
  • 网络Depot Bike School
  1. 每天早上我要花45分钟骑自行车到学校。

    It takes me 45 minutes to get to school by bike every morning .

  2. 你可以骑自行车去学校,但记住要时刻小心。

    You can ride your bike to school , but remember to be careful all the time .

  3. 我骑自行车到学校要花费40分钟。

    It takes me40 minutes to get to school by bike .

  4. 他和我都骑自行车去学校。

    Both he and I go to school by bike .

  5. 通常我骑自行车来学校,但有时走路。

    I usually come to school by bike , but I walk sometimes .

  6. 明天他打算骑自行车去学校。

    He is going to ride to school tomorrow .

  7. 非常堵!下次我骑自行车来学校。

    Yes , there is . I will come to school by bicycle next time .

  8. 这男孩夸口说他的自行车是学校中质量最好的。

    The boy boasted that his bicycle was of the best quality of all the bicycles in the school .

  9. 比尔骑上自行车赶去学校。

    Bill started out for school on his bicycle .

  10. 我回家时,突然发现自己把自行车落在学校图书馆前面了。

    When I went back home I suddenly found I had left my bicycle in front of our school library .

  11. 有些学生在平日要很早起床,他们要搭校车或骑自行车按时赶到学校。

    Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or bike .

  12. 一天早上,艾格尼丝正骑着自行车走在去学校的路上。

    One morning , Agnes was riding her bike to school .

  13. 我们可以骑自行车或者步行去学校。

    We may go to the college by bike or on foot .

  14. 行走和骑自行车就算,在学校里进行体育活动也算。

    Walking and riding your bike count , and so do school sports .