业素质的提高

    Overview Teacher professional Quality on Research & Learning Course

  27. 农村中学英语教师职业素质刍议

    On English Teachers ' Competence in Rural High Schools

  28. 全球化背景下我国医学生职业素质教育的思考

    Quality-oriented Professional Education for Medical Students in China Under the Background of Globalization

  29. 基于职业素质培养的高职普通文化课改革思考

    The Reform Thoughts of Higher Vocational Fundamental Courses Based on Professional Quality Training

  30. 论应用文写作教学与职业素质教育的一体化

    A Study of Integrating the Practical Writing Course into the Vocational Quality Education