
  • 网络Aerospace Engineering;Space Engineering;aeronautical engineering
  1. 超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)纤维具有优良的综合性能,产品广泛应用于军事防护、航天工程、海洋工程等领域。

    Ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene ( UHMWPE ) fiber has plenty of excellent properties and has been used widely in the fields of military protection , aerospace engineering , ocean engineering and other special areas .

  2. 这里的航空航天工程系特别棒。

    Well , the aerospace engineering department here is excellent ! Eh ...

  3. 宇宙飞船的问世导致了航天工程的出现

    The advent of aircraft brought with it aeronautical engineering .

  4. 而且,他们的就业范围也很广,涵盖设备安装使用工程、机械工程、航空航天工程和车辆工程。

    Besides , they have a wide range of activities open to them , from plant engineering and mechanical engineering to aerospace3 engineering and vehicle construction .

  5. 在首次太空之旅过去18年后,杨利伟笑着说,他很羡慕现在的航天员有这么舒适的“太空之家”,这也展示出中国航天工程的巨大飞跃。

    Eighteen years after his first trip to space , Yang said with a smile that he " envied " a lot that his fellow spacemen who now have such comfortable space accomodations , which show how China 's space program has grown .

  6. GPS技术是航天工程中具有发展前途的关键技术,是卫星自主定姿定轨高效经济的方法。

    GPS technique is a emerging key technique of the space engineering . It is high effective and economic .

  7. SDH光纤通信技术及其在某航天工程中的组网应用

    SDH Optical Communication Technology and its Network Application in one Aerospace Network Project

  8. NASA的大学航天工程研究计划

    NASA 's New University Engineering Space Research Programs

  9. TiAl基金属间化合物的优良高温力学性能使其可能成为新一代航空航天工程用的轻质高温结构材料。

    The excellent mechanical behavior of TiAl intermetallics at elevated temperature makes it a possible new generation structure material serving as aeronautical material .

  10. 中国载人航天工程办公室(CMSEO)表示,计划在2020年完成空间站,正好是国际空间站(ISS)计划退役的时间。

    The China Manned Space Engineering Office has said it plans to complete the space station in 2020 , just as the International Space Station is scheduled to retire .

  11. 他在Austin的高级舱房大学里有航空和航天工程,目前他居住在日本的鹿儿岛.检查这个博客,让他在日本并进齐驱。

    He has a BS in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin , and currently lives in Kagoshima , Japan . Check out his blog , Keeping Pace in Japan .

  12. 卫星工具包(STK)是广泛用于航天工程全过程的先进的卫星系统分析软件。

    Satellite Tool Kit ( STK ) is the core product in a suite of space-analysis software solutions that address all phases of a space system 's life cycle from policy development and design to launch and operations .

  13. NASA的新的大学航天工程研究计划是重建美国航天研究和技术基础的国家政策的一部分,本文概述了这些计划的进展情况并且简要介绍了各大学航天工程研究中心的工作。

    NASA 's new university engineering Space research programs are an integral Part of national policy to rebuild the United States Space research and technology base . This article Summarizes the progress of these programs , the University Space engineering research Centers are also Presented here briefly .

  14. 王仲仁教授为载人航天工程空间环境模拟器与某大型风洞制造项目的总师,这两个容器的最大直径均超过12m,均有大型法兰,对于风洞还有大尺寸的收缩形体,截面变化激烈。

    R. Wang was the general engineer of the manufacturing project of the space environmental simulator and a large wind tunnel . The largest diameter in these two vessels is all larger than 12m and there are large size flanges in these two vessels .

  15. CZ-2F火箭遥测仿真系统作为地面逃逸判决软件的测试系统已经成功地应用在载人航天工程首次载人飞行任务中。

    As a testing system of ground escape judgement software , the telemetry simulation system of CZ-2F launch vehicle has been successfully used in the mission of launching the first manned spacecraft for manned spacecraft astronautical engineering .

  16. 航天工程项目信息流分析与信息管理框架设计

    An Analyses on the Information Flow and MIS Frame of Space Project

  17. 载人航天工程主着陆场地理信息系统设计

    The Design of the Main Flight Strip ′ s GIS

  18. 载人航天工程面临着前所未有的发展机遇,同样也面临前所未有的挑战。

    China manned space program is facing unprecedented development opportunity and challenges .

  19. 项目信息是航天工程项目计划与控制的基础。

    The information is the foundation of projects ' planning and controlling .

  20. 航天工程中串联密封系统建模与仿真

    Modelling and Simulation of Series Sealing System in Space Engineering

  21. 计算固体力学的发展及其在航空航天工程中的应用

    Development of Computational Solid Mechanics and Its Application in the Aerospace Engineeing

  22. 在航天工程领域,减振技术得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    Vibration control technologies have wide applications in the field of spacecraft engineering .

  23. 中国载人航天工程质量管理实践及思考

    The thought and practice of quality management in China Manned Space Engineering Program

  24. 对于不同航天工程的数据处理分系统,他们内部的子系统大多都具有相似的功能。

    Most of subsystems of DPS for different spacecrafts may have similar functions .

  25. 航天工程技术保障投资的分配模型研究

    Research on the Model of Assigning Investment for Technique Conditions in Space field

  26. 探讨了航天工程评估的通用流程。

    The general procedure of the decision making for the space engineering is discussed .

  27. “神舟一号”无人试验飞船是中国载人航天工程的首次飞行,标志着中国在载人航天飞行技术上有了重大突破,是中国航天史上的重要里程碑。

    Shenzhou I experimental spaceship is the important milestone in China 's spaceflight history .

  28. 高年级的学生可以学习航天工程。

    Senior students can study aeronautics engineering .

  29. 中国载人航天工程的外部设计

    External Design of Chinese Manned Spaceflight Engineering

  30. 在许多领域都需要工程师,比如机械、土木和航空航天工程等。

    Many areas in engineering are high-paying , including mechanical , civil and aerospace engineering .