
zhǒu zi
  • elbow;upper part of a leg of pork
肘子 [zhǒu zǐ]
  • (1) [upper part of a leg of pork]∶猪腿与身体相连的部分

  • (2) [elbow]∶肘

肘子[zhǒu zi]
  1. 我炖了些豆子,和羊肘子一块吃。

    I braised some beans to accompany a shoulder of lamb .

  2. 这就是为什么大家说大叔有很厉害的肘子。

    Its a reason why people say deke has sharp elbows .

  3. 看见了吗?他用肘子打中了我。

    Did you see that ? He caught me with an elbow .

  4. 中西结合五香肘子的加工工艺

    Chinese and western coalescent processing craft of spiced pig-foreleg

  5. 穆大叔最好用他的肘子,把韦德击昏!

    Mutomobo better knock wade out with his elbow !

  6. 杰克用肘子推推他的弟弟,得意地指点着。

    Jack nudged his brother and pointed gleefully .

  7. 有多少次有人被大叔的肘子打到头。

    How many time will anyone get hit with a elbow to the head ?

  8. 我的饭来了,是甜点心和山羊肘子。

    A meal was brought to me , of fool and boiled goat 's knuckles .

  9. 五香肘子加工新工艺

    A New Process for Spicy Shank

  10. 不过你也许希望将肘子放在膝盖或枕头上。

    However , you may wish to rest your elbows on your knees or a pillow .

  11. 自创东坡肉、东坡鱼、东坡肘子。

    He invented three famous dishes : Dongpo Meat , Dongpo Fish , and Dongpo Elbow .

  12. 如果没有餐巾纸,用前手臂或肘子挡住。

    If you don 't have a tissue , use your upper arm or crook of your elbow .

  13. 他的肘子搁在膝盖上,用手托着头,让思想在脑海中自由驰骋。

    On his knees , he put his head on his folded hands and let his mind float freely .

  14. 服务员:我们的特色菜是东坡肘子、溜鱼片,还有栗子鸡。

    Waiter : Our specialties include Dongpo pork legs , wine soaked fried fish chips , and chicken with chestnuts .

  15. 比利·霍奇:[用肘子打碎教官的牙]美国海岸警卫队来营救你。

    Billy Hodge : [ after hitting his teacher in the face ] United States Coast Guard I 'm here to help you .

  16. 人家跟他说话,他冷冷地听着,右手托着下巴颏儿,肘子靠在左手背上。

    He listened impassively , chin in hand , when he was spoken to , his elbow supported on the back of his other hand .

  17. 酱肘子是熟肉制品中最主要的产品,占有较大的市场份额,具有代表性,因此作为本试验的主要研究对象。

    Sauce elbow son is the most cooked products products , have a large share of the market , representative , so as the main research object of this experiment .

  18. 他眼前的赌桌上放着3个空马提尼瓶子,他用两个肘子支撑着身体,斜倚在桌子边,目不转睛地盯着他的牌。

    There were three empty martini glasses on the table in front of him , and he was leaning forward on both elbows , his gaze focused on his cards .

  19. 她心怀敌意地撑着两肘倚立在柜台内观望人群,尽管嬷嬷经常告诫她这种姿势会把肘子磨皱和扭歪的。

    Rebelliously she leaned her elbows on the counter and looked at the crowd , flouting mammy 's oft-repeated admonition against leaning on elbows and making them ugly and wrinkled .

  20. 看新闻看到巴蒂尔在最后防守时头被对方肘子打破了,直接回休息室治疗。

    Take a look on that news has seen Badier be broken when defending finally by the other party 's upper part of a leg for meals , time of foyer has treated directly .

  21. 每当你第一次去到你个新的球场,记得挑对面最大只的那个家伙对位,给他来个致命一击,拿出视死如归的态度,大步向前,架起肘子。

    The first time you play at a new spot , pick out the biggest guy on the other squad . Take dead aim at him . Go to the rack . Rise up and keep your elbows sharp .

  22. 介绍了西式工艺与传统工艺相结合生产五香肘子的新方法,这种工艺生产的肘子既保持了传统肘子的特色又提高了出品率和口感,适合大规模生产,市场前景广阔。

    This article introduces new method to produce spiced pig-foreleg with western and Chinese traditional craft together , this craft not only hold the characteristic of traditional pig-foreleg , but also enhance the elasticity and taste , adapt to cosmically production and the great foreground .

  23. 食疗:牛奶,燕麦,豆腐,芝麻酱,花生,海带,紫菜,黑木耳,虾皮,河虾。祥子把这个托付给小福子去办。小福子给买来热芝麻酱烧饼和酱肘子;

    Dietotherapy : Milk , oaten , bean curd , sesame paste , earthnut , kelp , laver , black agaric , dried small shrimps , river shrimp . He entrusted this to Joy , who bought some hot sesame griddle cakes and a jellied pig 's leg .