
  • 网络Zhi You Bu Bian;Freedom;Freedom Unchanged
  1. 这个过程是一个自由焓不变的过程。

    That was a constant enthalpy change .

  2. 证明了机械原理中传统的高副低代方法可保证此高副机构和它的低副替代机构自由度不变、瞬时速度和瞬时加速度不变。

    The traditional method of a higher pair replaced by lower pairs is proved to be able to guarantee the mechanism with higher pair and its equivalent lower pair mechanism have the same freedom , instantaneous velocity and instantaneous acceleration .

  3. 在液桥中间截面,自由界面半径维持不变。

    The radius of the free surface is constant on the middle section of the liquid bridge .

  4. 财富不均作为不公平的一种形式,是自由市场体系不可避免的产物,但多数人声称仍然对自由市场体系持有不变的信念。

    They are , however , far less perturbed by unequal wealth , a form of inequality that is the inevitable product of the free-market system in which most still profess an abiding faith .