
  • 网络sporocyst;sporocysts
  1. 胞蚴和尾蚴在萝卜螺(Lymnaeaauricularia)内发现。

    The sporocyst and cercariae are found from the snail ( Lymnaea auricularia ) .

  2. 分别拍摄共培养1h、12h、24h及3d毛蚴生长照片。将培养3d的母胞蚴注射于阴性钉螺头足部,80d后观察钉螺逸蚴情况。

    The pictures of miracidia were recorded after co-cultivation for 1 h , 12 h , 24 h and 3 d. The co-cultivated for 3 days mother sporocysts injected in the head and foot of negative snails , after 80 days , observed whether cercariae could be obtained or not .

  3. 渗透压、pH值对日本血吸虫毛蚴体外转变成母胞蚴的影响

    Effects of Osmolarity and pH on the Transformation of Schistosoma japonicum Miracidium to Mother Sporocyst in vitro

  4. 于胞蚴的胚球,尾蚴的吸盘、生殖原基、单细胞腺体主要含DNA阳性物质;

    Germ balls in daughter sporocyst , suckers of the cercaria , germinal primordia and unicellular gland of the cercaria contain DNA positive substances .

  5. 日本血吸虫胞蚴电镜的进一步观察

    Further observation on the ultrastructure of the sporocyst of Schistosoma japonicum

  6. 日本血吸虫子胞蚴超微结构的研究:产孔的形态学证明

    Ultrastructure of birth pore in daughter sporocysts of Schistosoma japonicum

  7. 日本血吸虫胞蚴期超微结构的初步观察

    A preliminary observation on the ultrastructure of mother and daughter sporocysts of Schistosoma japonicum

  8. 40天的母胞蚴布满肠壁周围,胚球两端拉长;

    At 40 days postinfection , mother sporocyst scattered all over the intestine wall .

  9. 螺宿主对吸虫幼虫期的血细胞反应主要是在毛蚴入侵早期以及子胞蚴逸离母胞蚴的早期,表明螺宿主血细胞反应可能具有对幼虫发育期的特异性。

    We found that the larval parasites were surrounded by blood cells of the snails especially on early stages of mother sporocyst and daughter sporocyst but not for conspicuous encapsulation reaction , which suggest that the reaction may be stage specific to development of larval trematode .

  10. 华支睾吸虫第二中间宿主胞囊蚴的发现与实验观察

    The Discovery and Experimental Research of Clonorchis Sinensis Encysted Metacercariae in the Second Intermediate Host