
  • 网络Ji fang;Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies;Prescriptions for Emergent Reference
  1. 第三部分为结语,总结《肘后备急方》语言的特征。

    The third part was summary which remarked characteristic of the words in Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang .

  2. 浅述《肘后备急方》及其外科学成就

    Zhouhou Emergency Prescriptions and Its Achievements in Surgery

  3. 《肘后备急方》提出虚悸学术观点,即因虚损引起惊悸,精神因素也可导致惊悸。三是宋金元时期诊治惊悸怔忡病证临证实践与理论创新。

    Elbow Emergencies virtual throbbing academic point of view , due to the deficiency caused by fright , and spiritual factors can also lead to fright . Third , Song , Jin and Yuan period of diagnosis and treatment of palpitation , palpitation Syndrome Clinical practice and theoretical innovation .

  4. 《肘后备急方》灸法学术思想主要表现为:因腧穴名称繁杂,识记不便,固仅言穴用而隐穴名,重在实用;

    The academic thought on the moxibustion method in " A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies " is mainly manifested in : because the names of points are miscellaneous and not easy to remember , only the use not the names of points is stated and practical application emphasized ;

  5. 屠呦呦接受《新科学家》采访时说,她重读了1600多年前的医药典籍《肘后备急方》提到的特殊处方。书中提到将青蒿浸泡在水中,然后喝下青蒿汁。

    In the interview , Dr. Tu told New Scientist that she reread a particular recipe , written more than 1600 years ago in a text titled " Emergency Prescriptions Kept Up One 's Sleeve . " The directions were to soak one bunch of wormwood in water and then drink the juice .