
zì yóu liàn ài
  • free love;freedom to choose one's spouse
自由恋爱[zì yóu liàn ài]
  1. “相亲”会取代“自由恋爱”吗?

    Will dating take the place of " free love "?

  2. 最后一次写的文章是关于自由恋爱的。

    The last thing I did was a series on free love .

  3. 自由恋爱的婚姻在开始的时候都是快乐的&但是这种快乐很快就会过去。

    Love marriages start out happier & but that declines quickly .

  4. 自由恋爱的婚姻在开始的时候都是快乐的——但是这种快乐很快就会过去。

    Love marriages start out happier - but that declines quickly .

  5. “自由恋爱”,即自由的性生活,开始被提倡。

    " Free love ," that is sex free from commitment was encouraged .

  6. 社交环境的欠缺,对学生间的自由恋爱造成了致命的障碍。

    The deficiency of social environment became deadly obstacle of free amativeness between students .

  7. 嗯,现在都是自由恋爱。

    Yeah . It 's free love now .

  8. 一九三○年代的大众小说主题,主要建筑在自由恋爱的基础之上。

    Besides , the theme of the demotic novels in1930s'is " free love " .

  9. 他或许信仰自由恋爱!

    He probably believe in free love !

  10. 他大概相信自由恋爱。

    He probably believes in free love !

  11. 当你说到自由恋爱的时候。

    When you talked about free love .

  12. 在过去,自由恋爱结婚虽然已经为社会所接受,而离婚则不然。

    While the freedom to marry for love had become socially acceptable , divorce was not .

  13. 她爸是个老古董,现在还反对她自由恋爱。

    Her father is an ultra-conservative who is still opposed to freedom to choose her spouse .

  14. 研究人员对比了50对包办婚姻的夫妻和50对自由恋爱的夫妻,那么他们有什么发现呢?

    What do researchers find when they compare at 50 arranged marriages and 50 " love " marriages ?

  15. 试论民国时期学生自由恋爱的现实困境

    Toward the Republic On the Practical Dilemma in the Students ' Free Amativeness during the Republic of China

  16. 壮族青年男女自由恋爱的方式有抛绣球、打木槽和对歌等。

    Zhuang young men and women free love throwing in the way the ball , and playing Muzao Duige such .

  17. 纽约州的奥奈达社区实践了一种自由恋爱和财产公有的理想形式。

    The Oneida community in New York State practiced an idealistic form of free love and held property in common .

  18. 我的婚姻是自由恋爱,我有一个温馨的家,有一个爱我和我爱的丈夫。

    My marriage is free love , I have a warm home , a loving husband , me and my love .

  19. “五四”时期,自由恋爱作为婚姻自由的一个重要方面,受到了先进知识分子的普遍关注。

    During the May4th Movement , as an important aspect of free marriage , free courtship drew the attention of the advanced intellectuals .

  20. 苏联成立后,这种古老传统被打破,男女开始自由恋爱。但如今,媒妁婚姻这种传统似乎再次复活。

    The old tradition , however , was broken after the Soviet Union was founded and more value was placed on free love .

  21. 自由恋爱,顾名思义就是指男女间在没有第三者的干预制约下,根据自己的愿望建立爱情关系的模式。

    Obviously , by definition free love means men and women establish love relationships according to their wishes without intervention of a third party .

  22. 包办婚姻的夫妻开始的时候不是很幸福,但十年以后,他们会比自由恋爱的夫妻还要快乐,并会一直持续这种状态。

    Arranged marriages start out less happy , but after 10 years , they 're happier than love marriages . And stay that way .

  23. 她们对所有事情都积极、大胆,而且追求自由恋爱,非常豪放,也很放荡,而且贞操观也淡薄。

    They are positive , brave and they persuit free love , at the same time , they are immoral so their chastity is weak .

  24. 今人推陈出新,赋以其自由恋爱、婚姻自主的反封建主题,则是现代观念的演绎,与古代民间白蛇传说大异其趣。

    It is a transformation based on modern ideas to endow to it anti-feudalist themes of freedom in love and marriage , which is quite different from the ancient folklore .

  25. 母亲觉得“世界在变,原来的时代,婚姻都是由父母决定的,你看,现在可以自由恋爱了。”

    She also thought that " The world is changing , marriage is determined by the parents in the old age , now you see , free to love . "

  26. 此种网恋相当于自由恋爱,当然它优于媒人介绍,比媒人介绍二人相识的时候,少了一份尴尬和陌生。

    Love this is equivalent to free love , of course , it is better than a matchmaker , matchmaker , introduced more than two acquaintances , and strangers insufficient embarrassment .

  27. 婚前女性生活分为受教育程度低、追求自由恋爱自主婚姻的比例逐渐增加、婚约的解除和被抢亲。

    Premarital female life is divided into low levels of education , the pursuit of free love their own marriage a gradual increase in the dissolution of marriage and has been abducting .

  28. 而在东海岸,则流行自由恋爱:发电站不一定建在煤矿附近,它们经常在现货市场上购买煤炭,或者与煤矿签订期限较短的合同。

    On the east coast , free love prevailed : power stations did not necessarily locate near the mine head and they often bought coal on the spot market or through relatively short-run contracts .

  29. 这也可以看作是作者对五四个性解放洪流中两个最受瞩目的主题&追求自由恋爱与走向革命道路的继续探讨。

    This can also be regarded as the author 's inquiring continuously into two topics which attract most of attention in " May 4th Movement " & pursuing free love and alignment the revolutional road .

  30. 其它前亚细亚各民族把自己的姑娘送到阿娜伊蒂斯庙去住好几年,让她们在那里同自己的意中人进行自由恋爱,然后才允许她们结婚。

    Other peoples of Asia Minor sent their girls for years to the temple of anaitis , where they had to practice free love with favorites of their own choosing before they were allowed to marry .