
  1. 广西经济自主增长内在动力研究

    Study on Endogenous Power of Autonomous Growth of Guangxi 's Economy

  2. 但其创造自主增长的能力令人怀疑。

    But its ability to create self-sustaining growth was suspect .

  3. 优化投资、消费结构提高经济自主增长能力

    Optimize the Construction of Investment and Consumption to Promote the Auto-Increase of the Economic Capacity

  4. 巩固经济自主增长机制促进经济持续稳定增长&2003年宏观经济形势回顾和2004年展望

    Consolidating the Mechanism of Self-Growth of Economy , Promoting A Sustained and Stable Economic Growth

  5. 经济自主增长是各市场主体自主决策、自主投资、自主消费推动的经济增长。

    Autonomous growth of economy is a growth depending on the market player 's self-decision , autonomous investment and autonomous consumption .

  6. 笔者认为2002年经济自主增长的动力有所增强,但是经济复苏的基础并不稳固。

    The author holds that in2002 , the organically internal growth mechanism gradually enhanced , but the basis for economic recovery is not stable .

  7. 今年以来,经济增长由政策刺激向自主增长有序转变,继续朝着宏观调控的预期方向发展。

    Since the beginning of this year , its economic growth has taken an orderly shift from being driven by policy stimulus to self-generating growth , moving in the right direction of macroeconomic regulation .

  8. 长期建设国债的政策调整应当和税收政策的调整相互呼应,协同配合,合理发挥多种财政政策手段的有机组合,培养经济自主增长能力。

    The policy adjustment of long-term construction national debt should the adjustment of the policy tax revenue echoes mutually , develop various financial policy means reasonably have unit to suit , train economic autonomous increase ability .

  9. 新一轮的积极财政政策面临从结构转型上降低经济增长对于政府投资的过分依赖,改善民生,提高消费对经济增长的贡献率,恢复经济自主增长机制的双重任务。

    A new round of positive fiscal policy is facing from the structure transition to lower economic growth over-reliance on the government investment , to improve residents ' livelihood , to improve the contribution of consumption , and to restore the economy growth mechanism of the dual task of self .

  10. 转型思路可化解财政风险,提升经济效益,有利于我国经济向自主性增长模式转变。

    What 's more , our economic transition towards autonomous increase pattern will greatly benefit from it .

  11. 又如更新改造投资增长乏力、政策性投资带动力不强、自主投资增长不力以及外商投资热情不高等,抑制了投资需求的增长;

    Because the transformation investments grows too slowly , the propulsion of the political investments is weak , the growth of the spontaneous investments is feeble and the zeal for the foreign businessmen go to GuangXi to invest is not intense , the growth of the investment demands is slow ;

  12. 结合产业集群自主创新能力增长特征,对模型的适用性加以说明。

    We explain the applicability of the models considering the character of increase of industry cluster endogenous innovation capability .

  13. 如果说需求是创新之母,那么年轻创业者数量猛增就并不出人意料,毕业生自主创业的增长正值就业市场状况恶化之时。

    If necessity is the mother of invention , then the surge in young entrepreneurs is not altogether surprising , as the increase in graduate start-ups coincides with tougher times in the job market .

  14. 我们应该大力倡导绿色发展理念,尊重各成员根据其资源禀赋、发展阶段、能力水平等具体情况自主选择绿色增长道路。

    We should actively promote the idea of green development and respect the choice independently made by APEC members to pursue green growth on the basis of their resource endowment , stage of development and capacity .

  15. 在今后的区域竞争中,辽宁老工业基地应主要依靠自主创新推动经济增长。

    In the coming market competition , Liaoning 's old industrial base should mainly rely upon its autonomous innovation to stimulate economic growth .

  16. 接着运用案例分析,随着集群和创新网络的演化,归纳出集群自主创新能力的增长模式。

    Then use of case studies , along with clusters and the evolution of Innovation Network , into a cluster of independent innovation capacity of the growth mode .

  17. 随着英语成为世界性语言,科学技术的发展和对自主学习需求的增长,英语学习的环境发生了快速而深刻的变化。

    The emergence of English as a global language , technological innovation and a growing need for learner autonomy are changing the contexts of language learning rapidly and profoundly .

  18. 对外模仿、吸引外资对于经济增长的促进作用将会出现下降,而自主研发对于经济增长的贡献会显著上升。

    The influence of outward imitation and attracting foreign investment to promote economic growth will decline , and the contribution of independent RD to economic growth will be increased significantly .

  19. 在对成都高新技术产业集群的分析中,主要采用横向和纵向的数据对比,分析其在同等城市中自主创新能力的增长状况以及发展趋势。

    We use across and vertical compare in the analysis of high-tech industry cluster of Chengdu , then we get the endogenous innovation capability during the same class cities and the developing actuality .

  20. 论文对相关的概念给出明确的界定,将产业集群自主创新能力的增长划分为技术创造和技术扩散两个过程进行研究,并且对两个方面都有分析。

    The paper gives a clear definition of conception in our study , and analysis tow part of the increase of industry cluster endogenous innovation capability we have carved up : technology creating and technology diffusing .

  21. 我们得到的主要结果是,这一时期,经济增长严重依赖于资本和劳动的投入,而创新在这一阶段完全体现为自主创新,自主创新对经济增长没有促进作用。

    By analyzed this period , the main result we got was that economic growth is heavily dependent on capital and labor inputs and independent innovation which was the full expression of innovation did not promote economic growth .

  22. 对我国汽车产业自主创新能力的国际比较与实证研究结果均表明,R&D融资与配置水平是影响我国汽车产业自主创新能力增长的核心因素。

    The international compared research and empirical research of the independent innovation ability of automobile industry have improved that the level of R & D financing and allocation are the key actors of the increase of automobile industry independent innovation ability .