
  • 网络United Nations resolution
  1. 一些东非国家依据联合国决议冻结了利比亚的资产。

    Countries in East Africa have frozen Libyan assets , in accordance with a United Nations resolution .

  2. 第一个国际家庭日于1994年5月15日设立,根据1993年联合国决议。

    The first International Family Day was marked on May 15 , 1994 , in accordance with a United Nations resolution in 1993 .

  3. 白宫已经注意到他承诺支持所有旨在贯彻联合国决议的打击。

    The White House has noted his promise to support any attack that was designed to enforce the UN resolutions

  4. 联合国决议将朝鲜核试验称作是对国际和平与安全的明显威胁。决议将允许各国阻拦出入朝鲜的货物,以搜查大规模杀伤性武器(WMD)或相关供应品。

    The UN resolution labelled the test a clear threat to international peace and security . It will allow countries to stop cargo going to and from North Korea to check for weapons of mass destruction ( WMD ) or related supplies .

  5. 联合国决议执行情况及与南非勾结问题小组委员会

    Subcommittee on Implementation of United Nations Resolutions and Collaboration with South Africa

  6. 他们投票赞成联合国决议,而该决议是要求实施制裁的。

    They voted for the resolution , which contemplates sanctions .

  7. 直到1992年以色列违反了多少联合国决议?

    How many UN resolutions did Israel violate by1992 ?

  8. 联合国决议要求伊拉克交出全部大规模杀伤性武器。

    The UN resolution required Iraq to surrender any weapons of mass destruction .

  9. 为了表明态度,俄罗斯现在反对任何有关叙利亚的联合国决议。

    To make its point , Russia is blocking any UN resolution on Syria .

  10. 约束力是指联合国决议对成员国具有法律效力。

    Binding is the legal force to impose UN resolutions on the Member States .

  11. 我们难以理解为什么要由法国来执行联合国决议。

    We had difficulty understanding France being the one to implement the UN decision .

  12. 国际社会现在必须在没有联合国决议的情况下加大施压力度。

    The international community must now intensify pressure in the absence of a UN resolution .

  13. 美国要求卡扎菲下台,这与联合国决议的要求不同。

    The US , unlike the UN resolution , is calling for him to be ousted .

  14. 以色列领导人表示,以色列希望和平,但是不可能通过联合国决议获得。

    The Israeli leader said Israel wanted peace but this could not be achieved through UN resolutions .

  15. 他证实,美国将向该地区派遣行动小组,以确保联合国决议的执行。

    He confirmed the US would send teams to the region to ensure the resultant resolution was enforced .

  16. 中国外交部周三发表声明称赞了巴西和土耳其,但一字不提它对联合国决议案的支持。

    Chinese Foreign Ministry statement Wednesday praised Brazil and Turkey and said nothing about Chinese support for the U.

  17. 然而尴尬的是,目前这种军事存在是授权设立禁飞区的联合国决议所明确禁止的。

    Awkwardly , such a presence is currently explicitly banned by the UN resolution authorising the no-fly zone .

  18. 朝鲜立即就联合国决议发表声明称,将继续发展核武计划。

    North Korea immediately responded to the UN vote by saying that it would step up its nuclear weapons programme .

  19. 如果联合国决议受阻或实施不力,那么就需要继续寻找新的论坛和方式。

    If the UN is blocked or ineffective , then the search will be on for new forums and methods .

  20. 联合国决议通过后,利比亚政权曾在第一时间作出反应,宣布停火,并表示将服从联合国的要求。

    Responding instantly to the resolution , the Libyan regime announced a ceasefire and said it would comply with UN demands .

  21. 美国投票反对一项联合国决议,该决议以压倒性优势获得通过,谴责美国对古巴的29年经济禁运。

    The United States has a UN resolution that overwhelmingly condemned the American economic embargo of Cuba for the 29th year .

  22. 他一再公然藐视联合国决议,阻挠联合国武器视察小组的工作,研制生化武器,还觊觎发展核武器。

    He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions , thwarted UN inspection teams , developed chemical and biological weapons , and coveted nuclear capacity .

  23. 我是指大声无误的声明、军售、争取联合国决议和对局势的直接报道。

    I 'm talking about loud and unmistakable rhetoric , arms sales , motions for UN resolutions and direct coverage of the happenings .

  24. 此外,中国或俄罗斯也很可能否决为动用武力铺路的联合国决议。

    It is also probable that China or Russia would veto any UN resolution that prepared the way for the use of force .

  25. 但对于中国将在多大程度上支持以朝鲜违反联合国决议为由、对其实施更严厉的制裁,仍存在疑问。

    But doubt remains over how far China will go in allowing tougher sanctions to be imposed on North Korea for defying United Nations resolutions .

  26. 曾与俄罗斯一道两次否决西方支持的有关叙利亚的联合国决议的中国,昨日呼吁各方实施联合国和平计划。

    China , which with Russia has vetoed two Western-backed UN resolutions on Syria , called yesterday for all sides to implement the UN plan .

  27. 国防部长哈格尔表示,这两艘驱逐舰是为应对他称之为平壤挑衅行为而准备的防范措施,挑衅行为指朝鲜违反联合国决议发射导弹的行为。

    Secretary Hagel says the destroyers are precautionary measures to what he calls Pyongyong 's pattern of provocative action , referring to its UN-resolution-violating missile launches .

  28. 发言人迈赫曼帕拉斯特以慎重而平缓的语气强调说,德黑兰将向那些支持联合国决议的国家发出书面投诉,对这项制裁提出抗议。

    In a measured and even tone of voice , Mehmanparast stressed Tehran would protest the censure by sending written complaints to the countries that supported it .

  29. 他说:“土耳其已经改变立场,并在实践中执行联合国决议,为解决塞浦路斯问题”。

    He said that " Turkey has to change its position and implement in practice the UN resolutions , in order to solve the Cyprus issue " .

  30. 在目前的形势下,制裁和谴责性的联合国决议很可能来不及阻止一个政府在寻求自保的过程中所作出的野蛮行径。

    At this stage , sanctions and condemnatory UN resolutions will probably act too slowly to stop the savagery of a government that is fighting for its life .