
  • 网络Stock Valuation;Part III Valuation of Share
  1. 第一部分是导论部分,导论部分首先说明了本文的研究背景和选题的意义,本文的选题意义主要就是对全流通下的股票估价进行研究。

    Introduction first illustrated the research background and the significance of the subject , the paper mainly was subject to the full circulation of significance to study the stock valuations .

  2. 本文通过EBO模型与其他几种股票估价模型的比较,指出了该模型在理论上和实际应中的比较优势,以期对投资者利用会计信息做出投资决策提供有益参考。

    This paper , on the basis of comparison of EBO model and other stock pricing models , describes its comparable advantage both in academic and practical study , in a hope to help investors make their decisions .

  3. 股利等差增长的股票估价模型探讨

    Study on stock evaluating model based on arithmetic increasing dividend

  4. 价值投资型股票估价方法研究

    The Approaches to Evaluating " Value Investment " Stocks

  5. 我认为他说这些股票估价过高是很有道理的。

    I think he 's quite right in saying that these shares are overvalued .

  6. 股票估价方法研究

    Study of Stock Price Estimating Method

  7. 按照当时对该公司的股票估价,其市值可能高达200亿美元,着实让投资者们“欣喜若狂”。

    Investors were " excited " by an offering that could value the company at $ 20 billion .

  8. 支持者声称,市场定价并不总是有效,而排在指数成分股前10位的股票估价也不一定是最有吸引力的。

    Supporters claim that markets are not always priced efficiently and the top 10 stocks in an index are not necessarily the most attractively valued .

  9. 但是其他玩家大多是对冲基金也许会因为认为某只股票估价过高、理应回调而“做空”这只股票。

    But others - mostly hedge funds - may " short " a stock simply because they see it as overvalued and due for a correction .

  10. 红利税率的多元化是引致投资者对股票估价差异性的原因之一,并且催生了现金股利除息前后的套利机会和增量交易。

    The variety of dividend tax rate is one of the reasons that cause the variety of stock pricing ; it also induces the arbitrage opportunities and additional trading around ex-date .

  11. 中国人寿的账目上拥有45亿美元现金,而它的股票估价相当强劲,达到今年共识盈利的25倍,高出行业平均一倍以上。

    China Life has $ 4.5bn of cash on its books and its shares are valued at a robust 25 times this year 's consensus earnings , more than double the sector average .

  12. 通过对传统股票估价基本模式的回顾,提出了股利等差增长的股票估价模型以及由此推出的股票资本成本计算公式。

    With a review on the basic model for traditional stock evaluation , this paper proposes a kind of stock evaluating model based on arithmetic increasing dividend ( SPMAID ) and a formula for calculating the cost of stock capital .

  13. 传统的股票估价的基本模式说明股票的内在价值是由发行股票的公司未来支付给股东的一系列股利的现值和将来出售股票的售价的现值所构成。

    The basic model for traditional stock evaluation shows that the inherent value of stock is composed of the cash price of a series of dividends that is paid by the issuer and the cash price of the selling price in the future .

  14. 眼下,他认为市场对伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(berkshirehathaway)股票的估价比账面价值低17%是不合理的,于是决定回购。

    Now that the market has priced Berkshire Hathaway at what he considers an unreasonable 17 per cent discount to book , he is buying .

  15. 它们的目标不可能就是在股票公平估价方面超越传统经理人。

    Their objective cannot simply be to outperform traditional managers in the fair valuation of stocks .

  16. 按照迪士尼上周五的收盘价计算,该交易对惊奇娱乐股票的估价为每股50美元。

    The agreed deal is structured as a cash-and-stock offer , worth $ 50 a share based on disney 's closing share price on friday .

  17. 这一层次的研究进一步表明,应计质量的好坏直接影响投资者对于公司业绩的预测,从而影响其对于公司股票的估价。

    The further study tells us that accruals quality directly affects investors ' predicting of company performance and consequent valuation of company stock . 5 .

  18. 基于有限理性假定的股票基本价值估价模型

    On the Evaluation Model of Stock Price Based on Bounded Rationality

  19. 罗伯特-希勒,耶鲁大学经济学家,他曾经非常有先见之明地对股票和房子估价过高做出警告。

    Robert Shiller , a Yale economist who has presciently issued warnings about overpriced equities and houses , has already suggested that farmland might be the subject of the next bubble .

  20. 相对价值法理论由于只考虑收益忽视其他影响股票价值的因素,无法较为准确的对股票进行估价。

    Relative value method theory only considers earnings , neglect other affect stock value factors , not more accurate estimate for stock .