
  • 网络self-knowledge;self-awareness;self-cognition;self-concept
  1. 自我认识是自我教育意识产生的重要基础。

    Sense of self-awareness is self-education have an important foundation .

  2. 情商简而言之:自我认识,自我调适,自我控制,学会合作。

    Emotional Intelligence is basically : self-awareness , self-direction , self-control and learning to cooperate .

  3. 当用上述的这种方式定义病人和医生,或者客户(client)和治疗师之间的关系时,双方在自我认识上都会发生一些问题。

    By the very way the relationship between patient and doctor , or client and therapist , is defined , something happens to the self perception of both parties involved .

  4. 首先,我告诉Emma忘掉她的自我认识危机,去获得一些身份认定的资本。

    First , I told Emma to forget about having an identity crisis and get some identity capital .

  5. 美国一所大学的研究员克里斯特·罗素曾在《消费者研究》(ConsumerResearch)杂志就重读旧书这一问题发表了一篇文章,文章指出,重读旧书不仅能加深对书的理解,也能增进读者的自我认识。

    As researcher Cristel Russell of the American University explained of re-readers in an article published in the Journal of Consumer Research , returning to a book " brings new or renewed appreciation of both the object of consumption and their self . "

  6. 进行MBTI心理类型测试,这是一种很有价值的自我认识心理测试工具:

    Take the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment , a valuable psycho-metric tool for self-understanding :

  7. LD儿童的主观生活质量总量表分和认知及情感成份得分均低于对照组儿童(P<0.01),在家庭和学校生活、生活环境、自我认识、抑郁和焦虑体验的得分亦低于对照组儿童;

    In addition , the score of subjective quality of life , cognition and affection , life of family and school , living environment , self-cognition , experience of depression and anxiety among LD children was lower than that of the control group .

  8. 提高大学生自我认识、自我激励、自我控制的能力;

    Improve student 's ability of self-reorganization , self-encouragement and self-control ;

  9. 网名:透视大学生道德自我认识的窗口

    Cyber-name : A Window to Reflect the Moral-self of College Students

  10. 跨文化交际的观念差异自我认识与跨文化交际

    On Conception differences in Cross-cultural Communication Self-recognition and Cross-cultural Communication

  11. 自我认识的问题历来是一个哲学难题。

    The problem of self-knowledge has always been a difficult philosophical problem .

  12. 教师在工作中的自我认识

    On the Teachers ' Self - Understand about their Works

  13. 你每天改进你的为人和自我认识。

    You work daily to improve your skills and self-knowledge .

  14. 未成年犯父母是否健全对自我认识的影响在本研究中差异不显著;

    The influence of parents on the self-knowledge of juvenile delinquents is insignificant .

  15. 护生对护士职业自我认识的发展过程

    The process of nursing student developing a self-identity for socialization to nursing profession

  16. 自我认识的局限&论莎士比亚悲剧《李尔王》

    The Limitation of Self knowledge & On Shakespeare s Tragedy KING LEAR ;

  17. 论托妮·莫里森小说中美国黑人自欺的自我认识

    On Self-identity of American Blacks ' Bad Faith in Toni Morrison 's Novels

  18. 人类自我认识的历史,就是人类文明的发展史。

    The history of human self-knowledge is the developmental history of human civilization .

  19. 此时表现的就是证券分析师的专业素质和职业素养问题和自我认识。

    The performance of securities analysts , professional quality and professionalism and self-awareness .

  20. 年岁的增长,人们的自我认识也。

    Knowledge of self increases as one gets older .

  21. 正是在这个时期里儿童形成了“我很勤奋”或“我很差劲儿”的自我认识。

    This is when children think of themselves as industrious or as inferior .

  22. 能力方面:有如何学习数学的自我认识能力;

    Capability : They know how to learn mathematics .

  23. 自我认识是其基本的特性;

    " self-recognition " is its basic characteristic ;

  24. 宣泄是自我认识与自我成长的催化剂。

    Vent self-awareness and self-growth is a catalyst .

  25. 在此行运期之后,会产生突发性的自我认识或自我价值。

    Sudden personal recognition or self-worth is noticed right after the transit is over .

  26. 孩子自我认识的形成,离不开从别人那里听到对自己的评价。

    A child 's self-identity is shaped around the things they hear about themselves .

  27. 中国人的自我认识以及它对于冲突解决过程中使用的交际策略的影响

    Chinese Perception of the Self and Its Impact on Conflict Management in Communication Strategies

  28. 大学生自我认识是个体自我认识的基础。

    College students self - cognition is the foundation of individual self - consciousness .

  29. 阅读能力、思维能力、自我认识能力、自我评价能力、编操能力较弱。

    Reading , thinking , self-recognition , self-evaluation , and creating gymnastics ability are poor .

  30. 图书馆科学学的创建,来自于图书馆学自我认识的需要。

    The ego-recognition of library science results in the creation of science of library science .