
  • 网络phratry;phratrie;curia
胞族 [bāo zú]
  • [blood clam (race)] 血缘关系很近的人

  1. 此后,几个氏族结合为一个比较不那么密切的胞族;

    Next , several gentes were united in the phratry , but less closely ;

  2. 易洛魁人的胞族的职能,部分地是社会性质的,部分地是宗教性质的。

    Among the Iroquois , the functions of the phratry are partly social , partly religious .

  3. 可见在较早的时代,胞族也有血族复仇的义务。

    Hence in earlier times it also had the obligation of blood revenge .

  4. “胞族”这个译名对摩尔根《古代社会》一书而言是很恰当的。

    Baozu is faithful to Phratry in the Chinese version of Lewis H.Morgan'masterpiece : Ancient Society .

  5. 氏族整个包括在胞族内,胞族整个包括在部落内;

    The whole gens was incorporated within the phratry , and the whole phratry within the tribe ;

  6. 中间环节&胞族,是由10个氏族组成的,叫作库里亚;

    The intermediate group , the phratry , consisted of ten genies and was called a curia ;

  7. 甚至组成这四个部落的十二个胞族,看来也还有自己单独的居住地,即凯克罗普斯的十二个城市。

    Even the twelve phratries composing them seem still to have had distinct seats in the twelve towns of cecrops .

  8. 举行会议、选举、罢工(5)在选举酋长时,胞族议事会也出面参预。

    Call a meeting , an election , a strike The council of the phratry also played a part in the election of a sachem .

  9. 塞讷卡人起初在胞族内也不能通婚,但是这种习俗久已废除了,如今只限于氏族。

    Originally no Seneca was allowed to marry within his phratry , but this restriction has long since become obsolete and is now confined to the gens .

  10. 原始时代希腊人和罗马人的氏族、胞族和部落的全部社会组织,跟美洲印第安人的组织极其相似;

    That the whole social organization of the primitive Greeks and Romans into gens , phratry , and tribe finds its faithful parallel in that of the American indians ;

  11. 但是那些住在胞族或部落的地区内而不属于这个胞族或部落的人,自然是不能参与这种管理的。

    But anyone not a member of the phratry or tribe was , of course , excluded from taking any part in this administration , even though living in the district .

  12. 在荷马的诗中,我们可以看到希腊的各部落大多数已联合成为一些小民族;在这种小民族内部,氏族、胞族和部落仍然完全保持着它们的独立性。

    In the Homeric poems we find most of the Greek tribes already united into small nations , within which , however , gentes , phratries , and tribes retained their full independence .

  13. 这也是从下述普遍通行的惯例中产生的,即妇女出嫁后,就不再参加本氏族的宗教仪式,而改行她丈夫的氏族的宗教仪式,加入她丈夫的胞族。

    This is further substantiated by the universally accepted principle that at her marriage the woman renounced the religious rites of her gens and went over to those of her husband , being also inscribed in his phratry .

  14. 我们也看到,氏族一旦成为社会单位,那末差不多以不可抗拒的必然性从这种单位中发展出氏族、胞族和部落的全部组织。

    But once the gens is given as the social unit , we also see how the whole constitution of gentes , phratries , and tribes is almost necessarily bound to develop from this unit , because the development is natural .

  15. 债务契约和土地抵押雅典人已经发明了抵押办法既不理会氏族,也不理会胞族。而旧的氏族制度既不知有货币,也不知有贷款,更不知有货币债务。

    The debtor 's bond and the lien on property for already the Athenians had invented the mortgage also respected neither gens nor phratry , while the old gentile constitution , for its part , knew neither money nor advances of money nor debts in money .