
  • 网络bicycle kingdom
  1. 在许多人的心目中,中国依然是过去的那个自行车王国。

    Many people still think of China as the bicycle kingdom .

  2. 至于其发展前景,回顾一下历史就知道了&就在几十年前,中国还被戏谑为自行车王国,轿车还是稀罕物。

    For perspective , think back just a few decades when China was dubbed the bicycle kingdom with passenger cars a rarity .

  3. 中国被称为自行车王国。

    China is called the kingdom of bicycles .

  4. 长久以来,中国被称为自行车王国仅仅是因为骑自行车的人口众多。

    China has long been referred to as the kingdom of the bicycle simply because of its large bicycling population .

  5. 那时四成的中国居民都骑车上班和上学,中国又称自行车王国。

    It was a time when 40 % of people in China , known as the kingdom of bicycles , cycled to work and school .

  6. 汽车带来了巨大的不利影响,以至于一些城市产生了一个不可思议的想法:让中国重新成为自行车王国。

    The impact is so high that some cities are even thinking the unthinkable : sending China back to its roots as a nation of cyclists .

  7. 那时四成的中国居民都骑车上班和上学,中国又称“自行车王国”。

    It was a time when 40 % of people in China , known as the " kingdom of bicycles , " cycled to work and school .

  8. 我国是自行车王国,城市自行车交通的发展经历了一个由快速增长到平稳发展的时期,己基本趋于饱和,但是我们对自行车的管理并没有足够的重视。

    China is a kingdom of bicycle . City bicycle traffic through a period of rapid growth to stable development , itself has tended to saturation . However , we have not paid enough attention to the bicycle traffic management .

  9. 荷兰是自行车的终极王国。

    Holland is the ultimate cycling country .

  10. 说起自行车,中国可是被誉为“自行车王国”。

    Talking of bicycles , China is called " he Kingdom of Bicycles " .

  11. 拥有电池强劲驱动的电动自行车正在将普通脚踏自行车挤出市场,了整个自行车王国的格局。

    Powerful battery-powered bicycles are crowding out their push-pedal brethren , delivering a jolt to the Bicycle Kingdom .