
  1. 加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGillUniversity)航空航天法研究所(InstituteofAirandSpaceLaw)教授RamJakhu称,印度、中国和日本之间的空间竞赛与美国和苏联之间的空间竞赛不同,因为从某种程度上说前者是为了争夺自然资源。

    Ram Jakhu , a professor at the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University in Canada , said the space contest among India , China and Japan was different from the U.S. - Soviet race ,

  2. 北京航空航天大学知识产权法教授孙国瑞说,该战略的主要意义在于它使得知识产权创造和使用成为决策的核心价值。

    Sun Guorui , an intellectual property law professor at Beihang University in Beijing , says that the main significance of the strategy is it makes IPR creation and use a core value for policymaking .