
  • 网络natural linewidth;Lifetimes. Natural linewidth;spectral linewidth
  1. 由于中性原子或者单离子钟跃迁谱线的自然线宽一般在几mHz-几Hz量级,这就要求本振激光的线宽能够达到赫兹甚至亚赫兹的量级。

    Since the natural linewidth of the clock transition of the neutral atoms or the single ion is generally a few mHz to a few Hz , it requires the linewidth of the LO reaches to the hertz level or below .

  2. 线形是有多方面的因素来决定的,它是分子的能级的自然线宽、气体分子间碰撞造成的压力展宽、分子平动引起的多普勒展宽和光谱仪器本身的仪器展宽的卷积的结果。

    Line shape is determined by many factors , which is the convolution of energy life time broadening function , collision broadening function , Doppler broadening function and instrumental function .

  3. 经过实际计算,以及同其他型式振荡器的现有资料作比较,证明了这种振荡器属于固有噪声影响大、自然线宽大、频率的自然稳定度低的一类振荡器。

    By comparing the practical data with other types of oscillators , it is shown that the tunnel diode oscillator is of greater line width and of lower intrinsic frequency stability .