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fǔ shí xìnɡ wù zhì
  • corrosive;aggressive substance
  1. 将工作场所内的金属屑、腐蚀性物质或类似杂质清理掉。

    Clean workplace from metal chips , corrosive substances or similar impurities .

  2. 喷气燃料中腐蚀性物质及其腐蚀性研究

    Characteristics and corrosivity of corrosive substances in jet fuel

  3. 研究发现,在148名被研究的患者中,有19.5%及时报告自己误食了腐蚀性物质。

    Timely admission was observed in19.5 % of148 patients studied .

  4. 泥沙中的腐蚀性物质会灼伤皮肤,刺激双眼。

    Corrosive elements in the mud can burn the skin and irritate eyes .

  5. 变质喷气燃料中腐蚀性物质的确定

    Determination of Corrosive Substances in Deteriorated Jet Fuel

  6. 锈及酸类都是腐蚀性物质。

    Rust and acids are corrosive .

  7. 采用磁性流量计测试泥浆流量及腐蚀性物质或微粒的流速。

    Use magnetic flow meters for flow measurement of slurries and fluids with corrosive properties or particulates .

  8. 环丁砜降解产生的一些酸性腐蚀性物质和大分子聚合物造成了设备的腐蚀,堵塞了换热器和再沸器等设备。

    Some acid corrosion matters and high polymer produced by sulfolane degradation in hydrocarbon extraction may corrode equipment and jam the heat exchanger .

  9. 冷库库板为内、外金属板中间聚氨酯保温层构成,以防止硬物的撞击或腐蚀性物质的接触。

    The cold storage panels are consisted by an inner metal plate , an outer metal plate , and an intermediate polyurethane insulation layer .

  10. 然而,坠落过程中可能有一种名为联氨的剧毒腐蚀性物质会残留在碎片上,这种物质常被用来制造火箭推进剂。

    However , a highly toxic and corrosive substance called hydrazine , which is often used in creating potent rocket fuel , can potentially survive re-entry .

  11. 在那些由不安全的环境造成的伤害中,误食腐蚀性物质的问题值得注意,特别是在那些通常很少报告这种事件的发展中国家。

    Among those injuries that are caused by an unsafe environment , the accidental ingestion of corrosive substances is significant , especially in developing countries where it is generally underreported .

  12. 烧伤,烫伤,灼伤因火焰、高温、辐射、电击或腐蚀性物质而造成的伤害烧烫酊对家兔深Ⅱ度烧伤后创面愈合作用影响的实验研究

    An injury produced by fire , heat , radiation , electricity , or a caustic agent . EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON EFFECTS OF BURN-SCALD TINCTURE ON HEALING OF RABBITS ' SECOND BURN WOUND

  13. 和隔膜泵相比,单螺杆泵可输送各种混合杂质,含有气体及固体颗粒或纤维的介质,也可输送各种腐蚀性物质。

    And diaphragm compared to single-screw pump can transport all kinds of mixed impurity containing gas and solid particles or fibers of the media , but also transport all kinds of corrosive substances .

  14. 腐蚀性:物质破坏接触到的活组织。

    Corrosive : substances and preparations which may destroy living tissueon contacts .

  15. 摄入具一定腐蚀性的物质后所导致的黏膜损伤,可能阻碍疑似中毒治疗时进行的呕吐诱导。

    Mucosal injury following ingestion of the potentially corrosive material may contraindicate the induction of vomitting in the treatment of possible intoxication .

  16. 与其他行业相比,石油化工生产过程涉及的原料、中间体和产品大多为易燃、易爆、有毒、有害和有腐蚀性的物质。

    Compared with other industries , petrochemical production processes involving raw materials , intermediates and products are mostly the flammable , explosive , toxic , harmful and corrosive substances .

  17. 最后,她谈到中东化学战的受害者,她描述了腐蚀性化学物质给当地穷人带来的一大堆健康问题。

    Finally , she talked about the victims of chemical warfare in the Middle East and how the caustic chemicals have caused the poor people a multitude of health problems .

  18. 这些大量的易燃、易爆、腐蚀性放射性物质在全国范围内运输,形成一个流动的危险源,使危害性成倍增加,加大了运输难度,运输安全形势越来越严峻。

    Dangerous chemicals Transportation of these massive flammable , explosive , corrosive and radioactive substances nationwide forms a flowing dangerous source , which doubles the harmfulness and increases the difficulty of transportation . The dangerous chemicals transportation security situation is becoming more and more severe .

  19. 尤其作为无机阻燃剂,由于其分解温度高、抑烟能力强、阻燃效果佳、分解后不产生有毒有腐蚀性的物质,近二十多年来受到越来越多的青睐。

    In recent twenty years , magnesium hydroxide , as flame retardant filler , has attracted more and more attention , because it has high decomposition temperature , good smoke elimination performance and excellent fire resistance , and does not evolve into toxic and corrosive substance .

  20. 这种腐蚀性的化学物质可以有效地抑制产生坏疽的细菌滋生

    This caustic chemical is effective against the bacteria that cause gangrene .

  21. 目前国内高纯硅的生产方法主要为西门子法,四氯化硅作为西门子法中产量最大的副产物,是一种具有强腐蚀性的毒害物质。

    At present , the main production process of high-purity silicon is Siemens process . Silicon tetrachloride as the largest by-product during Siemens process is a strongly corrosive chemical substance .

  22. 核工业使用许多腐蚀性很强的物质。

    Many highly corrosive substances are used in the nuclear industry .

  23. 使用腐蚀性碱液和酸性物质的地方必须安装安全喷淋器。

    In areas where caustic lyes and acids are used , safety showers must be installed .

  24. 苛性剂,腐蚀剂:腐蚀性,苛性的物质或药物。

    A caustic or corrosive substance or drug .

  25. 由于材料表面采用等离子喷涂抗腐蚀的陶瓷涂层覆盖在金属基体上,从而屏障了外界腐蚀性物质对金属基体的浸蚀,从而提高了材料的抗腐蚀能力。

    After spraying the ceramic material which can resist the corruptible matter from the metal body , the resistance to corrosion can be improved .

  26. 通过一起铂坩锅被腐蚀现象及其多次对比试验,找出了被腐蚀原因,确定了铁、含磷化合物是粉尘样品测定中主要腐蚀性物质,提出了用铂坩锅测定粉尘样品时应注意的问题。

    Through the corrosion of platinum alloy crucible and many tests , the reasons have been found . Fe and P compound have been regarded as main corrosion materials , and some problems of testing dust sample have been put forward .