
shū jīn huó luò
  • stimulate the circulation of the blood and cause the muscles and joints to relax
舒筋活络 [shū jīn huó luò]
  • [stimulate the circulation of the blood and cause the muscles and joints to relax] 舒展筋骨,活血脉,使经络畅通

舒筋活络[shū jīn huó luò]
  1. 舒筋活络,消肿止痛,用于跌打扭伤,风湿骨痛。

    Relief of swelling and pain , for the bruises sprains , rheumatism .

  2. 脑瘫舒筋活络按摩油在痉挛型脑瘫患儿推拿中的应用

    The application of the massage oil to massage treatment for children with cerebral palsy of spastic type

  3. 方法:对262例痉挛型脑瘫患儿应用脑瘫舒筋活络按摩油进行推拿治疗,并在治疗前后进行综合评价,进行统计学处理。

    Methods : 262 children with cerebral palsy of spastic type were treated by massage with this massage oil .

  4. 『本草纲目』记载:人参、薄荷有提神醒脑、舒缓压力、舒筋活络作用。

    It is recorded by Compendium of Materia Medica that Ginseng and Peppermint can refresh oneself , relieve tension and activate collaterals .

  5. 目的:探讨脑瘫舒筋活络按摩油对痉挛型脑瘫患儿推拿治疗的辅助作用。

    Objective : To investigate the subsidiary effect of massage oil to the massage treatment for children with cerebral palsy of spastic type .

  6. 结论:肌腱粘连的机理是血瘀气滞,风寒湿夹杂为病,外科熏洗方有很强的活血祛瘀,祛风湿散寒,舒筋活络的作用,中药熏洗配合传统手法治疗更能有效治疗肌腱粘连。

    The fumigation of Chinese medicine has the strong effects of activating blood and dissipating blood stasis , dispelling wind-dampness and dispersing cold , relaxing tendons and activating collaterals , the treatment of fumigation combined with massage can effectively treat tendon adhesion .

  7. 结论:应用脑瘫舒筋活络按摩油进行婴幼儿推拿治疗,既能滋润保护皮肤黏膜,使患儿舒适配合,起到介质作用,又能有效地缓解痉挛,降低肌张力,改善关节活动度。

    Conclusion : The application of the massage oil to massage treatment for cerebral palsy of spastic type can not only moist and protect the skin and make the children feel better , but also relieve the spasticity and decrease the muscular tone and improve the ROM.