
  • 网络bra;chest pad
  1. 你喜欢有胸垫的内衣还是没有胸垫的?

    Do you like the underwear with a bra pad or not ?

  2. 礼盒里还有胸垫、画册和细布方巾等,来帮威廉王子夫妇应付第一个孩子出生后的最初几个星期。

    The Duke and Duchess will also discover bra pads , a picture book and muslin squares to help them cope with the initial few weeks with their first child .

  3. 日本一家内衣制造商为了使人们少用塑料袋,于本周三推出了一款新型文胸,这种文胸的胸垫展开后,可以变成一个手提购物袋。

    A lingerie maker , in a bid to discourage Japanese from using plastic bags , on Wednesday unveiled a bra whose cup padding unfolds to become a handheld shopping bag .

  4. 卫生胸垫,涉及妇女保健用品技术领域,特指一种哺乳期间的妇女用于保持胸围和衣服干爽的卫生胸垫。

    A sanitary breast pad relates to the technical field of woman health-care articles , in particular to a sanitary pad used for keeping the circumference and clothes dry for women in lactation period .