
shèn xínɡ
  • reniform
  1. 蔬菜肾形线虫的寄主范围和侵染特点

    On the host ranges and infection characters of reniform nematode on vegetable

  2. 结果表明其种子形状为肾形、椭球形、心形或肾状扁球形。

    The seeds are reniform , ellipsoid , cordiform or reniform_oblate in shape .

  3. 15例肠套叠病人的CT表现为:靶征、彗星尾征及肾形肿块。

    On CT scan , target sign , comet tail sign and kidney like tumor sign were demonstrated .

  4. 结果26例肠套叠患者的CT表现为:靶征11例、彗星尾征或肾形征9例、肿块样改变6例。

    Results The performances of spiral CT in 26 adult patients with intussusceptions were target sign 11 cases , comet tail sign or kidney shape sign 9 cases , the shape of mass 6 cases .

  5. 本文主要介绍TLIF技术及肾形椎体间融合器在我院的应用。

    This article will introduce TLIF technology and the kidney-liking cage which is used in TLIF technology in our hospital recently .

  6. 普通肾形线虫(Rotylenchulusreniformis)在几种蔬菜作物上的生物学和防治试验

    Biology and control of reniform nematode ( rotylenchulus reniformis ) on some vegetable crops

  7. 家蚕肾形卵的荧光差异显示分析

    Kideny-shaped Eggs ' Flourescent Differential Display in Silkworm , Bombyx mori

  8. 肾形的池子。可拉伸以调整大小。

    Kidney-shaped pool . Stretch to resize .

  9. 孢子赤道面观为肾形,极面观为椭圆形,单裂缝;

    The spores are monolete , kindey-shaped in equatorial view and elliptical in polar view ;

  10. 烘烤后才能食用的肾形的坚果。

    Kidney-shaped nut edible only when roasted .

  11. 你知不知道每天有多达200升的水通过你的肾形矿脉?

    Did you know that up to200 litres of water is passed through your kidneys daily ?

  12. 粒型以椭圆(31.67%)和肾形(30.00%)为主,其次是扁椭圆形(15.00%)。

    The grains are oval , kidney-shaped and flat oval , accounting for 31.67 % , 30.00 % and 15.00 % , respectively .

  13. 四川省棉田寄生线虫种类及肾形线虫与棉花枯萎病发生关系的研究

    Studies on species of parasitic nematodes in cotton fields and the relationship between reniform nematode and the incidence of Fusarium Wilt in Sichuan

  14. 孢子单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形、阔椭圆形或近圆形,赤道面观为肾形或圆形。

    The spores are monolete and bilaterally symmetric , elliptic , broadly elliptic or subrounded in polar view and kidney-shaped or rounded in equatorial view .

  15. 稀有鮈鲫的脑垂体呈肾形,由神经垂体和腺垂体组成,整个垂体通过垂体柄与下丘脑相连。

    As a kidney , the pituitary of rare minnow was comprised of neurohypophysis and adenohypophysis , attaching to the hypothalamus by a pituitary stalk .

  16. 因为婴儿的肾形矿脉尚未发育成熟,饮用过量水会导致他们体内的钠大量流失,安德斯说。

    Because babies'kidneys aren 't yet mature , giving them too much water causes their bodies to release sodium along with excess water , Anders said .

  17. 结果:国人的卵圆孔可分为5种类型:卵圆形、圆形、梨形、长条形、肾形;

    Results : There are five forms of Foramen Ovale Cranium in Chinese people : ovale shape , round shape , pear shape , long shape and kidney shape .

  18. 结果表明:成熟孢子黄色,极面观椭圆形,赤道面观肾形,近极单裂缝,表面具大小不一的球形颗粒。

    The result exhibits that the mature spore is yellowish , monolete , reniform in equatorial view and elliptical in polar view , with vary sizes global granules on it .

  19. 而在发散孔出口与主流方向垂直的位置会形成一对旋转方向相反的肾形涡,且涡的位置随吹风比的增大而移向主流区域。

    There is a pair of " kidney eddies " on the vertical section of the outlet of effusion hole , and the " kidney eddies " will moves into the main flow when the blowing ratio is increased .

  20. 滑车上孔形状,以椭圆形最多(6180%),肾形次之(2000%),圆形最少(1820%);

    The shapes of the STF , the ellipse shape was most frequent ( 61 80 % ), kidney shape was second ( 20 00 % ), and a round shape was in least frequent ( 18 20 % ) .

  21. 介蕨属孢子单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形,赤道面观为半圆形或肾形。方法将已配制的生物蛋白胶涂在腭裂双侧松弛切口及裸露创面,达到完全封闭状态。

    The spores are monolete , bilaterally symmetric , elliptic in polar view , and semiorbicular or reniform in equatorial view . Method FG was distributed on the bone surfaces and the lateral palate incisions after suturing the palate flaps .

  22. 报告45例肾鹿角形结石,其中21例在ESWL治疗前置入双J导管,治愈率达85.7%。

    Forty-five cases of renal staghorn calculi underwent ESWL treatment , 21 of these received double-J catheter placement before ESWL .

  23. ESWL前置入双猪尾形导管治疗肾鹿角形结石体外震波碎石术的疗效研究

    Double-J catheter placement before ESWL for the management of patients with renal staghorn calculi Study on the Treatment with ESWL

  24. 结论微小切口辅助的PCNL术在治疗无积液肾铸形结石有一定优势,微创效果良好。

    [ Conclusion ] The minuteness slices the PCNL of a people 's assistance at cure and did not accumulate the liquid kidney cast form stone calculus contain certain advantage , and the minimal invasion result is good .

  25. 复杂性肾鹿角形结石开放手术

    Open operation for complex staghorn renal calculi

  26. 目的提高肾梭形细胞癌的诊治水平和对此类型肾癌的认识。

    Objective To improve the diagnosis and treatment of renal spindle cell tumors ( RSCTs ) and the recognition of this subtype of renal cell carcinoma .

  27. 供肾输尿管内置J形管后与膀胱左顶侧壁吻合。

    The ureter of kidney allograft , contained a " J " tube , was anastomosed with the left-top wall of bladder .

  28. 结果52例中,wilms瘤34例,其中29例残肾强化呈新月形、环形征;

    Results The residual normal renal tissue of 29 cases of 34 cases of Wilms ' tumor enhanced and manifested crescent sign or ring sign .

  29. 原位低温肾动脉阻断肾切开术治疗肾鹿角形结石

    In situ hypothermia and occlusion of renal artery for staghorn nephrolithotomy

  30. 低温阻断肾动静脉肾实质切开治疗肾鹿角形结石18例报告

    In situ hypothermia and occlusion of kidney pedicle in nephrolithotomy for renal staghorn calculi : Report of 18 cases