
  • 网络waistline;Waist line;belt line;beltline;girdle
  1. 短距离延长巷道中腰线的若干要点与技法

    Several important points and technique of extending the middle waist line of tunnel in short distance

  2. 本公司专业生产艺术精品抛晶砖,拼画,腰线,玻璃马赛克。

    This company specialized production art high-quality goods throw the crystal brick , puts together the picture , the waist line , the glass mosaic .

  3. 然而,对腰线的重新关注意味着该行业群要证明他们的产品既健康又美味而正面临着重压。

    Nonetheless , the renewed focus on waistlines means that industry groups are under pressure to demonstrate their products are healthy as well as tasty .

  4. Muffin-top指腰间被裤子或裙子腰线勒出来下垂的赘肉,看上去像玛芬蛋糕顶部溢出纸托的样子,由此得名。

    A muffin-top is the phenomenon of overhanging fat when it spills over the waistline of pants or skirts in a manner that resembles the top of a muffin spilling over its paper casing .

  5. 以最小的质量增加使B柱内板腰线处侵入速度减少到9m/s以内,与优化前相比减少了8.5%。

    The intrusion velocity at the middle of B-pillar was controlled under 9 m / s while the minimum mass was increased . The intrusion velocity was reduced about 8.5 % compared with the former of that .

  6. 时尚杂志《Glamour》则建议搭配露脐上衣,以突显腰线。

    You can pair them with a crop top to bring the attention to your waistline , fashion magazine Glamour suggested .

  7. 获得了理想的B柱变形模式,B柱内板腰线处侵入量和侵入速度分别减小了18%和12%,同时内板最大侵入量也减小了10%,B柱总质量减小18%。

    A desired deformation mode of B-pillar was finally obtained . Its maximum intrusion was reduced by 10 % . The intrusion and intrusion velocity at the middle of B-pillar were reduced by 18 % and 12 % respectively .

  8. 大半径凹形竖曲线巷道腰线的等分弧长设计法

    Evenly Arc Method of Tunnel Stringcourse with Sweeping Matrix Vertical Curve

  9. 圆曲线斜巷腰线标定方法探讨线路中线的综合坐标测设法

    Study of Centre Line Setting-out Method of Circular Curve Slope

  10. 转向变坡巷道的腰线标定方法

    A Method for Calibrating the Centerline of a Deflection Slope Changing Roadway

  11. 原型法纸样设计的腰线对位问题

    Fitting of Waist Line When Using Prototype to Design Pattern

  12. 酱香型白酒堆积发酵过程中腰线的形成机理

    Formation Mechanism of " Waist Line " during Stack Fermentation of Maotai-flavor Liquor

  13. 煤矿井下竖曲线巷道腰线的标设方法

    Practice on Setting-out the Centre Line of Vertical Curve Roadway in Underground mine

  14. 挑选那些可以突出你腰线的衣服,保准你回头率飙升。

    Opt for pieces that emphasize your waistline and draw the eye in .

  15. 免棱镜全站仪在天井腰线标设中的应用及误差分析

    Application of Non-prism Total Station in Arrangement of Shaft Waist-line and the Error Analysis

  16. 任意倾角法测设斜井腰线的应用探讨

    The Application to Discuss about the Random Tilt-angle Method Survey the Inclined Shaft Waist Line

  17. 你总是在腰线下击球,看起来专业极了!

    And the way you always hit it just below your waistline , looks so professional .

  18. 从脊柱中立位开始,呼气并且收紧骨盆,使下背部及腰线接触垫子。

    Begin in neutral spine , exhale and rock pelvis posteriorly so low back or waistline touches mat .

  19. 而她也肯定会注意到我苗条的腰线和手臂上纤细精巧的手镯。

    It 's she who will notice my slimmed down waist or the thinnest , little bracelet on my arm .

  20. 标定倾斜岩巷中腰线,是比较重要的矿山测量工作之一。

    Demarcating the midline and the vertical direction of the inclined rock - working is an important measure work at coal mine .

  21. 研究发现,相较于腰线完美的人,有啤酒肚和小肚腩的女性不容易骨折。

    Females with pot bellies and muffin tops are less likely to break bones than those with perfectly toned tums , research has found .

  22. 结合工程实例,介绍了大半径竖曲线巷道腰线放样设计的计算步骤和方法。

    With project instance , this paper introduced the calculation procedure and method about lofting and designing the tunnel stringcourse with sweeping matrix vertical curve .

  23. 搭配法则:你可以入手一件漂亮的派克大衣来秀出腰线,或是选择宽松的款式。

    How to wear the look : You can go for a beautiful parka that accentuates your waist , or you can choose the oversized edition .

  24. 通过对某汽车车身腰线处的过渡曲面光顺,给出了复杂过渡曲面的光顺方法,并阐述了基本曲面理论交线的重要作用。

    The smoothing methods for complex transitional curved surfaces are given by smoothing waist surfaces for an auto-body , then the theoretical curves are emphasized in transitional surfaces smoothing .

  25. 无论你对蔬菜是爱是恨,如果你想拥有傲人的腰线,你都需要每天食用五份蔬菜。

    Whether you love vegetable or hate them , you need to eat at least 5 portions per day if you want to have a waistline to be proud of .

  26. 精致洗练的流线型高腰线飞扬于车身两侧,让雪佛兰传统气质与现代时尚交相辉映。

    The refined and clean-cut streamline-type high-waist lines fly across the body on both sides and allow the Chevrolet ′ s traditional style to be the perfect complement of its modernity .

  27. 皇室高腰裙的腰线比较高,只有胸部下有一条接缝。对于胸部较小的新娘比较适合,而且可以让身材娇小的新娘看上去更高。

    An empire line dress has a high waistline and a seam just underneath the bust . It 's best for small busted brides and it makes petite brides look taller .

  28. 本文研究是基于视觉心理学这一基本理论,对汽车腰线的综合研究。

    At the end , these existing problems of the particular kind car beltline have be found and the paper give some conclusions based on the visual psychology to solve these problems .

  29. 结果表明,腰线形成主要是由于排与排之间酒醅温差过大、过度糊化以及水分作用造成微生物异常的发酵现象;

    The results indicated that oversized temperature difference among fermented grains during trans-production , excessive grain burning and moisture content would result in abnormal microbial fermentation and further form " waist line " .

  30. 即使有人注意到了你不断膨胀的腰线,他们也不太可能冒险说些什么,唯恐你隆起的腹部是过于频繁地造访自动售货机的结果。

    Even if people notice your bulging waistline , they are most unlikely to risk saying anything lest the bulge turns out to be the result of too many visits to the vending machine .