
  • 网络career motivation;Occupational motivation;career anchors
  1. 大学生的学习动机与职业动机对比研究

    Comparative Study on University Students ' Learning Motivation and Career Motivation

  2. 进而,对职业动机理论进行了剖析和改进,使之更适合本文的研究思路。

    Meanwhile , we justify the career motivation theory in order to make it more suitable for the object of this study .

  3. 我怎么会打你这不是出于职业动机

    How can I punch you ? This wasn 't a career move .

  4. 丽水市高校大学生村官职业动机分析

    An Analysis of the Career Motivations of the College Students Village Officers in Lishui

  5. 教师职业动机探微

    The analysis of teachers ' professional motive

  6. 在校大学生的职业动机是大学生村官计划得以实施的内部动力。

    The career motivations of student enrollment are the internal motive to carry out the plan .

  7. 大学生职业动机和职业决策自我效能感关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Occupational Motivation of the College Students and the Career Decision-making Self-efficacy

  8. 教师职业动机分为:职业兴趣、教学效能感、外部目的、职业价值观。

    The teachers ' professional motives cover : professional interest , teaching efficiency , exterior goal and professional values .

  9. 此外,本文分别从家庭、学校、社会、高校思想政治教育四个维度探讨了影响女大学生职业动机的不利因素。

    In addition , the paper discusses the unfavorable factors which family , school , society and ideological and political education .

  10. 本文从成就动机这一基本概念及理论入手,结合思想政治教育的使命,剖析了思想政治教育对女大学生职业动机的作用。

    Combined with the mission of ideological and political education , the paper analyzes the role which ideological and political takes in career motivation of female undergraduates .

  11. 外部强化可以激发教师职业动机,但应注意外部强化的控制行为功能和提供信息功能的相对强度。

    Exterior intensification may stimulate teachers ' professional motive , but relative intensity about functions of controlling action and providing information of exterior intensification should be mentioned .

  12. 教师职业动机是直接推动教师从事教育教学活动以满足教师某种心理需要的内部心理状态。

    The teachers ' professional motive is their internal psychology state which directly promotes teachers ' actions to engage in education and teaching in order to satisfy their psychology needs .

  13. 从微观上来说,事实上个体的价值观、职业动机、个体与所处环境的整合等等心理、观念性因素对人才的流动同样发挥了重要作用。

    Say from microcosmic , values of individual in fact , job motive , individual live in merger of environment , etc. psychology , idea factor play an important role too floating of professionals .

  14. 选择教师职业的动机

    Choice Motives For Entering the Teaching Profession

  15. 可是你忘记了,选择职业的动机不该只是为了赚钱而已。

    Adam : But you 're forgetting that there 's more to choosing a career than making money .

  16. 在对国内外相关理论,如自我领导理论和职业生涯动机理论进行综述的基础上,提出了研究的假设并对这些假设进行了实证分析。

    On the base of an overview of related theories such as self-leadership and career motivation theories , the study proposes the hypothesis and then conducts an empirical analysis of these assumptions .

  17. 在这些影响因素中,教育程度、职业流动动机、人际交往、媒体拥有量这四个变量,是其中可以起到稳定的且显著影响作用的四个主要变量。

    Among these influence factors , there are four variables : education degree , the motivation of job flow , human communication , media 's amount , play the steady and notable role .

  18. 但是,教师实践性知识生成与发展的前提是教师必须要有强烈的职业发展动机、科学合理的职业生涯规划、孜孜不倦的求索精神。

    But , Teacher practical knowledge generation and development on the premise that teachers must have a strong motive for career development , scientific and rational career planning , tireless pursuit of the spirit .

  19. 最后,文章从思想政治教育的学科背景和关怀女大学生成长的视角提出了解决女大学生职业成就动机问题的对策。

    Last but not least , against the background of ideological and political education , the article has proposed the method of improving career achievement motivation of female undergraduates upon the perspective of caring growth of female undergraduates .

  20. 从公务员职业化的动机机制角度看,新公共管理和国家绩效管理及战略性人力资源管理是公务员职业化的内在驱动力。

    Looked from the professionalization motive , the new public management and the national achievements in management and the strategic human resources management are the professionalization intrinsic driving influence .

  21. 我查过他以前的相关职业,寻找可能性动机。

    I checked his past business associated with possible motives .

  22. 大学生职业倾向及学习动机实证研究

    Study of vocational interest and learning motive of undergraduates

  23. 职业中专学生学习动机调查报告

    Survey on English Learning Motivation in Vocational School

  24. 初中生职业意识和学习动机的各因子和总分之间均存在显著的正相关关系,即初中生职业意识越高,学习动机也越强。

    Career awareness and study motivation among the various factors and total score were significantly positively correlated , that is , the higher the career awareness , motivation to learn the more stronger .

  25. 根据职业学校学生学习动机的特点,设计实验研究方案,在职业学校选择符合条件的平行班进行实验研究。

    According to the characteristics of vocational school student 's learning motivation , the author designed the research approach of the experiments , chose the parallel classes that accords with the condition to carry on experiment research in the vocational school .

  26. 从而拓宽学习动机理论的应用范围,确定职业学校学生学习动机与学业成绩的相关程度,丰富和发展职业学校的教学管理和学生的学习理论。

    Thus widen the range of application of the learning motivation theory , confirm the relevant degree of student 's learning motivation of vocational school and academic credits , enrich and develop the teaching management of the vocational school and students ' study theory .

  27. 职业气质是职业人格(职业动机、性向和气质)中相当重要的一方面。

    Work temperament is an important part of personality which includes motivation , aptitude and temperament .

  28. 在此基础上,文章以东北师范大学女大学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查、文献分析、比较对比等研究方法,分别从职业认同、职业洞察和职业弹性三个维度得出了职业动机的现状与问题。

    Based on that , the article takes female undergraduates as the research object . Based on questionnaires , analyzing the literature and comparison , the current situation and problems are developed in three dimensions , which are career identity , career insight and career resilience .

  29. 员工的成就动机通过职业承诺能很好的预测工作投入,即职业承诺在成就动机和工作投入之间起到了部分中介作用。

    Employees by professional achievement motive of the commitment can good forecast work devotion , namely professional commitment in achievement motivation and job involvement plays a partial intermediary between roles .