
  • 网络Nature Conservation Act
  1. 欧盟的自然保护法体现了区域内共同的环境政策,其对成员国的约束力强于传统国际法。

    The nature conservation law of European Union embodies the common environmental policy of this region , whose legal bond on the member states is stronger than the traditional international law .

  2. 论自然资源保护法体系的完善

    On Perfection of the System of Natural Resource Protection Law

  3. 基于公物法理论的自然遗产保护法研究

    Natural Heritage Protection Law Research Based On Theory of Public Property Law

  4. 自然资源保护法是环境保护法的一个组成部分。

    Natural Resources Protection Law is an integral part of the Environmental Protection Law .

  5. 试论自然资源保护法

    On the Natural Resources Protection Law

  6. 《自然保护区法》等法律、法规中应当安排适当的原则和规则,综合考虑自然保护区跨部门管理问题。

    Appropriate regulation and mechanism of National Nature Reserve Act and issues on multi-department management should be taken into consideration in full scale .

  7. 虽然环境法早己不仅仅限于污染防治法,自然资源保护法日益成为与其并驾齐驱的内容。但环境污染问题依然是环境问题中最尖锐、最突出的部分。

    Although environmental law is not limited to the law on the prevention and control of pollution , the environmental pollution is the most pungent and outstanding problem .

  8. 我国应当尽早制定《自然保护区法》,完善其内容,使得自然保护区的建设能够得到更充分的法律保障。

    China should develop " Reserve Act " as soon as possible to improve its content , making the construction of nature reserves can be more substantial legal protection .

  9. 在环境立法历史的考察中,作者认为,人类环境立法的演变经历了从早期的自然资源保护法时期发展到后来的污染控制法时期,再进而发展到现在的可持续环境立法时期。

    In studying the history of environmental legislation , the author holds the view that environmental legislation of mankind developed from an earlier stage of protection laws of natural resources to a later period of laws of controlling environmental pollution , and then to the days of sustainable environmental laws .

  10. 自然保护联盟环境法中心

    IUCN Environmental Law Centre

  11. 全球环境法学界的盛事&世界自然保护联盟环境法学院成立典礼暨首届学术年会综述举行了一个典礼欢庆新政府的成立。

    A Great Event of the Global Circle of Environmental Law : A Brief on the Inauguration Ceremony and the First Colloquium of the IUCN Environmental Law Academy ; There was a ceremony to usher in the new government .

  12. 公众参与自然保护区执法的法文化基础探析&以三江源国家级自然保护区为例

    Culture Base of Law on Public Participated and Executed the Law in Protected Area & Exemplify by National Protected Area of 3-River Headstream

  13. 笔者于2006年4月15日~5月5日,在黑龙江三江自然保护区采用路线法和定点观测法对春季迁徙水禽进行了研究。

    Migratory waterfowl were studied from April 15 to May 5 , 2006 in Sanjiang Nature Reserve by random line and fixed - site observation .

  14. 采矿权的研究涉及多个领域,包括民商法、自然资源和环境保护法、行政法、资源经济等学科。

    Many disciplines are involved in the research of mining right , such as civil and commercial law , natural resources and environmental protection law , administrative law , resource economics .

  15. 再论自然保护区立法诸问题&兼评《自然保护地法》与《自然保护区域法》之草案稿

    Aspects Concerning the Legislation on Nature Protection Area & concurrently comments on drafts of the Natural conservation place law and the Natural conservation region law