
  • selfie;self-portrait;SELF-SHOT
  1. 《牛津词典》编委会在一场新闻发布会上表示:该词在2013年的英文界可谓是风生水起,它从一个社交媒体流行词发展演变成公认的自拍照简称。

    The word gained momentum throughout the English-speaking world in 2013 as it evolved from a social media buzzword to mainstream shorthand for a self-portrait photograph , Oxford Dictionaries explained in a news release .

  2. 文章第一章论述了自拍现象的出现以及其原因,分析其与自画像之间的关系,从摄影术的角度论述自拍照的演化。

    The first chapter discusses the phenomenon of self-photo-taking and its causes and also analyzes the relation between self-portrait in terms of photography .

  3. Wendy一不小心在社交网站上发布了一张带有标注文字“20周”的自拍照,结果朋友们推断出她一定是怀孕了。

    Wendy accidentally shared a selfie with the caption1 ' twenty weeks ' , and friends put two and two together – she 's pregnant . It 's typical of him to put two and two together and make five .

  4. 不过,还是有些不明就里的人会给这种自拍照点赞。

    Still , there are someone stupid enough giving many likes to such kind of selfies .

  5. 当他怎么也无法拍到完美无瑕的自拍照后,他试图服用过量药自杀,但被自己的母亲救下。

    When he failed to take the flawless shot , he tried to kill himself by taking an overdose but was saved by his mother .

  6. 自拍杆是一种可以与智能手机或相机相连,远距离拍摄自拍照的单脚架。

    A selfie stick is a monopod used to take selfie photographs by positioning a smartphone or camera beyond the normal range of the arm .

  7. 有些假装度假的人会拍个假装度假的自拍照,然后发到社交媒体上,有些甚至会在身上涂美黑霜或者满头编上小辫。

    Some take a selfie that looks like they 're on holiday and post it on social media , some go so far as applying tanning lotions and getting their hair tiny-braided .

  8. 娜奥米·坎贝尔是起床首传自拍照的第一人。这位光鲜美丽的超模身穿简单的白色吊带睡衣,躺在奢华的白色寝具上。

    Naomi Campbell was among the first to post her picture first thing in the morning and the glamorous4 supermodel wore a simple white camisole nightie while lying among luxurious5 white bedding .

  9. 晨拍指一大早发到社交网站上的自拍照,看上去像刚起床的样子,但其实是洗澡、化妆以后的自拍照。

    Morning selfie describes the situation when someone posts a selfie to any social media in the morning , looking like he / she just woke up , but in fact , they already took a shower and put on make-up before taking the selfie .

  10. 此外,我们也不能完全肯定两步验证能否防止那些R级和X级的自拍照流出。

    Moreover , it 's not at all clear that two-step verification would have kept those R - and X-rated selfies from getting out .

  11. 我们都能举出很多例子:不停更新的Facebook,数不清的自拍照,以及卡戴珊姐妹。

    We all can recite the evidence : the breathlessly updated Facebook profile , the cascade of selfies , the Kardashians .

  12. 校长H·金·波托姆利(H.KimBottomly)与阿历克斯拍了自拍照,两个人都笑容满面。

    President H. Kim Bottomly took a selfie with him , each with a wide smile .

  13. Instagram上的自拍照多达1.84亿张。

    With 184 million selfies on instagram , how could Apple miss it ?

  14. 拜登的第一张Instagram自拍照

    Biden 's First Instagram Selfie 1 .

  15. 其同道中人还包括演员麦莉o赛勒斯(她在Twitter上发了121张自拍照)、坠机事件幸存者费迪南德o普恩特斯、宇航员史蒂夫o斯沃森。

    So has Miley Cyrus ( she 's posted 121 of them on Twitter ) . Plane-crash survivor Ferdinand Puentes . And astronaut Steve Swanson .

  16. 在与卡夫的自拍照丑闻曝光之后,俾路支透露,她收到死亡威胁,并请求巴基斯坦内政部(InteriorMinistry)保护自己。

    After the scandal over the photos with Mr. Qavi , Ms. Baloch had revealed that she was receiving threats , and she appealed to Pakistan 's Interior Ministry for protection .

  17. 马丁模仿凯西拍了5张自拍照,很自豪的将它们发到Instagram帐户。

    Martin has re-created five of Cassie 's selfies and proudly posted them to his Instagram account .

  18. 一条围巾、另一个人、一只鬼……抑或只是一个PS恶作剧,看来关于这张灵异自拍照的真相还有待分晓。

    A scarf , another person , a ghost ... or just a Photoshop prankster , the jury 's out on this particularly spooky selfie , it seems .

  19. 在虚荣这方面,性别差异在缩小。这就不难理解有些女性喜欢在Facebook和Twitter上发布那些噘嘴卖萌的自拍照。

    The difference narrowed when it came to vanity , which may explain why some women feel the need to clog Twitter and Facebook with countless pouting selfies .

  20. 在一位学生将奥克桑娜·娜维斯拉雅上数学课的视频传到YouTube后,她就因其性感的自拍照而走红网络。

    Oksana Neveselaya has become a web sensation for her sexy selfies after a class of her teaching maths was posted on YouTube by a student .

  21. 做作业太无趣了,所以我拍了一张自拍照、发布到了Tumblr网上。

    My homework was too boring , so I took a selfie and posted it to tumblr .

  22. •“三星(Samsung)GalaxyS4手机的焦距存在问题,导致自拍照效果不稳定,而且背景中任何明亮灯光都会导致照片严重曝光过度。”

    • " the Samsung Galaxy S4 suffers from focus issues , so its selfies were inconsistent , and any bright lights in the background resulted in badly blown-out images . "

  23. 为展示VR中的社交互动体验可能是什么样的,扎克伯格为自己的虚拟化身(avatar)、实景中他的狗、以及他妻子打来的视频电话窗口拍了一张自拍照。

    Mr Zuckerberg took a selfie of his avatar with a 360-degree photo of his dog , alongside a video call from his wife , to illustrate what social experiences might look like in VR .

  24. 另一个亮点是《唐顿庄园》的演员们和克鲁尼拍了一张自拍照,让人想起由今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼的主持人艾伦·德杰尼勒斯(EllenDeGeneres)发起的著名奥斯卡自拍照。

    Another wink was when the " Downton " cast assembled for a selfie with Clooney 's character , reminiscent of the famous Oscar selfie initiated by host Ellen DeGeneres 。

  25. 早在2013年,“自拍”大幅流行之时,编写者们就把“Selfie(自拍照)”这个词选为了“年度词汇”。

    In 2013 , in recognition of the growing popularity of self-portraits , the editors selected ' selfie , ' for the ' Word of the Year ' !

  26. 一些用户指责她模仿了另一位年轻的俄罗斯美女,23岁的AngelinaNikolau,她也曾因为在摩天大楼拍摄了危险的自拍照而登上全球媒体的头条。

    Some users accused her of copying another beautiful young Russian , Angelina Nikolau , 23 , who has made headlines around the world with her dangerous selfies taken on top of skyscrapers .

  27. WPP品牌专家艾伦•亚当森向《华尔街日报》表示:这是对三星品牌的一次大力宣传,艾伦的自拍照将比三星的广告更具影响力。

    It was a great plug for the Samsung brand , WPP branding expert Allen Adamson told the Journal . Ellen 's selfie is going to be more impactful than their commercials .

  28. 和很多父亲一样,当看到自己年方19岁的女儿凯西,在社交网站Instagram所发“性感”自拍照下面的评论时,克里斯·马丁大吃一惊……

    Like most fathers would be , Chris " Burr " Martin was taken aback when he saw that comment posted in response to one of his 19-year-old daughter Cassie 's sexy selfies on her Instagram account .

  29. 去年惠特尼美国艺术博物馆在自己的杰夫·昆斯(JeffKoons)回顾展上分发卡片,上面用大写字母写道:昆斯的作品很适合自拍!鼓励游客把自拍照发到Instagram上。

    The Whitney Museum of American Art , at its Jeff Koons retrospective last year , passed out cards proclaiming , in capital letters , Koons Is Great for Selfies ! and urged visitors to post their work on Instagram .

  30. 罗瑞克的摄影项目灵感来自他在看纪录片的时候,偶然发现自己的衣服和第33任总统哈里·杜鲁门的特别像,他就心血来潮,拍了一张自拍照附上杜鲁门总统的照片,把照片上传到Instagram。

    Rorick 's project started when he realized his outfit resembled that of President Harry Truman while watching a documentary . He took a photo of himself , placed it next to one of Truman , and posted it on Instagram .