
  • 网络tskhinvali
  1. 塔利波夫说,他按时在茨欣瓦利市场出售货物。

    Talibov says he regularly sold goods in the Tskhinvali market .

  2. 这里不远处就是南奥塞梯,其首府茨欣瓦利在不到两公里之外的地方。

    Across here is South Ossetia - its capital Tskhinvali less than two kilometers up the road .

  3. 今年八月的战斗最先是从茨欣瓦利爆发的。当时,格鲁吉亚军队发动进攻,试图遏制俄罗斯支持的分离主义分子,并重新夺回南奥塞梯的控制权。

    It was events in Tskhinvali that sparked the fighting in August - when Georgian forces launched an attack to try to rein in Russian-backed separatists and regain control of the enclave .

  4. 他真的以为,俄罗斯会坐视不顾,听任他对沉睡中的茨欣瓦利城发动全面攻击,杀害数百名爱好和平的平民(其中大多数是俄罗斯公民)吗?

    Did he believe Russia would stand idly by as he launched an all-out assault on the sleeping city of Tskhinvali , murdering hundreds of peaceful civilians , most of them Russian citizens ?