
yàn yánɡ
  • bright (or radiant) sun;sunny spring weather
艳阳 [yàn yáng]
  • (1) [bright spring day]∶指春天明媚的风光

  • (2) [bright sun]∶明亮的太阳,骄阳

  1. 就算上帝天天浇水,我还是会撑伞翘首以待艳阳天!

    Even though the God waters everyday , I will still look forward to the bright sun taking an umbrella !

  2. 奋进的童心,蕴集成精神的支柱,灿烂成母亲心中的艳阳,梦想献给人类光与热。

    A striving childish heart has built up a spiritual support , radiated as a bright sun in mother 's heart , formed a dream of contributing light and heat to mankind .

  3. 太阳又出来了,这是个艳阳天。

    The sun was out again , and it was a glorious day .

  4. 在连续两个艳阳天的同一时间拍摄的照片也可能大不相同。

    Photographs taken at the same time on two consecutive sunny days can be quite different from one another .

  5. 如果你要到外面去,尤其是当室外是艳阳日时,你应该在夏天涂防晒霜。

    If you are going to be outside , especially in the sun , you should put on suncream in summer .

  6. 然而,随着4月8日即将到来,XP系统的艳阳天将不复存在。

    Yet come April 8 , XP 's sunny day is over .

  7. 阿姆斯特朗的自传《重返艳阳下》(It'sNotAbouttheBike)曾一度颇为畅销。

    Mr. Armstrong 's autobiography , ' It 's Not About the Bike , ' was a best seller .

  8. 我们都一样、相信有艳阳。

    We are the same , I believe there is sun .

  9. 接下来几周恬静宁馨的日子犹如暴风雨过后的艳阳天。

    Like sunshine after storm were the peaceful weeks which followed .

  10. 此人乌云盖顶,彼人艳阳满天。

    What is one mans cloud is another mans sunshine .

  11. 记得年少时,你发光似艳阳。

    Remember when you were young , you shone like the sun .

  12. 我不能告诉你们,明天将是一个艳阳天。

    I cannot tell you it will be a bright next day .

  13. 【天】太阳年,回归年他们在艳阳下脱去衬衫。

    Tropical year They stripped off their shirts in the hot sun .

  14. 然而即使在最失意的日子,明天依然是绚丽光辉的艳阳

    But even on our darkest days , the sun will shine tomorrow

  15. 天气预报说今天会是一个艳阳天。

    Forecast says it will be a sunny day .

  16. 不是天天都是艳阳天。

    Not every day is a day in May .

  17. 艳阳高照,我却冻的快要死去。

    The sun so hot I froze to death .

  18. 你是南方艳阳下成长的学生。

    You are a student from the sunny South .

  19. 因为这是个艳阳天。

    For it is a pleasant day .

  20. 一次成长或衰老,免不了下一场皓月艳阳下的枯萎。

    A growth or aging , the inevitable next one Haoyue withered under the sun .

  21. 暖风习习,艳阳高照,空气中弥漫着浓浓的糯米香。

    Heater breeze , the sun , the air thick with incense of glutinous rice .

  22. 今天又是一个艳阳天!

    It is a sunny day !

  23. 当时,(我们正在谈论一个美丽的艳阳天&哦!)

    There we were , walking and talking about a beautiful sunny day and – poof !

  24. 而下午又是艳阳高照,展示给人们的却是其在夏天应该有的真是面目。

    But in the afternoon the sun is shining , it clews us it is summer now .

  25. 地中海式家具艳阳高照的纯美自然

    The type furniture of MEDITERRANEAN

  26. 然后你可以在秋天的艳阳下慢慢采摘你的已经达到最佳成熟度的果子。

    Then you could harvest at leisure and at optimum ripeness all through the sunny autumn days .

  27. 好个艳阳高照的一天!

    What a sunny day !

  28. 艳阳天,明亮的天

    Bright Day , Sunny Day

  29. 非常成功的一部剧你是如何开始创作出“费城总是艳阳天”这部作品的

    And what is the successful , how did you created " It 's Always Sunny " ?

  30. 对于这种比喻的认真评估,就会把阴雨天和艳阳天都加起来。

    A serious review of this metaphorical evidence would count up the rainy days and the sunny ones .