
  • 网络cytokinesis;successive cytokinesis
  1. 钙调素(CaM)在胞质分裂期的动态分布观察及其作用机制研究

    Study on the Dynamic Distribution and Function of Calmodulin ( CaM ) during Cytokinesis

  2. SARS冠状病毒核衣壳蛋白抑制胞质分裂和细胞增值

    Nucleocapsid Protein of SARS Coronavirus Inhibits Cytokinesis and Cell Proliferation

  3. 肌球蛋白II缺失对粘附状态下哺乳动物细胞胞质分裂影响的研究

    Effects of Myosin II Absence on the Cytokinesis of Adherent Mammalian Cells

  4. ~(60)Coγ射线诱发人淋巴细胞胞质分裂阻断法微核剂量效应关系的研究

    Dose response curve for micronucleus of cytokinesis-block method in human lymphocytes after ~ ( 60 ) co-gamma ray exposure

  5. 在胞质分裂末期,伴随中体解聚,CaM重新均匀分布于整个细胞质中。

    At the final stage of cytokinesis , CaM redistributed evenly in the cytoplasm following the midbody dissolving .

  6. 取15例子宫颈鳞状细胞癌(Ⅱb~Ⅲb期)患者放疗前与放疗中外周静脉血,进行姐妹染色单体交换试验与胞质分裂阻滞法微核试验。

    Methods : Collected 15 cervical carcinoma patients ' peripheral blood before and during radiotherapy , the SCE assay and cytokinesis-blocked MN assay were applied .

  7. 结论:SARS-CovN蛋白抑制胞质分裂,延缓细胞生长。

    Conclusion Cytokinesis was inhibited and cell growth was delayed by the N protein of the SARS-CoV .

  8. 当细胞进入胞质分裂期时,除纺锤体两极分布有CaM外,在细胞中央皮质下也出现CaM的富集;

    After the cell entered cytokinesis , in addition of the spindle poles distributed CaM , another fraction of CaM appeared under the equatorial cortex ;

  9. ATP作为细胞内主要的能量载体,为细胞胞质分裂这一大变形过程及细胞骨架的重分布提供了能量来源。

    ATP , the energy carrier in cells , was the support of the large deformation of cells and cytoskeleton redistribution during cytokinesis .

  10. 这些结果显示,survivin把AuroraB激酶活性与中心纺锤体和胞质分裂完成联系到了一起。

    These results indicate that survivin represents a link between the relocation of Aurora B kinase activity to central spindle and completion of cytokinesis .

  11. 采用胞质分裂阻滞微核测试法(CB微核测试法)对76名丙烯腈(AN)专业工龄为4~20年的作业工人外周血双核淋巴细胞微核进行研究。

    Micronuclei ( MN ) of peripheral blood binuclear lymphocytes are studied by the method of cytochalasin B ( CB ) .

  12. 胞质分裂阻滞微核法(cytokinesis-blockmicronucleustest,CBMNT)是一套以检测染色体断裂和染色体分离为主的实验体系。

    The cytokinesis-block micronucleus test ( CBMNT ) is a method for measuring chromosome breakage and / or whole chromosome loss .

  13. 推荐SCE和胞质分裂阻断法微核试验为苯并(a)芘接触人群遗传损伤监测的首选指标。

    SCE and MN ( cytokinesis block method ) should be choice of indices to monitor genetic damage in human population exposed to benzo ( a ) pyrene .

  14. 在细胞有丝分裂期,Numb选择性地分布于细胞的一侧,在胞质分裂后则被分配于一个子细胞。

    During mitosis of each cell division , Numb is preferentially distributed to one side of the cell and is segregated to one of the two daughter cells after cytokinesis .

  15. 染色体粘连成团,胞质分裂受阻,致使细胞形成多核,其多核率高达44.0%(CHO)和15.5%(HeLa)。

    The chromosomes adhered to each other , and the division of cytoplasm was obstructed , so that the rates of multinuclear offspring cells reached 44 % ( CHO ) and 15.5 % ( HeLa ) .

  16. 应用胞质分裂阻滞微核技术(简称CB微核法),探讨了X射线与60Coγ射线,以及不同剂量率的60Coγ射线诱发微核率与辐射剂量的量效关系。

    Using cytochalasin cytokinesis B to block was compared the dose effects of x-ray and 60Co γ - ray on frequencies of micronucleus , as well as the dose effect of γ - ray at different dose rates .

  17. Actin通过解聚、聚合的动态变化,维持细胞形态、极性、促进细胞游走、胞质分裂,参与胚胎发生、器官形成等多种生理及病理过程。

    Actin maintains cell shape and polarity , promotes cell migration and cytokinesis by dynamic changing about depolymerization and repolymerization , and participates in various physiological and pathological processes like embryogenesis , organogenesis , and so on .

  18. 采用GFP标记技术,我们观察了GFP-CaM在胞质分裂期HeLa细胞中的动态分布,发现在胞质分裂后期,GFP-CaM与中体紧密相连。

    By using GFP-CaM fusion protein , we have studied the detailed dynamic redistribution of CaM during cytokinesis in HeLa cells . CaM associates with midbody in late cytokinesis phase .

  19. 胞质分裂结束时,DCB位于2个卵裂球其中之一的细胞质内或在赤道板处被分割成两部分。实验结果首次提供了栉孔扇贝雌核发育的细胞学证据。

    At completion of cytokinesis of the first cleavage , the DCB was seen either in the cytoplasm of one of the two blastomeres or on the equatorial plate as two partitional parts .

  20. 方法应用胞质分裂抑制试验,平行生长抑制试验,观察edelfosine对S。

    Methods To observe the inhibition of cytokinesis and growth , the experiments of inhibition of cyto-kinesis and parallel growth were carried out .

  21. Aurora-B(Aik2)定位于有丝分裂的中体,抑制其活性导致形成多核细胞,提示其与胞质分裂有关。

    Aurora-B is located in the midbody in mitosis . Suppressing its activity leads to the formation of multi-nuclei cells . Thus , we inferred that Aurora-B is likely to be associated with cytokinesis .

  22. 方法采用彗星试验和胞质分裂阻断微核试验(CBMN),在体外检测2450MHz微波(5.0mW/cm2)与MMC诱发的DNA单链断裂及染色体损伤的情况。

    Methods Single strand DNA breaks and chromosomal aberrations were measured by comet assay and cytokinesis blocked micronucleus ( CBMN ) test in vitro when human lymphocytes were exposed to 2 450 MHz microwave ( 5.0 mW / cm 2 ) alone and in combination with mitomycin C.

  23. 通过观察胡萝卜花粉母细胞的减数分裂过程,发现其行为正常,是同时型胞质分裂,中期I有9个二价体(9II),为典型的二倍体物种。

    No abnormal behavior was observed in the meiotic process of pollen mother cell of carrot , showing cytokinesis of simultaneous type . There were nine bivalents ( 9II ) at metaphase I , indicating it is a typical diploid species .

  24. 胞质分裂是一个涉及生物学和力学的复杂过程,其分裂模式也是多种多样。

    Cytokinesis is a complicated life process involved biology and mechanics .

  25. 哺乳动物细胞胞质分裂是一个典型的力学过程。

    Cytokinesis of mammalian cells was a typical mechanical process .

  26. 模式生物构巢曲霉胞质分裂的研究进展

    The Research Progress on The Plasmodieresis of Model Organism & Aspergillus nidulans

  27. 它们功能的破坏会导致胞质分裂缺陷。

    Their functional defect would inhibit the completion of cytokinesis .

  28. 绒毡层为分泌型.小孢子母细胞减数分裂时,胞质分裂为同时型,小孢子呈四面体型排列。

    Penetration into the cell ; The tapetum is of the secretory type .

  29. 乙双吗啉对体外培养人淋巴细胞周期和胞质分裂的作用

    Effects of bimolane on cell cycle and cytokinesis in human lymphocytes in vitro

  30. 中国仓鼠肺细胞胞质分裂阻滞法微核试验灵敏性初探

    Primary Study on the Sensitivity of Cytokinesis Blocked Micronucleus Assay in CHL Cells