
  • 网络natural experiment
  1. 自然实验(简化式估计)和兼并模拟已经运用于兼并审查实践之中。

    The natural experiments ( reduced-form estimation ) and the so-called merger simulation have applied to merger controls .

  2. 不会&通过研究这些自然实验可以得出毋庸置疑的结论,最低工资的适度提高对就业的负面影响微乎其微。

    No & the overwhelming conclusion from studying these natural experiments is that moderate increases in the minimum wage have little or no negative effect on employment .

  3. 本论文采用自然实验法,将CIS理论与老干爹公司的特点和愿望相结合,探索出符合老干爹公司实际的形象战略及导入模式。

    This thesis combines hope with CIS theory and characteristic of the Lao Gan Die company , and combine these with natural experiment to research its CI model .

  4. 选取72名中学生做被试,通过自然实验和量表测试及问卷调查的方法,研究他们助人方式的决策问题。

    The subjects in this experiment were 72 middle school students .

  5. 接着采用自然实验法进行实证研究。

    And then all experimental study was made by applying the natural experimental method .

  6. 本实验运用自然实验法(校本培训),采用2×4二因素随机实验设计。

    The research uses natural experimental means , adopting 2 X4 bi-factor random experiment design .

  7. 红细胞调控白细胞免疫功能新的自然实验研究体系

    A study of modulation of white blood cell immune function by erythrocyte with a new system of immunological experimental system

  8. 其科学精神是受到近现代哲学理性主义和近现代自然实验科学发展的深刻影响而形成的,是近代科学实验精神在其哲学思想领域的反映和表现。

    It is the development result and the reflection about modern philosophy rationalism and modern science practice of nature science experiment .

  9. 经验模型的实验检测主要包括常规的教育实验和课堂自然实验等形式。

    The forms of experimentation include routine experimental research and natural class research , and the latter is attached to the former .

  10. 而限售股集中解禁作为中国股票市场的一次性事件,为检验现阶段的股市效率提供了一个自然实验的机会,针对这一课题所进行的研究将具有极大的现实意义。

    The centralized circulating of restricted stock , which is a one-off , provides a opportunity to testing Chinese stork market current efficiency .

  11. 本文运用随机自然实验的方法,在中国西南部实施对母猪进行保险的实验。

    In this paper , a large randomized natural field experiment was conducted in southwestern China in the context of insurance for sows .

  12. 方法选取云南师范大学大学生49名,采用单因素重复测量设计自然实验,在3个月内对学生进行5个阶段11次活动的团体辅导。

    Methods The group was composed of 49 students from Yunnan Normal University , they were intervened for 11 sessions , lasting 3 months .

  13. 本研究通过自然实验法、座谈讨论法,对榜样示范在未成年人品德形成机制中的作用进行了探讨。

    By natural experiment method and discussion method , we explored the role of examples in the establishment of ideological and moral education on juveniles .

  14. 最后,设计了一个自然实验,来确定星象学知识、性别、人格等因素对个体相信星象学的影响。

    Finally , a nature experiment was designed to confirm the influence of astrological knowledge , sex , personality on students ' belief in Astrology .

  15. 研究二以高中学校为研究对象,采用自然实验法探讨了工作坊对中学教师心理辅导理念形成的作用;

    The first research discusses the structure of ideas about psychological guidance with 690 middle school and primary school teachers as research subjects under psychometric tests .

  16. 那么,他们就为我们提供了一种自然实验,这个实验可以说明长时间的胰多肽过量是安全的。

    In that sense , they have provided us with a natural experiment that suggests that excess levels of PP over a long period are safe .

  17. 本研究以2~4儿童为研究对象。在自然实验条件下,通过精心设计的四项实验,得出结论:2岁儿童还未了解大小词义;

    Under the condition of natural experiment and through 4 elaborate - designed experiments , we get the result that 2-year-old enfants cannot understand big small acceptation ;

  18. 不会——通过研究这些自然实验可以得出毋庸置疑的结论,最低工资的适度提高对就业的负面影响微乎其微。

    No - the overwhelming conclusion from studying these natural experiments is that moderate increases in the minimum wage have little or no negative effect on employment .

  19. 其中最重要的方法有三种:事件案例分析法、自然实验法和准试验法。

    In all the researching methods , the three kinds is the most important , that is events and cases analyzing method , natural experiment method and semi-experiment method .

  20. 如果80年前没有发生过大萧条,我们可能就不会有可以利用的自然实验,或许,2009年的情况就会完全两样了。

    If the Great Depression had not happened 80 years before , there may not have been a natural experiment to draw upon , and perhaps 2009 might have turned out differently .

  21. 卡德和克鲁格是运用经济学中称为自然实验的研究方法的先锋。新泽西州提高最低工资标准,而临近的宾西法尼亚州则维持不变。

    Card and Krueger were pioneers in using what economists call a natural experiment : the rise of minimum wages in New Jersey , while in neighbouring Pennsylvania they did not move .

  22. 这项法律2000年开始实施的时候,针对的是雇员超过20人的公司,2002年扩大至规模更小的公司和行政机构,形成了适合研究者进行研究的自然实验。

    The law came into force in 2000 for companies with more than 20 employees , and in 2002 for smaller businesses and for the civil service , creating a natural experiment for the researchers to study .

  23. 虽然人民币汇率制度在很长一段时间都是紧盯美元的,但它对韩元一直是波动的,这就为我们提供了测试汇率制度的影响自然实验机会。

    Although the RMB yuan was fixed against the US dollar for several years , it has been fluctuating against the Korean won , which provides us with a natural experiment to test the exchange rate effect .

  24. 本文采用自然实验法,考察了中班和大班幼儿对于公有玩具和私有玩具的分享意愿和分享行为,结果发现:1.中班幼儿对玩具的所属不太在意。

    Adopting natural experiment , the author observed sharing willingness and behavior of children aged 4 ~ 5 and 5 ~ 6 . Results show that children aged 4 ~ 5 don 't care much about the belong of toys .

  25. 本研究采用自然实验法对吉林省松原市逸夫实验小学160名四、五年级的学生进行了对比实验研究,探讨图式教学对阅读理解能力、推理能力和自我效能感的影响。

    With 160 Ss selected from grade 4 to grade 5 in primary school of Yi Fu , Song Yuan City , the study aimed to investigate the influence of schema instruction on self-efficiency , inference abilities and reading abilites of Ss .

  26. 用自然实验和实验室实验考察了对小学四年级学生进行快速阅读训练的有效性,结果发现:(1)快速阅读训练可以显著地提高小学生的有效读速;

    In this current work , we conducted two experiments to examine the effectiveness of speed-reading training for fourth graders . The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The reading speed of the pupils could be improved by the training significantly .

  27. 首先介绍了中国古代个性心理测量研究的发展过程;接着讨论了中国古代个性心理测量研究运用的各种方法,如观察法、访谈法、自然实验法等;

    Firstly , it introduces the developing process of personality assessment in ancient China , then studies the kinds of methods that were used in the analysis of personality assessment in ancient China , such as observation method , interview method and experiment under natural conditions ;

  28. 通过测试复合材料自然老化实验前后力学性能的变化,研究了稀土氧化物对聚丙烯(PP)老化性能的影响。

    Effects of rare earth oxides on weathering-resistance of PP were studied via the changes in mechanical properties .

  29. 对渗入系苗期PEG处理表现不同抗旱性的18个株系进行盆栽自然干旱实验,以检测其在自然干旱条件下的抗旱性;

    Eighteen lines with different reactions to PEG treatment were grown in basins for confirming their drought tolerance , and correlation analysis among various traits was performed at their seedling stage .

  30. 现代自然地理学实验课改革

    Research on the reform in experimental teaching of modern physical geography