
  • 网络self-stressing cement
  1. 得出了以钙矾石为膨胀源的自应力水泥混凝土的稳定使用范围。

    And the range of temperature for the stability of the self stressed cement and concrete with ettringite as an expanding agent is suggested .

  2. 自应力工业废渣水泥稳定碎石基层施工工艺研究

    Construction Technique of Self-stressing Industrial Residue Cement Stabilized Macadam Base

  3. 一种薄壁高效材料&自应力钢丝网水泥GB/T3692-1983钢丝网水泥板轴心受拉试验方法

    Self-stressing Ferro-Cement & An excellent Thin Wall Material Test method of ferrocement panels in axial tension

  4. 本文对自应力硫铝酸盐水泥和铁铝酸盐水泥生产的自应力管发生爆管的原因进行了分析,提出内掺粉煤灰来调节自应力水泥的能级和抑制后期膨胀。

    The authors analyze the break reasons of self-stress pipes made of sulphur aluminate and iron aluminate cements . On the basis of this .