- The biceps brachii;bicipital muscle of arm;musculus biceps brachii

Results In group A , there was no significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) between the left side and right side in the musculus deltoideus or musculus biceps brachii compound motor action potential ( CMAP ) amplitude and latent period ;
He gave his biceps a flex to impress the ladies .
Group B : endpoint of biceps motor response ;
Methods The ulnar nerves were cut bilaterally at the axillary level in 36 SD rats .
Fig.1-97 Anterolateral approach to shaft of humerus . A , Skin incision . B , Deltoid and biceps muscles retracted ; brachialis muscle incised longitudinally , exposing shaft .
Meanwhile , MR arthrography revealed all multi tendon tear and all abnormalities of the labrum and the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle before arthroscopy .
MF 's dissension extent for working muscles tapered off as triceps muscle , biceps muscle , and brachioradialis muscle .
Phrenic nerve and accessory nerve transfer as motor neurotization with muscular implantation to biceps by sural nerve bridging was used for treatment of brachial plexus root avulsion .
Results : There was a significant monotonous decline in MPF during isometric fatigue contraction of 60 % MVC .
This study was designed to monitor localized muscular fatigue with the power spectrum medium frequency of surface myoelectric signal , and test the muscular fatigue of body bices .
The medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve , average of diameters is ( 1.50 ± 0.55 ) mm , origins from the middle inferior 1 / 3 of medial brachial and in the medial bicipital sulcus with the basilic vein .
Methods Static isometric loading of the biceps and low back muscle was performed in 14 subjects , using FFT power spectrum and its two dimensional mapping to analyze SEMG signals from these muscles .
The injured glenoid labrum of five SLAP cases were treated with debridement under shoulder arthroscopy , and then the affected shoulder was immobilized by zero-degree traction .
Conclusion EMG may be an important means of diagnosing DM . Selection of quadriceps , biceps and anterior tibial muscles for EMG may be helpful in increasing the positive rate of EMG .
The comparative analysis indicated that changes of MF and changes of blood lactate content have correlated with each other significantly in 10 % , 30 % and 50 % MVC .
Objective To study the characteristics of changes in surface electromyography ( SEMG ) signals of the biceps and low back muscle during fatigue under the static load .
Among them , 65 cases were of subacromial bursitis ( SB ) and 86 of tenosynovitis of long-tendon of biceps muscle ( ILBM ) .
Objective To reveal the effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy ( ESWT ) with ultrasonic orientation for inflammation of long tendon of biceps muscle ( ILBM ) .
The body weight , BMI , circumference of waist and hip , skin fold thickness in subscapular , biceps and abdomen regions , the concentration of TG , TC , LDL in obese children were higher than in control children , but concentration of HDL was lower .
Methods Ten male undergraduates performed two different isometric fatiguing tasks with the elbow flexion muscles under a load of 5 and 10 kg respectively , and synchronously EEG signals were collected from scalp .
Methods The biceps brachii and flexors of forearm were stimulated by FNS to obtain the predictive joint angles . The number of angle sensors in elbow and wrist joints was acted as the criterion of feedback .
Method : This study include two experiments . In experiment 1 , 14 male undergraduates performed three different isometric fatiguing tasks with the elbow flexion muscles at 50 % , 70 % and 90 % MVC , sEMG signals were collected from three different electrode locations in biceps brachii .
Applying RQA , we analyse the EMG of biceps brachii muscle and brachioradialis muscle under different loads , point out the percent recurrence of brachioradialis muscle is higher than that of biceps brachii muscle and more periodic .
The positive rate of spontaneous activity of quadriceps , biceps and anterior tibial muscles was significantly higher than that of short abductor muscles of thumb respectively . The highest positive rate of decreased MUP duration and increased polyphasic waves was found in anterior tibial muscles .
Methods 11 cases suffered with fresh acromioclavicular joint dislocation were treated with transfer of partial tendon of short head of the biceps aimed to reconstruct the injuried coracoclavicular ligment , a pin was used to fix the dislocated acromioclavicular joint .
The Accessory Heads of Biceps Brachii Muscle and Its Clinical Anatomy
Fiber types in brachial biceps muscles of mammalian and human
Research of the Properties of Biceps Brachii during Isotonic Contraction with Multi-signals
Ooh . Bicep . It 's not so soft .
Normal wave figure in EMG was noted in the experimental side .