
  • 网络Flower in the Mirror;Flowers in a mirror
  1. “一个是水中月,一个是镜中花.”

    " One is the moon reflected in the water , the other but a flower in the mirror . "

  2. 1998年美国美林公司正式提出了企业信息门户的概念。随着许多大企业进入企业信息门户的成功,EIP再也不是水中月、镜中花了。

    American Merrill Lynch Company put forward the concept of the enterprise information portal formally in 1998 . As a lot of big enterprises enter success of the enterprise information portal , EIP is no longer remote .

  3. 你就好像是水中月、镜中花。

    You were a passing fancy .

  4. 不要相信水中月,镜中花,那是不能长久的。

    We don 't advocate beggarism , so we are not afraid of wealth , but uphold wealth .

  5. 因为他们知道,只有现在的拥有才最值得珍惜,失去的和将来的只是水中月镜中花,虽美却虚幻。

    Because they know , only now of own just most worthy of cherish , lose of with future of just in the mirror in month in water flower , although the United States but vain .

  6. 于此同时,还可以从巡回审判制度的规范制定、资源保障以及非诉解纷机制协调方面进行配套完善。唯有如此,巡回审判的价值才不会是镜中花水中月。

    At the same time , we can make corresponding improvements in the norm-setting of assizes system , in the protection of resources and in the coordination with non-complaint mechanism . Only in these ways , the value of assizes can be functional .

  7. 诉讼制度是否存在,完善与否,直接决定着实体法律的效力,没有相应的诉讼制度作为依托,实体法律所保障的权利只能是水中月,镜中花。

    Whether the lawsuit system exists , perfect or not , directly determines the effect of the body law really . If there is not relevant lawsuit system to depend on , the body law will only be moon in the water , flowers in the mirror .