
  • 网络stock valuation;equity valuation
  1. 与此同时,工行的股票估值也并不过分:仅略高于预期收益10倍,与其历史水平及亚洲同行相比,都可谓廉价。

    And the equity valuation is no great stretch : on just over 10 times next year 's earnings , it is inexpensive both against Asian peers and its historical levels .

  2. 基于FCFE模型与B-S模型相结合的股票估值方法的应用研究

    Applied Research of Stock Valuation Based on FCFE Model and B-S Model

  3. 不过没过多久,三人帮又试图退出协议,他们宣称Facebook在股票估值上欺骗了自己。

    But the trio later tried to pull out of the deal , alleging that Facebook had misrepresented the value of its stock .

  4. 基于HLM的A股市场股票估值水平分析

    Based on HLM Valuation Levels Analysis of A-share Market

  5. 遗憾的是,虽然中兴的智能手机处于市场低端,它的股票估值却在同行中处于“高端”,较三星(samsung)和苹果(apple)的16倍预期市盈率高出许多。

    A pity , then , that its share price is at the opposite end of the spectrum to its smartphones ; trading at a large premium to peers Samsung and apple of 16 times forward earnings .

  6. 同时,在牛市中,股票估值较熊市更高。最后,本文对以上研究成果做了总结,并据此对我国创业板市场IPO抑价现象提出政策建议。

    Meanwhile , in a bull market , stock valuations are higher than a bear market . Finally , the above research results are summarized and corresponding recommendations and strategies were proposed on the GEM IPO underpricing .

  7. 而后一种情况实际上只会放大股票估值受到的潜在冲击。

    The latter would merely amplify the potential hit to equity valuations .

  8. 它有效地联结了股票估值理论与企业竞争优势评价理论。

    And it connects effectively stock value theory with competitive advantage evaluation theory .

  9. 石化公司股票估值方法及策略研究

    Valuation Model and Investment Strategy of Petrochemistry Companies

  10. 两地市场股票估值的差异过去曾经更大。

    The gap in valuations between the two markets used to be more exaggerated .

  11. 一直以来,股票估值方法是金融领域的一个难题。

    All along , the stock valuation method is a problem for the financial sector .

  12. 当股票估值达到荒谬的程度时,投资者会停止买进并开始卖出。

    When stocks reach absurd valuations , investors will stop buying and start to sell .

  13. 每个人对其都有一些不同的看法,各种股票估值的理论相继产生。

    Everyone has some different opinions of it , various stock valuations theory successively generated .

  14. 中国石油的美国存托股票估值与H股接近。

    The valuation of PetroChina 's American depositary shares is close to the Hong Kong shares .

  15. 这与2000年相比非常不同,当时的股票估值偏高,而发行量也很高。

    This is very different from 2000 , when valuations were stretched and issuance was high .

  16. 追溯了上市公司投资价值分析的起源与发展,并对其概念进行界定。同时分析了常用的上市公司股票估值方法以及在我国证券市场上的实用性与局限性。

    Chapter 2 presents general views on the analysis of the investment value of the listed company .

  17. 股票估值模型述评

    Comments on Stock Evaluation Model

  18. 该地区经济的繁荣正在转化为企业盈利增长,为股票估值提供了支撑。

    The booming economy in the region was now leading to earnings growth and so supported stocks valuations .

  19. 与营收假设的小幅变动相比,股票估值水平对贴现率更为敏感。

    Equity valuations are more sensitive to discount rates than they are to small changes in revenue assumptions .

  20. 但如今要证明摩根大通的股票估值应高于竞争对手,可比过去难多了。

    But arguing JPMorgan should be more highly valued than its rivals is harder than it used to be .

  21. 他表示,尽管股票估值看上去合理,但他更青睐现金和短期政府债券。

    While equity valuations were looking reasonable , Mr Ablin said , he preferred cash and short-term government debt .

  22. 由于华尔街的预期过于乐观,投资者并没有为经济减速和股票估值水平下降做好准备。

    Thanks to over-optimistic Wall Street projections , investors are not positioned for slower growth and stock price multiple compression .

  23. 在微软的营业利润率处于57%-59%的水平时,其股票估值也处于高点。

    ' Microsoft 's operating margins were in the high 50 % range , which marked the high point in the shares .

  24. 如果把范围扩大,一些人甚至可以说,有些中国股票估值偏低。

    And if one casts the net wider , one could even argue that some Chinese stocks are trading at bargain levels .

  25. 除了降低投入成本,能源价格回落也有利于使利率在更长时间内保持在较低水平,从而提振股票估值。

    As well as lower input costs , subdued energy prices help to keep interest rates lower for longer , boosting equity valuations .

  26. 无论我们是考察股票估值倍数还是信贷息差,我们对估值的看法都是基于低得异乎寻常的国债收益率。

    Whether we are looking at equity multiples or credit spreads , the perception of valuation is anchored on abnormally low government bond yields .

  27. 阿里巴巴拥有超高的成长类股票估值,很有希望在硅谷拿手的游戏中打败硅谷。

    Super-charged with a superior growth stock valuation , it will be in a strong position to beat Silicon Valley at its own games .

  28. 本文提出的方法和模型全部使用最新的市场数据进行验证并取得较理想的结果,可以为股票估值提供参考。

    All the methods and models are verified by the real market data with ideal results . They can be the reference in stock evaluation .

  29. 昨日几乎没有迹象显示,投资者眼下觉得股票估值过高。各大主要股指均升至10个月新高。

    There were few signs yesterday that investors felt valuations to be overstretched just yet , as leading equity market indices reached fresh 10-month highs .

  30. 因此,有必要对传统股票估值模型进行反思和重构,并应用于对改革实践的指导。

    Thus it is necessary to reconsider and reconstruct the traditional model of evaluation of stocks and apply the reconstructed model to guiding the reform practice .