
  • 网络zhoushan;Zhoushan City
  1. 以舟山市为例,分析了液化天然气的用户价格的承受范围,估算了经济运输规模、LNG用户价格,表明LNG槽车运输具有良好的经济性。

    Taking Zhoushan City for example , the acceptance rang of LNG price for user is analyzed , and the economic transportation scale and LNG price for user are estimated . The result shows that LNG tanker transportation has a good economy .

  2. 舟山市地下水资源开发利用和管理

    Development , utilization and management for groundwater resources in Zhoushan City

  3. 舟山市出国劳务渔民境外感染HIV的因素分析

    Analysis of risk factors of HIV infection caught abroad in Zhoushan labour exporting fishermen

  4. 再次,计算对比分析海洋三大产业劳动生产率,并通过灰色预测GM(1,1)模型对未来5年舟山市劳动力流入率进行预测。

    Third , through calculating the labor productivity of three marine industries to make a comparative analysis , and also try to predict the labor inflow-rate of Zhoushan in the next five years based on GM ( 1,1 ) Model .

  5. 计算机信息网络在浙江省舟山市公路局中的应用

    The Application of Computer Network in the Zhejiang Zhoushan Highway Bureau

  6. 舟山市售牡蛎中创伤弧菌污染的定量分析

    Quantitative detection of Vibrio vulnificus in raw oyster on Zhoushan markets

  7. 舟山市高血压流行病学调查及危险因素分析

    An Epidemiological Survey and Risk Factors Analysis on Hypertension in Zhoushan City

  8. 舟山市行政中心主体建筑智能化系统方案设计

    Intelligent System Scheme Design for Main Buildings of Zhoushan Municipal Administration Center

  9. 舟山市岱山县长涂海水淡化厂的设计

    Design of Changtu Seawater Desalination Plant in Daishan County , Zhoushan City

  10. 舟山市渔业可持续发展的灰色综合评价

    A Gray Comprehensive Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Fisheries in Zhoushan Region

  11. 舟山市农村妇女政治参与问题调查研究

    Studies of the Political Participation of Rural Women in Zhoushan

  12. 文章对舟山市海洋休闲度假旅游形象设计作了初步探讨。

    The article discusses ocean leisure tourism image design of Zhoushan City .

  13. 舟山市6~13岁儿童单纯性肥胖现状调查

    Prevalence of Simple Obesity Among Children Aged 6-13 in Zhoushan

  14. 舟山市食用碘盐孕妇的碘营养状况调查

    An Investigation on the Iodine Nutritional Status of Gravida Taking Iodized Salt

  15. 舟山市海洋渔业结构调整的现状与展望

    The situation and prospects of marine fishery structure adjustment in Zhoushan City

  16. 舟山市2006-2008年食源性致病菌污染状况分析

    Analysis of Main Food-Borne Pathogen Pollution in Zhoushan from 2006 to 2008

  17. 2004-2007年浙江省舟山市梅毒报告发病监测分析

    Surveillance of syphilis incidence in Zhoushan islands , Zhejiang province , 2004-2007

  18. 舟山市定海区地质灾害调查及其防治研究

    Geo-hazards Survey and Control in Dinghai District , Zhoushan County

  19. 舟山市酸雨气象特征以及对农业影响分析

    The meteorological characters of acid rain in Zhoushan and its effect on agriculture

  20. 舟山市定海区农村卫生院消毒工作质量监测分析

    Monitoring and Analysis on Disinfection Work of Rural Area Hospitals in Donghai District

  21. 舟山市露亭大酒店智能化系统工程设计

    Engineering Design of Intelligent System for Zhoushan Luting Hotel

  22. 舟山市开发海洋体育旅游类主题公园的可行性研究

    Feasible Study on Developing Theme Park of Marine Sports Tourism in Zhoushan City

  23. 舟山市电子政务网等级化安全体系的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of Zhoushan E-Government Class Safety System

  24. 舟山市海洋生物资源研发对策研究有重点地实现科技的跨越式发展

    The countermeasure study of ocean bio - resources research and development in Zhoushan

  25. 第五章,归纳出舟山市土地供应的形势存在的问题并揭示了问题存在的原因。

    Chapter 5 summarized defects and their reasons of land-supply of Zhoushan city .

  26. 舟山市船舶修造企业职业卫生现状调查及防治对策

    Survey on occupational health status and control strategy in ship-building industry of Zhoushan city

  27. 在舟山市,2017年有62名志愿河长。

    In Zhoushan city , 62 voluntary river chiefs were in service in 2017 .

  28. 舟山市新型渔农村健康教育工具包的设计应用

    Design and Application about Health Education Toolkit in New Fishing Country in Zhoushan City

  29. 目的了解舟山市病毒性肝炎流行趋势。

    [ Objective ] To learn the prevalent trend of viral Hepatitis in Zhoushan city .

  30. 舟山市普陀区房屋用途临时变更现象非常普遍,在老城区中尤甚。

    Temporary alteration of housing function is widespread phenomenon that exists in Zhoushan Putuo District .