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yīnɡ nián zǎo shì
  • 熟语die young;die in one's prime
  1. 美国多家广播台已将《英年早逝》撤下了播放列表,他们害怕听众认为枪击案发生后,这首歌的歌词会显得太过冷漠。

    Several radio stations in the United States have removed ' Die Young ' from their playlists , fearing that listeners will find the song 's lyrics insensitive in light of the shootings .

  2. 钱妞还在现已删除的留言中补充道:“我都明白。因为这个原因,我自己也对《英年早逝》有些意见。我不想唱这种歌词,我是被逼无奈的。”

    Ke $ ha added , in a message which has since been deleted : " I understand . I had my very own issue with ' Die Young ' for this reason . I did NOT want to sing those lyrics and I was FORCED TO . "

  3. 她英年早逝。

    She came to an untimely end .

  4. 他英年早逝。

    He died tragically young .

  5. 他可能会因为劳累过度而英年早逝。

    He might burn himself out and go to an early grave .

  6. 导致他英年早逝的原因是吸烟而非遗传。

    Smoking , rather than genetics , was the cause of his early demise .

  7. 他英年早逝,这使他的一切努力都付之东流了。

    All his best efforts were brought to naught by his early death .

  8. 他才华未展,英年早逝,十分令人惋惜。

    It is such a pity that he died so young , his potential unfulfilled .

  9. 钱妞(Ke$ha)近日就其新单曲《英年早逝》(DieYoung)引起的争议发表声明。

    Ke $ ha has issued a statement in the wake of controversy over her new track ' Die Young ' .

  10. 美国癌症学会(AmericanCancerSociety)指出,每天坐着的时间超过6个小时的妇女英年早逝的几率比每天坐着的时间不足3小时的妇女高出37%(男性的相应的数字是18%)。

    According to the American Cancer Society , women who sit more than six hours a day are 37 % more likely to die earlier than women who sit less than three hours a day .

  11. Drake是个好人不该英年早逝

    Drake is a good man and far too young to die ,

  12. 近日,44岁的初创企业春雨医生创始人兼CEO张锐的英年早逝在中国科技界引发了一场深刻的自我反省。

    The premature death of 44-year-old Zhang Rui , founder and chief executive officer of startup Chunyu Doctor , has spurred a bout of soul searching in the Chinese tech community .

  13. 她写到在弗莱德的追思会上为他唱起《多么美好的世界》(WhataWonderfulWorld);写到她发现自己已经比弗莱德去世时年长、比自己所有英年早逝的朋友去世时都要年长时的心情。

    She writes about singing " What a Wonderful World " for Fred at his memorial service and she writes about realizing that she is now older than Fred when he died - and older than many of her departed friends .

  14. 在1997年首次出版的颇具影响力的《长寿公司》(TheLivingCompany)中,阿里德赫斯(AriedeGeus)问道,为什么一些公司可以长寿,另一些公司却英年早逝。

    In an influential book , The Living Company , first published in 1997 , Arie de Geus asked why some companies endured while others died young .

  15. 她最近凭借作品《嘉丽和我》(CarrieandMe)的有声版获得艾美奖提名,这本书讲述了她38岁英年早逝的女儿。

    She was recently nominated for an Emmy for the audio version of her book Carrie and Me about her daughter , who passed away at age 38 .

  16. 英年早逝的耶鲁大学(Yale)学生玛丽娜•基根(MarinaKeegan)在她2011年的文章《连洋蓟也有疑问》(Evenartichokeshavedoubts)中,对这种华而不实的招聘过程进行了精辟的刻画。

    This slick process was expertly skewered by the late Marina Keegan , then a Yale student , in her 2011 essay " Even artichokes have doubts . "

  17. 能动感情的玩具机器人三年后问世不幸的是,这篇讲演发表三年后,Newell博士英年早逝。

    Sentimental robot will be published three years later Unfortunately three years later Dr. Newell was untimely leaving the world .

  18. 近日,“谦虚的自夸”(humblebrag)一词的创造者哈里斯•维特尔斯(HarrisWittels)英年早逝,年仅30岁。

    Last week Harris Wittels , the man who coined the phrase " humblebrag , " died at the unconscionable age of 30 .

  19. 已故的伯特兰德·伊布拉辛在VL成为正式社团之前的发展历程中,是一个重要的贡献者,并且时任VL的书记,直至英年早逝。

    The late Bertrand Ibrahim was a key contributor to the pre-association phase of the VL 's development , and then served as its Secretary until his untimely death .

  20. 乔治·比才(GeorgesBizet),法国十九世纪杰出的作曲家,尽管他在36岁就英年早逝,但是他给后人留下的数部作品奠定了他在浪漫主义时期不可动摇的地位。

    Georges Bizet ( 1838-1875 ) is a talented composer of france in 19th century . Although he died early at the age of 36 , he had founded an important place in romantic periods because of his numerous works for the posterity .

  21. 或许,这也是为什么他们都英年早逝的原因?

    Perhaps that was the reason why they all died young ?

  22. 杰克逊可谓英年早逝,但他的艺术生命仍在延续。

    His death was premature but his artistic afterlife stretches ahead .

  23. 英年早逝是唯一的方法

    The only way to do that is to die young ,

  24. 像很多伟大的艺术家一样,他英年早逝。

    Like so many great artists , he died young .

  25. 她英年早逝是一大悲哀。

    It 's a tragedy that she died so young .

  26. 约翰·济慈英年早逝,卒于1821年;

    John Keats died at a very young age in1821 ;

  27. 彼得•塞拉斯:众所周知,莫扎特是英年早逝。

    PETER SELLARS : Known everybody says that Mozart died so young .

  28. 这是我们的选择。放荡过活,英年早逝。

    This is our decision , to live fast and die young .

  29. 战争期间受的伤致使他英年早逝。

    His war injuries contributed to his early death .

  30. 他英年早逝令人悲哀。

    It 's tragic that he died so young .