
  • 网络Equity fund;Exchange Traded Fund
  1. 历史上,股票型基金在亚洲销量繁荣,都是正值地方和地区股票主导型投资策略最为受宠的时候。

    Historically when equity fund sales have boomed in Asia , it has been local and regional equity-driven investment strategies that have proved most popular .

  2. 本文在评述国外基金评价方法的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,建立了一套我国股票型基金绩效评价系统。

    This paper constructs a equity fund performance evaluation system according to domestic practice by reviewing foreign evaluation methods .

  3. cerulli称,相对于普通股票型基金,投资者目前更倾向于选择债券基金和保本基金。

    Cerulli says plain-vanilla equities funds are being shunned in favour of bond and guaranteed funds .

  4. cerulli指出,普通股票型基金日益失宠,投资者现在青睐进取型债券基金和保本型基金。

    Cerulli notes plain-vanilla equities funds are falling out of favour , with investors flocking to aggressive bond and guaranteed funds .

  5. 在此基础之上,采用Gruber模型对我国开放式股票型基金的投资风格识别和风格调整绩效进行了检验;

    So , the identification of investment style of fund is becoming more important , and adjusted performance by investment style will better evaluate these types of funds .

  6. 基金管理咨询公司z-ben估计,在过去3个季度,股票型基金的持股比例已经降低了9个百分点,至70%。

    Z-Ben , a fund management consultancy , calculates that the average equity-focussed fund has whittled back its equity holdings by nine percentage points in the past three quarters , to 70 per cent .

  7. epfr追踪的数据显示,在日本大选前,流入股票型基金的资金流颇为强劲,但9月份最后两周均出现了净流出。

    Flows into equity funds , as tracked by EPFR , showed a strong run before the general election , but September ended with two consecutive weeks of outflows .

  8. abcap在一份声明中表示,霍姆管理的大多数股票型基金定价有误。

    In a statement abcap , which manages more than 3bn for investors , said most of the equity funds Mr HOMM had managed were mispriced .

  9. 二是行业创新不断,基金新品种不断涌现,不仅有股票型基金,还有债券型基金;

    Secondly , the new species of funds flow out continuously .

  10. 中国股票型基金季度内不可观测行为研究

    A Study on Unobserved Actions of China ' Stock Equity Mutual Funds

  11. 开放式股票型基金饰窗效应的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Window-dressing Effect of Open-end Equity Funds

  12. 其他分析人士认为,传统的股票型基金管理公司也将受益。

    Others believe traditional equity managers could also benefit .

  13. 股票型基金有很多种类。

    There are many kinds of stock funds .

  14. 制度创新终结漫漫熊市牛市与熊市期间我国开放式股票型基金的绩效评价

    A Study on Differences of Performance between Bull Market and Bear Market for Open-end Funds in China

  15. 在投资者对此类基金产品的需求出现放缓的情况下,日本股票型基金不太可能恢复往昔盛况。

    A slower demand for such funds is unlikely to cause a renaissance in Japanese equity funds .

  16. 此外,推动地区资金流入的亚洲新兴国家股票型基金,在中国的投资配置已然过重。

    Moreover , emerging Asian equity funds , which drive regional inflows , are already overweight China .

  17. 他们很幸运,多数股票型基金的净值都在向面值回升。

    Fortunately for them , most equity funds are on their way back up to par values .

  18. 可以把你的房产看作费用率很高的股票型基金。

    What big bucks ? Think of your home as a stock fund with an exorbitant expense ratio .

  19. 债券型基金对整个市场赎回的贡献显著正相关,股票型基金则不显著;

    The bond fund is significant positive correlation with total market redemption behavior , but stock fund is not .

  20. 市场对风险较大的投资品缺乏兴趣可以明显地从资金再一次大量逃离美国股票型基金看出。

    The lack of interest for riskier investments is perhaps most clear in the renewed exodus of money from U.

  21. 投资者的预期是,亚洲地区股市表现好转将为股票型基金的全面复苏打下基础。

    The expectation is that better-performing regional stock markets will provide the foundation for a broad-based recovery in equity funds .

  22. 结果发现,开放式股票型基金具有较强的选股能力,但却有一定的负的择时能力;

    It comes to the conclusion that open-end funds reveal strong security selecting ability , but show a certain extant negative market-timing ability .

  23. 近几年我国开放式股票型基金飞速发展,对于基金投资风格的评估是基金评级中重要的一个环节。

    Recently , the development of open-stock fund is very fast . Investment style assessment is an important aspect of the fund rating .

  24. 企稳、好转的中国股市,可能将是亚洲地区股票型基金销售势头持续的前提。

    A stable and better-performing Chinese stock market is likely to be a pre-requisite for continued momentum in equity fund sales across the region .

  25. 日本零售投资者继续偏重于分红型基金,8月份他们从国内股票型基金净撤出20亿美元资金。

    Retail investors in Japan continue to focus on dividend paying funds and withdrew a net $ 2bn from domestic equity funds in August .

  26. 如果他们准备承受大于金价本身波动的波动性,那么他们可以向黄金股票型基金配置资金。

    If they are prepared to put up with even more volatility than the gold price itself , they can allocate money to gold equity funds .

  27. 在开放式基金中,非债权型基金特别是偏股票型基金尤其受到投资者的喜爱。

    On the one hand , in all sorts of open-ended funds , non-bond funds ( especially the stock funds ) are most popular style accepted by investor .

  28. 依据投资对象的不同,可以分为股票型基金、债券基金、货币基金、混合基金等类别。

    According to the different investments , the open-end fund can be divided into the categories of stock funds , bond funds , currency funds , mixed funds .

  29. 各式各样的杠杆投资者-投资银行、私人股票型基金、对冲基金、甚至公司企业的商业票据-都对流动性如饥似渴。

    Leveraged funders of all types – investment banks , private equity funds , hedge funds , and even companies ' commercial paper – were parched for liquidity .

  30. 传统基金管理集团正在求助于对冲基金行业的专长,旨在提振陷入困境的绝对回报股票型基金。

    Traditional fund management groups are falling back on the expertise of the hedge fund industry in an attempt to prop up the struggling absolute return equity sector .