
  • 网络Hero of Might and Magic;hero
  1. 这个脚本为英雄无敌添加了一个全新的维度。

    This script adds a whole new dimension to the game of heroes .

  2. 其次,我们决定保留英雄无敌系列受欢迎的派系概念。

    Then , we decided to keep the Factions that made the Heroes line so popular .

  3. 伟大的英雄无敌神鹰他的羽毛美过海上精灵

    Great heroic Mighty Eagle with finer plumage Than a seagull

  4. 最终版本的坦克外英雄无敌地图编辑器观会有所改变吗?

    Will the look of the siege tank be changed for the final version ?

  5. 魔法门之英雄无敌五中的魔法分为四大类,光明、黑暗、召唤和破坏。

    The magic in Heroes of Might & Magic V is currently divided in4 schools : light , dark , summoning and destructive .

  6. 你对英雄无敌系列的态度如何?你是否因致力于自己的开发而厌倦了它们?

    What 's your attitude towards heroes now ? Aren 't you bored with them , as a man devoting himself to their development ?

  7. 在将来的魔法门系列游戏中,我们将会处理由英雄无敌5里事件所引发的启示录。

    In the future M & M games , we will deal with the apocalyptic consequences of the main plot featured in Heroes 5 .

  8. 我想你忘了我玩吉他英雄时无敌的技巧

    Serena : I think you forgot to mention my superior " Guitar Hero " skills .