
  • 网络Freedom Square;Liberty Square;Freedom Plaza;liberty plaza;Liberty Place
  1. 最大规模的逮捕行动发生在距白宫仅数条街的自由广场。

    The biggest arrest occurred at Freedom Square just several streets away from the white house .

  2. 在过去的三周内,自由广场的活动规模以成倍的速度增长。

    Liberty Square has grown exponentially over the last three weeks .

  3. 而I-9号有78幢建筑物达标,最令人叹为观止的是高达974英尺的奥斯卡特,高945英尺的一号自由广场和848英尺的二号自由广场,792英尺的梅隆银行中心,739英尺的贝尔西洋大塔。

    Coming in at \# 9 , it has 78 structures that meet the standard . Its most notable skyscrapers are the Comcast Center at 974 feet , One and Two Liberty Place at 945 feet and 848 feet , Mellon Bank Center at 792 feet , and Bell Atlantic Tower at 739 feet .

  4. 我住在自由广场13号。

    Abito in piazza Indipendenza , 13 .

  5. 凯斯通集团的斯科特华莱士,开发自由广场以及正在建设的鹌鹑橡树家的公司,他正在被运输部的行动鼓舞着。

    Scott Wallace of Keystone Group , the company that developed Liberty Square and is building homes in Quail Oaks , said he is encouraged by DOT 's actions .

  6. 重新设计在自由广场的旁边增加了一个宽敞的挡土墙墙,以解决排水问题,最初要求交通部拆除几个两个单元的楼房,米尔斯说。

    The redesign adds an extensive retaining wall beside Liberty Square to solve the drainage problem initially requiring DOT to demolish several two-unit buildings in the complex , Mills said .

  7. 这次抗议非常明确的唤醒了解放广场精神,在美国华盛顿特区自由广场计划中的组织者抗议称“只是想对我们所面临的危机讨一个说法”。

    Explicitly invoking the spirit of Tahrir Square , the organisers of a rally planned for Freedom Plaza in Washington , DC , are demanding " just solutions to the crises we face " .

  8. 但在18天中,世界的目光凝聚在自由广场,来自各界的埃及人男女老幼、穆斯林和基督徒要求获得他们应有的普世权利。

    But for18 days , the eyes of the world were glued to Tahrir Square , where Egyptians from all walks of life men and women , young and old , Muslim and Christian demanded their universal rights .

  9. 非付费游客可自由进入乐高广场、商店和餐厅,还可以登到顶层,在室外露台上观赏风景。

    Non-paying guests are free to access the Lego square , shop and restaurants . They are also able to walk to the top of the building to enjoy views from the outdoor terraces .

  10. 强国论坛侧重官方的公共领域,采用的是自上而下的下行政治参与形式,而天涯杂谈则偏重于自由的狂欢广场,它体现的政治参与形式更多的是自下而上的上行路线。

    The Forum of Make the Nation Strong places extra emphasis on official public domain , and adopts " top-down " political form of participation . While Skyline by-talk focuses on free " Carnival Square " which adopts " down-top " political form of participation .

  11. 在提供连续自由的娱乐的广场的一结束有一个阶段。

    There was a stage at one end of the Plaza providing non-stop free entertainment .