
  • 网络air transport enterprise
  1. 公共航空运输企业经营航班运输,应当公布班期时刻。

    A public air transport enterprise operating scheduled air services shall have its timetable published .

  2. 第一百零一条公共航空运输企业运输危险品,应当遵守国家有关规定。

    Article101a public air transport enterprise shall observe the relevant regulations of the state in the transport of dangerous articles .

  3. 试论CIS战略在航空运输企业的实施

    Application of CIS Strategy of Air-Transportation Companies

  4. 航空运输企业营销诊断初探

    The research on the market diagnosis of aviation transport enterprise

  5. 我国航空运输企业的发展历程和未来走势

    The History and Future Trend of China Air Transport Enterprises

  6. 加快培育和提升我国航空运输企业的核心竞争力

    Nurture and Enhance Core Competitiveness of Chinese Air Transport Enterprises

  7. 谈航空运输企业的规模问题

    Analysis on the Scale of Air Transport Enterprises

  8. 因此,针对不同航班延误情形制定和实施有效的航班延误补救措施对于国内航空运输企业有着非常重要的意义。

    Consequently , it is important for airline companies to establish effective recovery measurements .

  9. 文中详细的描述了航空运输企业融入现代物流的多种模式。

    The author describe various modes of modern logistics applicated in aviation transport enterprise .

  10. 变革中的中国航空运输企业

    Chinese Air Transport Enterprises Under Reform

  11. 航空运输企业的成本控制

    Cost Control of Aviation Transportation Corporate

  12. 因此,研究和实施可召回机制对航空运输企业具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , the research and implementation of callable mechanism have great significance to the air transport enterprises .

  13. AS公司是一家国营民用航空运输企业,地面服务部是其中一个直接面向旅客服务的重要部门。

    Is commercial airline , whose Ground Services ( GS ) Department is a division directly serving passengers .

  14. 航空运输企业由于其自身特点,具有资金密集、能源依赖、利润率低的特点。

    Air transport enterprises due to its own characteristics , capital-intensive , energy dependence , and low profit margins .

  15. 第一百零五条公共航空运输企业应当投保地面第三人责任险。

    Article 105 A public air transport enterprise shall be covered by insurance against liability for third parties on the surface .

  16. 随着现代物流的发展,越来越多的航空运输企业也积极的开拓着自己的市场。

    With the development of modern logistics , more and more air transport enterprises are eager to develop their own market .

  17. 本文在讨论中即揭示了问题存在的决定因素也对航空运输企业存在的问题进行了生产函数的模型估计。

    This paper revealed in the discussion the determining factor in the problem , also estimate the production function model on existing problems of air transport enterprises .

  18. 公共航空运输企业未经国务院民用航空主管部门批准,不得运输作战军火、战物资。

    No public air transport enterprise shall carry munitions of war and implements of war unless approved by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council .

  19. 先进的运力与落后的管理仍然是今后相当长时期内我国航空运输企业所需要解决的主要矛盾。

    One big problem that Chinese airlines need to solve for a long time is the conflict between the advanced transporting capacity and the backward airline management .

  20. 运用灰色关联分析法就铁路、公路和航空运输企业的竞争力分别从整体和分项就以上三方面进行了综合评价。

    With gray relational analysis method , the competitive strength of each railway , highway and airway enterprise is evaluated comprehensively from the angle of three aspects separately .

  21. 航空运输企业的生产活动是运送旅客、货邮和行李,其质量特征主要表现为安全、及时、服务周到和经济,而且比其他交通运输部门有着更高要求。

    The main characteristics of quality performance for security , timely , courteous service and the economy , and it also have higher requirements than other transport departments .

  22. 而作为视运输安全为第一要素的民用航空运输企业,一旦安全得不到保障,无疑威胁到企业的生存。

    As the civil aviation transportation enterprises , transport safety is the first essential factor . Once safety can not be guaranteed , X Air will not survive and develop .

  23. 第九十一条公共航空运输企业,是指以营利为目的,使用民用航空器运送旅客、行李、邮件或者货物的企业法人。

    Public air transport enterprise means a corporate enterprise engaged in the transport of passengers , baggage , mail or cargo with civil aircraft for the purpose of making profit .

  24. 对中国其他航空运输企业,特别是民营航空公司的竞争战略研究也有一定的借鉴作用。

    As the further result , this thesis can get used as reference for the research of competitive stratagem to other airline companies , especially to other private airline companies .

  25. 因此,本文就航空运输企业如何构建全面质量管理体系进行研究,以四川航空公司为例,提出推行和实施的具体方法。

    Therefore , this paper on civil aviation transport enterprise take how to build the Total Quality Management system to Sichuan Airlines as an example , implemented the specific methods .

  26. 针对我国航空运输企业物流化发展过程中存在的问题和制约因素,分别论述了企业与政府所采取的策略和措施。

    In view of the problems and constraints of development of the logistics of the air transport enterprises , respectively , expatiate on strategies and measures which enterprises and Government take .

  27. 本文主要以一般伦理学道德研究理论为基础,探讨在东航这样一个国有航空运输企业中,飞行人员职业道德建设与保证安全之间的关系。

    The paper uses general ethic theory to study the relationship between construction of professional ethic of flight attendants and airline safety in China Eastern Airline Company , a nationalized airline company .

  28. 因此1987年民航总局制定了我国《民用航空运输企业全面质量管理暂行办法》,为全面质量管理推行提供了依据。

    So in 1987 the Civil Aviation Administration of China enacted the 《 civil aviation transport companies Total Quality Management Interim Procedures 》, so the full implementation of quality management had a basis .

  29. 第三部分进口经营者资格制度,阐述了民用航空器进口经营者的分类,即为公共航空运输企业、通用航空运输企业、其他组织和个人。

    The third section focuses on the legal system of the qualifications and the classification of importers , which are public air transport enterprises , general aviation transportation enterprises , other organizations and individuals .

  30. 我国航空运输企业目前正处于一个战略调整和战略发展的阶段,因此对航空运输企业财务战略管理中存在的问题及对策进行研究和探讨就显得十分必要。

    Chinese air transport enterprises are in a strategy adjustive and developmental stage , so it is necessary to research the problems and the solutions in financial strategy existed in management in air transport enterprises .